Monday, August 19, 2019

T Stands For Cholita's

Before I show my drink of choice today, I want to share some gifts I received from my dear friend RO over the weekend.

Look at all these adorable gifts she sent me.

When I tried to color correct the kitty note pad still wrapped in plastic, this is what I got.  Believe me, it's far closer to the color of the package shown above.

Beautiful sayings and pieces I can use in my art are in this package.

Adorable tags and foam cut outs I can use this winter are shown here.

More beautiful tags and one of two penguin foam pieces are shown here.

And finally, a bookmark with facts about wolves on the back graces this photo.   Now for our regularly scheduled post.  But first, thank you beyond belief dear RO.  You are always far too kind to me!

I'm not sure why I chose this restaurant, since I have SO many more I like better, but maybe it's because I am still on a chili relleno kick.

The first time we came here was in 2011.  I was sure we had been here several times, but I could only find these, the last from February of this year.  Note the menu I photograph some time in the past.

Fast forward to the day we went in June and see a completely new menu.

As always, I got the Chili Rellenos, while Sally got Flautas, just like she did at La Chinita's I showed last week at T.

Their menu prices have gone up, but their facility is still the same rather dull and lifeless place it's always been.

I do not personally agree that this is the finest Mexican restaurant in Wichita.  It may be the highest priced, but the decor is old, the booths have been patched, the tables are wobbly, the carpet is dingy, and the food, although good, is not spectacular.

Your choice of drink.  I don't see where they offer free refills, though.

Mine is water with lemon.

I had to remember to quickly take photos before Sally had devoured a third of her meal while I was getting a good photo.

Imagine my surprise when I removed the photos from the camera and found the only good shot I got also had my camera strap in it.

It's now time for you to share your own drink related post.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.

26 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Lovely gifts from Ro, enjoy using them especially the tags! Sounds like you two had fun eating Mexican food again, although the restaurant doesn't sound so good from your description. You never get free refills at any places here, you have to pay for each glass or cup. And I know how it is to take photos of the strap, this has cost me many, many photos. Happy T Day, Valerie

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 2

Lovely gifts from Ro. I know you'll have fun using them. Photo strap in the picture? I often get my thumb in the photo, especially when I'm using my cell phone. Where is that dang lens anyway? Happy T-day! Eileen xx

Divers and Sundry said... 3

What wonderful gifts! I love the snowmen :)

I like Mexican food, and we're spoiled for choice here in Memphis. Your meals look good. I think I'd try the flautas, please :) Around here drinks come with re-fills unless the menu states otherwise. I can't remember the last time I paid for a drink refill for coffee or soft drinks.

Happy T Day!

Sharon Madson said... 4

Chocolita’a has always been one of our favorites, especially since it is a Mom & pop place. I think their prices are cheaper than the national chain ones. I love their quesadillas, and my hubby always gets the burritos. I agree it is not bright and flashy, but more like a hole in the wall place. LOL. Happy T Day, early. :)

Lisca said... 5

Oh you have been spoilt by RO. Such lovely gifts.
You like your mexican food don't you. I am learning so much about mexican food just by reading your blog. I don't eat mexican very often. We don't have mexican restaurants here so only on special occasions when our mexican friends invite us and cook something. I think I would try Sally's flautas. They look a bit like spring rolls. I bet they were lovely.
Happy T-Day,

Linda Kunsman said... 6

What wonderful gifts from your friend Ro. I know you'll put it all to good use too! Too bad your Mexican restaurant wasn't up to par- but the food looks quite good to me:) We have some very good restaurants in my area but we just don't go out to eat that often, and hubby isn't a great fan of Mexican like I am:( Feels good to be back in blogland again. Happy T day!

My name is Erika. said... 7

You've got me drooling with more Mexican food. I know you weren't happy with this place from other posts, but I guess you can always be hopeful. The food doesn't look bad, and I had to laugh about the camera strap. Nice gifts too. Happy mail is always a good thing, isn't it? Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

Susan Kane said... 8

We have several favorite Mexican restaurants we enjoy! Your plates look delicious.

All it needs is a flan.

pearshapedcrafting said... 9

Lovely gifts from Ro! Your meals do look good although I wouldn't know what real Mexican food tastes like as we only have a fast food type Mexican called Chiquitos..not sure how close they get, but I do like it there! Happy T Day, Hugs, Chris

Halle said... 10

Lovely gift! I'm with you with Mexican food...I could eat it nearly every day. In fact I did yesterday.

