Monday, November 12, 2018

T Stands For My Autumn Dining Room Table

Welcome to autumn at my dining room table.  Not much in the way of decorating, I'm afraid.  After I got rid of the Halloween decorations, the room felt very bare.  But I think I'm ready for a bit of minimal before the Christmas decorations come out the day after Thanksgiving.

Recently, Eileen and I had a bit of internet conversation about cutting books in various shapes.

I suggested using a band saw to cut the books to the shape and size of your choice.  Yes, that is my arm and camera you see in shadow.  The deli paper you see in two of the books is there because I use the books to press flowers and leaves.

This is what the house book looks like opened.

One heart book closed, 

and one heart book opened and prepped.

So get out those band saws, plug them in, and go to town creating a shaped book to alter.  Then share a favorite drink with someone to celebrate your accomplishment.

As an aside, I brought my lavender in, hoping it will make it through the winter.

I did the same with my rosemary and whatever this plant is, too.  I left all my mint, cilantro, fennel, and dill outside to overwinter.  I'm hoping they make it through the winter again this year.

It's now time for you to share your own drink related post.  Feel free to discuss anything. Your post may include photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, fiber art, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Then, please link your story below.  The photos don't have to be taken on Tuesday, and can relate to anything with a drink.  Please use the direct link to your T post, not your blog in general, so we can find you easily.

For Day 13, I created a drink related link up party and shared it with Art Every Day Month (AEDM).

29 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Interesting books. Your table looks good, very elegant. Happy T Day, Valerie

johanna said... 2

i never used a band saw myself, but i´m VERY impressed with these shapes you created! wow!! happy t-day!

chrissie said... 3

The books look fantastic Elizabeth but I would be too afraid to use a band saw

A very beautiful cup and saucer in all white.

Have a very happy T day

Love Chrissie xx

Meggymay said... 4

What a fantastic idea to cut a shape into an old book. I wonder what my OH may have in his tool store that would work for me. I jest as I would have to ask him to do the cutting and he would probably think I was even more craft crazy than usual.
Your autumn decorated table looks lovely.
Happy T day wishes Elizabeth.
Yvonne xx

Eileen Bergen said... 5

I'm in awe, Elizabeth. The books are amazing! What a delight to press leaves and flowers inside a house-shaped book. Do you have/rent a band saw or do you have someone cut the books for you? I'm thinking I could find a local carpenter to do some for me.

I did simple Autumn decorating including the altered book pumpkin you saw. So no need to change things up until after Thanksgiving. OMGosh, that's next week! Thanks for the link to me ;-)

We have a Rosemary bush in our yard. I love the luxury of cutting off a few sprigs when I cook. The fresh flavor really adds a special touch.

Happy T-day! Eileen

Lisca said... 6

What a lovely autumn decoration. So very elegant.
I'm really impressed with your books. The shapes you have been able to cut them is. The house, the heart. Fab! But I think I would be a bit nervous about using a band saw....
That is a beautiful lavander. They don't like frost, so this one might actually like it indoors. And if you re-pot it at some stage (bigger pot) it will grow even bigger next spring.
Happy T-Day,

aussie aNNie said... 7

Great idea with the book, adventurously great. Lovely post and always of interest to me..xx

Linda Kunsman said... 8

Lovely and soothing decor. I love the shaped books-always have- but I can just see my hubby's face if I'd ask him to cut one for me;).He's so busy in his spare time doing his carpentry craft for the house and other things in addition to exercising, running, biking, and keeping up with the outdoor maintenance.
I'm a bit surprised you took the lavender in. I have a large bush in the ground that stays put and every year I get a beautiful profusion of sprigs. My neighbor keeps her rosemary in the ground too- but sometimes it makes it and sometimes not. Well, your rocking horse is keeping an eye on yours so I'm sure it will be fine:) Happy T day!

Halle said... 9

Super cool books. Hope your rosemary does better over winter than mine ever has.
Happy T day!

pearshapedcrafting said... 10

Love your decorations - those gourds do the trick for me!! I do so love your with a,no, no!!! I hope you can keep your plants happy until Springtime! Happy T day, Hugs, Chrisx

Kate Yetter said... 11

I love the idea of cutting books into shapes with a band saw. Your house book looks fabulous! I hope that your plants weather well in your house. I have tried keeping rosemary alive two different times in my house but killed them both. It is such a finicky plant.
Happy Tea Day,

My name is Erika. said... 12

I'm going minimalist decor too until the Christmas things come out. I like your gourds. I have nothing fall seasonal out right now, just the usual things. And it is fun to make shaped books. I haven't cut any for ages, well I should say I just ask the hubby to cut them on his saw. Not that I couldn't do it, but he is rather protective of his tool collection. I like the house one. That's a really fun idea. Hope we get to see some of these worked on soon. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

Rita said... 13

Bandsawing a book! Now that's something I never thought of--LOL!

