Monday, May 13, 2019

T Stands for thoughtful happy mail gifts

Today I'm sharing happy mail gifts I received this past week.

Isn't this incredible?  Lisca, who is on holiday in Italy for the rest of the month, sent it to me.  Unfortunately, she doesn't believe she'll have a way to link today.  She told me she saw this postcard during her travels and, since it reminded her of me, she sent it to me.  I thought that was SO thoughtful.  Thank you so much, dear Lisca.

Since Lisca always shows the postage stamp that comes with her postcards, I thought I would do the same.  I just didn't realize she wouldn't be around to describe this lovely stamp I can't read. It's amazing that a postcard costs 1,50 euros, or (if my math is correct) about $1.68 (USD).  Checking with USPS, the cost is $1.15 (USD) or 1,02 euros to send a postcard to most places in the world.

Update: PLEASE see Lisca's comment about this postage stamp.  I found it very interesting.

This beautiful card with lovely painted peonies on the front, was sent to me by my dear friend Patty S.  I'm sure we all miss her in blogland and for T each Tuesday, but I'm told she is on Instagram.  However, since I don't have a cell phone, I have no way to share photos or join that social media site.

On the other hand, she never fails to remember our time spent over T each week.  She shared a lovely note and also this incredible Index Card, one of which she created for the 2018 ICADs.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear Patty.  We miss you.

BTW, that's a subtle hint I'll be joining ICAD (see link for this year's information) again this year, too, thanks to a reminder by my friend Cindy.

This is the stamp on Patty's card.  I couldn't make it out, so went to USPS to learn it's John Lennon.  However, the cancellation mark made it nearly impossible to view.

It's now time for you to share your own drink related post.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.

32 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Lovely postcards and stamps, enjoy! So kind of Lisca and Patty! Happy T Day, Valerie

johanna said... 2

there are so many postal stamps out there, and very beautiful ones. it´s a pity they overstamped john lennons face so you can´t identify him any longer. and yes, the postal fees here in germany are quite high and will be increased even more next month... i would not moan if they only were reliable... but i´ve lost quite some envelopes recently to the nirvana, so i don´t like to send post any longer...
happy t-day, elizabeth:)

Divers and Sundry said... 3

Happy Mail! Yes, such beautiful offerings. I'm not on Instagram either. I mean, you can't do _everything_, after all lol

Eileen Bergen said... 4

How sweet and thoughtful of Lisca and Patty.

Postage is comparatively cheap in Mexico; but there are no guarantees when your mail mail will arrive if ever, as some of my T-lady friends can attest. For example, Christmas cards air-mailed in early November might arrive the following March. lol.

Happy T-day, Elizabeth! Eileen xx

Meggymay said... 5

Lovely Happy Mail Elizabeth. The post card from Lisca with the Fairground horse looks super. The stamps also look lovely, the stamps usually get marked by the post office here as well.
It was good to read and that Patty is still creating beautiful art projects.
Happy T day wishes Elizabeth .
Yvonne xx

Lisca said... 6

Great my card has arrived! The stamp is in honor of the Spanish diplomatic service. The Latin slogan translates: We are emassadors of the homeland in such a way that the homeland speaks to you through us.
Yes, postage is expensive here. And it goes up every April.
Patty’s mail is lovely too. I love the tag she made. And I absolutely love the John Lennon stamp. I could recognize him even with the heavy cancellation stamp.
I hope you have finished bailing out your basement. You don’t mention that or how Sally is. I suppose we shall hear it all in due time.
Happy T-Day,
Ps. I’m pleased I’ve been able to link up

My name is Erika. said... 7

I miss Patty's posts. I don't do instagram because you can spend all your time on social media and I like the relationships you make blogging. But anyhow, I am glad she remembered you and sent you such a nice T day card. Nice tea theme. And good to know she is doing well as when people stop blogging you might now know why. And nice of Lisca to think of you with the cool card. It is perfect for you. This is a fun T day post. Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday. hugs-Erika

Kate Yetter said... 8

That postcard is so you with that beautiful carousal horse. And the cards you received are beautiful.
I love browsing Instagram but I rarely post. I find it so difficult to keep up with all the social media platforms these days. That and it requires more times than I am willing to spend.
Happy Tea Day,

Mia said... 9

You are really blessed to have such wonderful friends, Elizabeth! I love the beautiful cards you received. Hugs, sweetie.

Helen said... 10

what lovely gifts, I love the postcard from Lisca Glad you caught up with the most recent Kew post, after your hard work with the water in your basement (good news there) but the beds changed at lot in 2 weeks as I think you missed the previous week too; lol! have a good week and hope the mold stays away. xx

sheila 77 said... 11

Hello Elizabeth. Great gifts, thanks for sharing them with us. You deserve every one of them. I hope you stay in Blogland and don't run off to Instagram like so many other gone-bloggers. Blogging has so much more depth to it, IMO.
I hope you are getting on top of the floods and water damage.
Love from Sheila. Douglas says "Hi" to Bleubeard and Squiggles.

