Monday, January 7, 2019

T Stands For a T Tuesday Review and a sneak peek

Here are what I consider the best of the best for 2018.  Let's begin.


St. Paul's annual fundraiser: chicken noodle dinner.


Breakfast at Jimmy's Egg after Sally had surgery.


I made sun tea in the rain and fog, thus proving you don't need sunshine to make sun tea.


This was a no-brainer.  I dyed muslin using the sun tea teabags from the previous week.

However, I had to add a second T post to April, because Susi's gift I opened at the Chinese restaurant was over the top.  You can see Sally's water in the first photo, my water with lemon in the lower middle and last photos, and Sally who kindly held the book Susi made me while I photographed it.


I had to share these wonderful birthday gifts I received along with my coffee.


This was actually a toss-up between this T post about coffee

and my foodie friend Sally's and my trip to Town and Country Restaurant.  As I explained when I wrote the post:
I would hate to bring anyone on a gluten free diet, another vegetarian, or a vegan to this restaurant.  Even though this is the largest city in the state, we still have not learned that some people require special diets, or prefer something other than meat with their meals.  As a vegetarian, I could get a grilled cheese sandwich, but even the salads have meat and cheese in them.  No vegan would EVER step foot in here, but this place was buzzing, even at 2 p.m., when most restaurants are dead.

It was time to party and celebrate our fifth annual T party by exchanging ATCs within our own countries.


This was a toss-up because I hosted Art Journal Journey and fell in love with this coffee page.

I also liked this one, since after I created it for T Tuesday, it reminded me of Alice in Wonderland.


Although it's hard to tell, Sally and I went to Newton, KS and ate a German style buffet at The Breadbasket.


On this blustery day we ventured into Two Brothers BBQ.


T was served at my dining room table with books that had been cut with a scroll saw.  In the background are gourds and tiny pumpkins I got at a pumpkin patch.


Once I got my sewing machine working again, this became my favorite entry.

I hope you enjoyed this annual review.  By now, I'm sure you know the drill.  It's time to share your own drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year. 

I realize I promised to share the absolutely incredible gifts I received, but I am going to wait till next Tuesday for this.  However, I will provide you with a small sneak peek at two of my gifts.

Have I piqued (or sneak peeked) your interest?  I promise that all will be revealed next Tuesday, dear friends and T participants.

27 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Great to see all those lovely photos again, I can still remember them all well! Happy T day, Valerie

johanna said... 2

i enjoyed the review and i´m with you: sage, rosmary and thyme are my favorite, too! maybe you should copy it and print it as a card for further invitations!
happy 2019!!! up to many more great t-days!

chrissie said... 3

A great revue Elizabeth. You work so hard with all of your posts to give us something to enjoy

Have a very happy t day

Love Chrissie xx

Eileen Bergen said... 4

"It was a very good year" (imagine Frank Sinata singing in your ear), Elizabeth. I remember all of these moments. I especially love the scroll saw heart book and the VHB tape you got for your birthday. These are just two of the wonderful things you introduced me to in 2018.

Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

Lisca said... 5

What a nice selection. It was great to be reminded of your posts from last year. I recognized most of them.
And then the tease of a sneak peak.... I will just have to wait till next week.
Happy T-day,

Meggymay said... 6

It was good to see your review photos from last year. You visited some great restaurants and I remember your August post with the food advertising poster and thought how some of the products seemed so much more affordable in the USA.
You have caught mt attention with the sneak peek and look forward to the reveal.
Happy T day wishes Elizabeth.
Yvonne xx

kathyinozarks said... 7

Enjoyed the 2018 recap
Happy T Hugs Kathy

Divers and Sundry said... 8

What a great overview of your year. So many happy memories :)

Mia said... 9

Great year review, Elizabeth. I wish you many many gorgeous crafts this year. I am really curious for the gifts you received!!! Hugs, my friend.

Linda Kunsman said... 10

Happy New Year Elizabeth! I love the whole review but I must say that the last one of the glasses of seltzer is my fave:) Hope you enjoyed a wonderful holiday. Looking forward to seeing all the lovely things you were gifted with. It feels so good to be back. Happy T day!