Your plants look good. I hope they do well inside. The lavender must smell so good! :)

Helen said... 14

I don't own any power tools so can't take to any books but that's a great idea, neatly executed. Hope your herbs survive the winter.

Cath Wilson said... 15

Love your books and the table is GORGEOUS! The grain in that wood is sublime!

Lovely to see a little of your home, too. You obviously love your plants... I'm leaving all mine outside but most of them are hardy, so they should be okay. My lavenders certainly are... but they're not as pretty as yours.

Happy T Day, Elisabeth.

Cath x

kathyinozarks said... 16

Oh wow, what a nifty idea to cut books into shapes-I don't know if I could manage that though-I am not good with power tools but I love heart book especially.
I forgot to cover my lavender with straw before our two very very cold nights-it usually winters over for me though.
Your herbs looks so healthy too Happy T

Sami said... 17

Your Autumn table looks very pretty Elizabeth.
I had never thought that books could be cut into shapes, what a great idea.
Love the heart shaped one :)

Let's Art Journal said... 18

Wow, what amazing altered books! I bet you had fun using the band saw to make them 😉. That's such a pretty cup and saucer too. Wishing you a very Happy T Tuesday! J 😊 x
p.s. glad you were able to leave comments again - yay! J x

CJ Kennedy said... 19

You set a pretty harvest table. Cutting a book into a shape is really altering the book. So cool! Happy T Day

Cindy McMath said... 20

Very pretty bookis! I have one I bought in the UK that is cut in the shape of an ampersand. :)

Darla said... 21

That is a great way to shape a book. Me and a band saw though? Maybe not. Perhaps I could get DH to do that part. Meanwhile your fall table inspires me to go clear mine off and set out something with a fall theme.

Caty said... 22

Woooww Your autumn table is wonderful Elizabeth !! Love it, and love the so beautiful shapes of the b ooks, this house is great ! Your cup is gorgeous too. Love the plants, and the rocking horses !!
Happy T day ! and big hugss, Caty

Divers and Sundry said... 23

Ah, the handy band saw lol, which I'll hafta admit I've never seen one of lol. I love what you can do with it, though, taking altered books to a new level :)

I used pumpkins and gourds for Halloween this year and didn't get out dedicated Halloween ornaments at all. I'll leave the Autumn decorations up through Thanksgiving and then -like you- will decorate for Christmas that next day.

My lavender has survived outside in the ground for a few years so far, but I'll be interested in helpful hints to keep it inside when I have young plants. My rue died this year, and I'll be looking for fennel to replace it with for the butterflies. I hear it's hardier. My rosemary is fending for itself in a pot outside. It won't survive, but it doesn't survive when I bring it in, either, so there's that lol I can't tell what that plant is... a ponytail palm maybe? Some kind of dracena? I'm going to follow comments on this post in case someone knows :)

Happy T Tuesday!

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said... 24

What an interesting idea to cut the books in shapes. But I would have a hard time cutting up a book. I just couldn't do it.

froebelsternchen said... 25

Wow - those books are stunning! Absolutely super!
Happy T-Day dear Elizabeth!
Hugs, Susi

Sandra Cox said... 26

I just love the little, uniquely-shaped squash. Purrfect representatives of fall.
I love lavender and rosemary. Everything stays outside at my house. Survival of the fittest. Heh.(And I'm further south.) I do need to mulch more though. My lavender held on but it wasn't nearly as big and fit as last year. Yours looks lovely.

Barbara said... 27

Get out my band saw? I don’t even know what a band saw looks like, and I’m a klutz with tools. I do love what you did to the books with it though. I also brought my lavender inside also, but if current condition is a predictor, yours will make it and mine won’t. Lol. Thanks for your blog visit and commenting on my painting.

Jeanie said... 28

Those carved books are pretty amazing. Bet you have to be careful doing it but the end result is great.

I love your table. Good luck with your lavender. I'm going to try but I'm not terribly optimistic -- things die faster in my house than they do outside!

craftytrog said... 29

I love the shaped books Elizabeth, and your table decoration is beautiful!
Alison xxx