Valerie-Jael said... 12

The black swan evidently had a wing injury and was taken into 'care' to heal it. I was happy to see him back, too. Valerie

Anne (cornucopia) said... 13

It's always nice to receive a surprise in the mail. Your mail gifts are lovely. That's a great looking carousel horse. The flower cards are beautiful. The ICAD challenge sounds like fun. Happy T-Day Elizabeth and Bleubeard!

froebelsternchen said... 14

You have friends who are lightworkes as you are! Beautiful!
All these social media are nice - but nothing better for me than blogging! The noblest art of social media for me and my blogging friends are the best!

Happy T-Day my dear Elizabeth!
Hope the water has gone my poor girl!

Thinking of you!


J said... 15

Hi Elizabeth, such a shame they stamped over John Lennon but what a great stamp.
A lovely note card with the teacup, so pretty and the postcard from Lisca is so bright, great colours too. Our DIL in SF used to make their own stamps with the family pictures on! We actually made some once when we were over.
Have a great week, hope your problems with the weather have finished, there's nothing more worrying that floods in the house.
Take care
Jan x

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said... 16

Wow, I love that postcard from Italy! And I also like the John Lennon stamp. All of these were nice, but those two stood out for me. Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day!

kathyinozarks said... 17

Beautiful postcard and stamp from Lisca! wow that is quite expensive to mail too. and loved your other gift and stamps too.
So happy you got ahead a bit with the basement clean up-wow what a job for sure-we found water flowing into the little outdoor tool shed up at the lake last week-sigh-so another water issue to resolve. Hope you don't get too much more rain-we are suppose to finally warm up here in a couple days.
thanks so much for visiting-I didn't share a T post as I will be working up at the lake house today and didn't think I would have time to really visit witheveryone. Happy T Hugs Kathy

Darla said... 18

Snail mail is so much fun! I always examine every bit of the stamps and cancellations. Nice you heard from friends. I don't do Instagram either. Heck, I barely blog anymore. Can miss your tea parties though.

CJ Kennedy said... 19

Beautiful mail. The carousel horse is so you. You can upload photos from your computer to Instagram even though Instagram was made for a mobile device. This YouTube tutorial explains everything.

Happy T Day!

Jeanie said... 20

Wonderful birthday treats and cards! Especially the ones made just for you. And loved the horse, too. I have those Lennon stamps -- I love them!

I was glad to get your comment and hear that your basement has finally dried out and yay-- no mold! That's the best news. Three cheers.

Sandra said... 21

What wonderful surprises. You can't beat good buds:)
That postcard is just stunning.

Divers and Sundry said... 22
This comment has been removed by the author.
Let's Art Journal said... 23

What wonderful happy mail! The postcard is perfect and I love the pretty index card - stunning 😁. I miss Patty too, her art is so inspirational and she is such a lovely person! Patty is the one who suggested I join you for T Day which I am forever grateful for, I love spending time with you and the T Gang every week! Sending you Happy T Day wishes! J 😊 x

da tabbies o trout towne said... 24

Elizabeth; it's always fun to get mail; gifts and post cards, as well as a piece of good ole snail mail. The gifts and cards you received are great !! You are blessed with some amazing friends :) ♥♥

Sharon Madson said... 25

It is still Tuesday! LOL, just late! You got so many nice things in the mail for your birthday. What fun! That post card is perfect for you! Have a great rest of T Day!

pearshapedcrafting said... 26

Those cards are beautiful are the stamps! Happy T Day Chrisx

Lowcarb team member said... 27

That is indeed Happy Mail.
Love the postcard and stamp.

All the best Jan

aussie aNNie said... 28

Lovely post and how sweet to be sent lovely postcards. big hugs.xx

RO said... 29

When I look at all these lovely postcards and stamps, I'm reminded of how I used to collect postcards from everywhere, and I have a friend originally born in France, and lives ere now, who travels around the world quite frequently, and used to find some of the most unique. I have to admit that it seems hard to find postcards around here these days. So cool to have artsy friends from around the world who send you such cool and one of a kind gifts. Hugs...RO

Nancy said... 30

What treasures! The colors in the carousel are so striking- a very compelling image.

Sami said... 31

Beautiful stamps you got on your cards, what a pity John Lennon's face was blocked.
I like your 10th anniversary card Elizabeth.

Caty said... 32

Your happy mails are wonderful Elizabeth !! the horse postcard is amazing, totally for you ! and the postage stamps are gorgeous, yes, they are expensive here in Spain, and I have a nice collection of them, because I love stamps too. But, I don´t know if you collect stamps or not ?
I wish you a very Happy belated T-day dear friend, so Sorry I´m late :(
I also wish you a nice afternoon, and send big hugs,