Kate Yetter said... 11

Some lovely gifts. I particularly love the kitty notepad and the wolf bookmark.
Your food looks yummy! Mexican is always a good choice in my opinion.
Happy Tea Day,

Meggymay said... 12

Enjoy your happy mail,they look lovely gifts from your friend Ro.
The Mexican food looks delicious. No restaurants where we live and I don' t think what I may make at home from a recipe would taste the same.
Happy T day wishes Elizabeth.
Yvonne xx

Let's Art Journal said... 13

What wonderful gifts! Those snowmen are super cute 😉. I love Mexican food but Mexican restaurants aren't that popular here, I often make breakfast burritos, enchiladas and fajitas though - yum! I hope you've had a good couple of weeks! Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

Words and Pictures said... 14

Happy happy mail, and happy food too... looks very tasty, despite the camera strap!
Alison x

kathyinozarks said... 15

Thank you-I soooo enjoyed the Yellowstone post!

Barbara said... 16

Lucky you, such treasures from a dear friend! Definitely yummy looking food, I didn’t notice a strap until I read your words. Your blog works for me, except I can’t get to it unless I open it in a new page. If I just click on it, your pages starts to load then stops halfway. Weird, but not a problem. It’s an easy workaround, just thought you’d want to know. I wonder if this happens for others.

CJ Kennedy said... 17

Awesome goodies. The snowmen are sooo cute, but I really love the wolf eyes. Too bad the restaurant price increases didn't include the ambiance and decor. At least the food was good. Happy T Day

Barbara said... 18

Elizabeth, I just read your comment on my blog post about “Making Silk Yarn” and have a few things to reply. First, thanks for taking an interest, and even reading more about it. You are a peach!
Yes, your fingernails, jewelry, rough skin, etc. will make working with silk hankies much harder. The silk filaments catch on everything! My favorite solution for that is to wear disposable nitrile gloves. You know, the one-size stretchies our doctors all wear. They work great! About the amount of yarn in one silk hankie, I actually have only used a very small amount of one hankie so far. Each package in my store that’s labeled “Silk Hankie” has many very thin layers of usable silk. It’s hard to count them, but I’m guessing there are probably 25 or more layers in that one package, which cost $6.00. The three yarns in my picture equaling your 19.5 feet are only one layer each. I’ll let you do the math, I’m awful at it!
Sorry to put so much text here, but I know you like it this way. I already commented on your post. Oh, forget I mentioned having a problem clicking to your blog. My bad, my settings were amiss.

Sandra said... 19

Oh yummy! I'm going to have to go fix supper. This makes me hungry.
I love all your gifts from Ro, especially the kitty notepad. I think we should keep her, don't you?:)

Anne (cornucopia) said... 20

I'm very late today Elizabeth. I'll be back later to leave comments for you and everyone. (I'm blaming Teddy. :-)

Anne (cornucopia) said... 21

Those are great gifts you received Elizabeth. I like seeing the snowmen. The kitty pad is wonderful. I like Mexican food so I was sorry to read your description of this one being dull and lifeless. The food looks good. (And our CT weather has been like yours: very hot and humid. Today no T-Storms, at least not yet.) Happy T-Day!

Caty said... 22

Ohhhh those gifts from Ro are Amazing Elizabeth !! Gorgeous all, adorable moments being creative this winter for sure.
Cholitas may be a very good mexican restaurant, the meals look delicious.
Happy T-day !! enjoy, and I wish you a very nice afternoon, big hugs,

Sami said... 23

I love Mexican food too.
Such beautiful gifts from RO. The winter snowmen tags are so cute :)

RO said... 24

YIKES! I'm a fan of Mexican food, but I think this one might be a pass from me this time around(lol) Glad you liked the goodies. Sorry for the delay in responding. I've been fighting what is now my 6th cold in 2019, which is totally the pits! Hope you're doing well! Hugs, RO

Lowcarb team member said... 25

Lovely Happy Mail, the gifts from Ro look great and those snowmen have a cuteness about them.

All the best Jan

Jeanie said... 26

What a good friend to send such lovely surprises! And the lunch sounds really yum!