Jeanie said... 11

It's fun checking out your best and favorites but MY favorite remains the pink champagne glasses -- the last one! One of my ALL TIME favorites!

Rita said... 12

That was fun! Was a good year. :)

Halle said... 13

Sneak peeks always have us guessing...or is that just me?
Happy T day!

My name is Erika. said... 14

It was a good year for T, wasn't it? Love your look back.I remember all these posts but it is always good to see them a second time. Hope you have a fabulous T day! and I am waiting to see some of that art your are sneak peeking today. That second one has me curious. Hugs-Erika

Darla said... 15

Your picks of the year were so much fun to look through. Obviously you keep busy with your craft. That's an interesting sneak peek, will be back to see the reveal next week.

CJ Kennedy said... 16

A wonderful year in review. I'm looking forward (as I always do) to next week's T Day when we can peek at your gifts. Happy T Day

Let's Art Journal said... 17

Such a lovely trip down memory lane with all your fabulous T Day posts from 2018! It's a great mixture of photos and artwork and I remember the chicken noodle dinner you had, was that really a year ago, where does the time go 😉. I can't wait to see the reveal, the fabric mug looks amazing 😁. Wishing you a very happy T Tuesday! J 😊 x

Eileen Bergen said... 18

Hi Elizabeth. I'm just stepping by to answer the questions in your comment. Yes I did take the picture standing in front of a mirror. My arm's not long enough for full body selfies. I wrote that the glove was on my left hand. You read it and saw "right" in your confusion (grin).

Sandra Cox said... 19

You have piqued my interest:)
And your mementos for each month of 2018...purrfect.
Have a great one, dear Elizabeth.

froebelsternchen said... 20

And wow - how much I enjoyed this annual review! A fantastic look back into a wonderful blogging T-Day year with you!I can't wait to see the reveal of the gifts!

I didn't know that those popsicle stamps smell... how cool ist this?! Have a great T-Day evening dear freind!
Big hugs, Susi

Linda Kunsman said... 21

Got your message about your sewing machine being out of commission- no worries- but it must be very frustrating for someone who loves adding stitching like you do. Hope you can have it in working order soon:)

da tabbies o trout towne said... 22

I really like the December entry as well Elizabeth and whole heartily agree with more menu choices; especially in this day and age. I'm veggie and it is hard to walk into a restaurant and find something appealing other than the standard salad then say "hold everything". I don't even like going out to eat anymore; I can buy a lettuce PATCH for the prices they want for salad and it's basically ...just that....lettuce, by the time I'm done telling them what to withhold !!

Krisha said... 23

What a wonderful re-cap of 2018.
Gee, I missed so much :(
Happy T-day

Birgit said... 24

Love seeing all the places you like to go to and since I love my meat, I would have no problem in that restaurant. I love that journal you received and your craft room is so eclectic-love the cat in the background all dressed up. some great shots

Kate Yetter said... 25

I loved seeing your review, Elizabeth. I can't believe that a whole year has passed as I remember all of your projects. My favorite has to be the coffee page with the stitching from August. I am looking forward to seeing your goodies received next week.
Happy Tea Day,

pearshapedcrafting said... 26

It seems I am getting to be an expert at arriving late - fell asleep on the sofa earlier SSHH!! I love seeing your T review with your favourites! Happy T day! Chrisxx

Eileen Bergen said... 27

Hi Elizabeth,

I got your latest comment and am just glad you got my Christmas card somewhere close to the holiday. On Jan. 10, I sent the following email (forgetting that the email address I have is no good - fholutions ...). So of course it wasn't delivered.

"Maybe I missed it on your blog, but have you received my Christmas card yet? Everyone else has - even in Europe. I would hate to think that you - of all people - didn't get yours.

I appreciate everything you do and am very pleased to know you


I checked my email inbox and trash as well as the comments on my blog for notes from you about the card. Nada. Very frustrating. But all's well that ends well ;-) Hugs