Monday, December 3, 2018

T Stands For Trees amd Treats

For T today, Bleubeard and I are joining Art Journal Journey where our theme are Favorite Season or 'Tis the Season. Bleubeard and I are also joining Moo-Mania and More with their theme Trees.

But first, we have to drink our eggnog.  I love it, some of my friends do not.  Bleubeard isn't fond of it, either.

As you can see, these are my very first tip-ins for 2018.  I've only created one front (which is on the right), but have stamped all the backs (on the left).  I call this 'Tis the season for trees of friendship.

I hope to find time to work on them tomorrow, but it's looking less likely since I have an appointment, a couple of errands to run, then I'm going to lunch with my foodie friend Sally.  The tip-ins are 5.5 X 8.5 inches (13,97 X 21,59 centimeters).

For now, I'll leave you with the dregs of my eggnog and compliment CJ for reminding me about her Thanksgiving goblets looking a lot like mine.  I also have gotten out my holiday dinnerware, which is called Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe.

It's now time for you to share your own drink related post.  Feel free to discuss anything. Your post may include photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, fiber art, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Then, please link your story below.  The photos don't have to be taken on Tuesday, and can relate to anything with a drink.  Please use the direct link to your T post, not your blog in general, so we can find you easily.

Thanks for sharing some time here today, and Bleubeard and I also hope to see you at both Art Journal Journey and Moo-Mania and More.

23 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

The main thing is that you liked your eggnog! Lovely trees, too. Have a fun day with Sally tomorrow. Happy T Day, Valerie

johanna said... 2

beautiful tip-ins... cool idea with the color-cards. have a nice day out with sally:) happy t-day!

chrissie said... 3

Very beautiful trees in your artwork today Elizabeth and such a wonderful goblet for your eggnog.

Have a great T Day

Love Chrissie xx

Meggymay said... 4

Your eggnog goblet looks beautiful Elizabeth, but I would have to pass on the drink. I am sure you will have enjoyed it as it sounds like it is a favourite of yours.
The tree tip in pages look awesome and so does the way you added the stitching.
Happy T day wishes Elizabeth, Bleubeard and Squiggles.
Yvonne xx

Eileen Bergen said... 5

16 consecutive years of tip-ins - wow! I love your tree tip-ins, Elizabeth. Who doesn't like egg nog? I'd love to join you.

Happy T-day! Eileen xoxo

Lisca said... 6

Yes, I have come to share your eggnog with you. And I must say your goblet is exquisite.
I love the idea of trees of friendship. Lovely tip-ins, with a clever use of colour samples.
Have a great time with Sally. I'm sure you will be taking pictures to share with us another time. Please ask Sally to smile for us. That would be wonderful.
Happy T-Day,

CJ Kennedy said... 7

Lovely trees. I like the true blue color you selected for the backs. I find the goblet makes me feel regal and a fitting vessel for eggnog. Love the stuff. Happy T Day!

kathyinozarks said... 8

I love eggnog-I have not had any yet this year-and I really love your trees
Happy T Hugs Kathy

Divers and Sundry said... 9

Eggnog? No, thank you. But I'm enjoying your trees with my hot drink :) Happy T Day!

Linda Kunsman said... 10

Aah, we do like a bit of eggnog during the Christmas season:) I love your trees-the stitching is such a nice touch-and the trees look like they're cut from paint swatches-which is so clever! Enjoy your day, and happy T day!

aussie aNNie said... 11

You always have an interesting post...not one for the drink though. Love the tips.xx

Jeanie said... 12

I love the idea of trees of friendship. The invitation is lovely!

My name is Erika. said... 13

Those are pretty formal glasses. I haven't yet gotten any eggnog this year, but I do like it. I'm not sure I remember the pattern on these dishes although you have shown us before. It's fun to decorate and get in a festive mood, in't it? And nice tip-in theme. Happy T day my friend. hugs-Erika

Halle said... 14

I love your tip-ins. I'm sure I've said this before but those glasses are the exact ones my mom always brought out for the fancy meals at our house. The ones where you had full place settings with water goblet, coffee/teacup etc. Good memory. <3 Thanks for that!!

RO said... 15

I remember years and years ago drinking eggnog with lots of other goodies mixed in(lol), now, I like to dink it plain or mixed with a little coffee. That goblet looks very elegant, and I love it. Tip ins are pretty cool and festive. Hope all is well with you! Hugs...RO

Let's Art Journal said... 16

Just stopped by to wish you a Happy T Day and say that I'm unable to join you this week. My Dad had heart surgery last week and as such I haven't had the time or the energy to blog or get creative. He is doing ok now after a few complications which is a relief. Hope all is well with you and wishing you and the T Gang a very Happy T Day! J 😊 x

froebelsternchen said... 17

Wonderful tip ins - so clever made! You know how happy you made me with linking not just to AJJ but to Moo Mania & More as well! Thank you dear Elizabeth! Happy T-Day!!!
You have your x-mas dinner ware out already as well - great!
Eggnog is always delicious!
Have a great day out tomorrow!
Hope you don't mind my absence - ♥♥♥ thank you for your sympathy and understanding!
Hugs, Susi

Anne (cornucopia) said... 18

Lovely Christmas tree card. And I love eggnog too.

pearshapedcrafting said... 19

As usual your table looks fabulous with that beautiful goblet in place! Love your tip ins! Hope you are having a great T day! Hugs,Chrisx

Sandra Cox said... 20

I'm with Bleubeard. I've never been able to get past the raw eggs in eggnog.
I LOVE the created by:)
Have a day filled with sparkle and good will.

Kate Yetter said... 21

I love your tress and the stitching. Beautiful! I also like eggnog :)
Happy Tea Day,

Rosie said... 22

A wonderful post

Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

EricaSta said... 23

Happy T-Day and happy MooMania! Your Artwork is lovely - and I didnˋt drink eggnog too...