Monday, October 29, 2018

T Stands For Two Brothers BBQ

Before we begin, it appears that at least a part of Europe has returned to Standard Time.  Here in the states, we are still on Daylight Savings Time, and will be for the next two weeks.  Although I will continue to post every Monday afternoon at 4 p.m. my time, just be aware I am still on Daylight time, while most of Europe is now on Standard time.

Recently, my foodie friend Sally wanted to go to Two Brothers BBQ and Burger Grill. 

I knew this would mean MEAT!  RO would love this place!

The menu was on the wall where you ordered.  A rather non-classy place for the rather classy prices.

It's amazing what people use to decorate their restaurants

when they are trying to set themselves apart from other similar places.

All these photos were behind glass, and I had trouble photographing them.  I have no idea where these places are, or what they represent, but they apparently hold some importance to the owners or the location.  Yes, I'm that short.

I took several photos of these, but this was the only one that was even partially legible.  I should NEVER take photos of anything behind glass where there are windows and lighting in the background.

Sally and I both got water.  Actually, we were given glasses and filled our own.  I don't like ice in my drinks, so that was a happy coincidence for me.

Sally had already gotten her burger and had paid me for her share of the bill when I got back with my order.  You pick up your meal at the counter, so you didn't have to deal with wait staff.

I promise not to show what I had, but it looked surprisingly like Sally's meal, except I put lots of BBQ sauce on mine and NO ketchup.  My friend RO would be in hamburger/cheeseburger heaven here.

It's now time for you to share your own drink related post.  Feel free to discuss anything. Your post may include photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Then, please link your story below.  The photos don't have to be taken on Tuesday, and can relate to anything with a drink.  Please use the direct link to your T post, not your blog in general, so we can find you easily.

Since this is the last Tuesday in October, I would be remiss if I didn't remind you to be digging up your Second Look for the 2nd of next month.  I encourage you to play, because all you have to do is share a post you have shown in the past.  It can be any genre, any length, as long as it has been shown sometime in the past on your blog.

23 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Looks like you had a fun meal in a rather strange place. Hope you enjoyed whatever you had. Happy T Day, Valerie

CJ Kennedy said... 2

While I've seen lots of Americana kitsch in restaurants, I've never seen an old-style gasoline pump that is cool. This looks like a great place to eat. Happy T Day

Divers and Sundry said... 3

Because it was BBQ I had to know more, so I googled them and I'd love to try their ribs. Fried okra is something I'm always happy to find on a menu :) Yummmm! 4 locations, so there's sure to be one close. I'm already a fan :)

Happy T Tuesday!

kathyinozarks said... 4

Looks like a fun place to grab a burger and fries.
I was so glad to read that you got to enjoy the weekend going on hay ride and looking at pumpkins and gourds-I haven't done that in forever-and always so fun-autumn is my most favorite time of year now. this week here we are in full fall colors
Happy T

johanna said... 5

that gasoline pump caught my eyes immediately... so cool!
happy t-day:)

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 6

You must be feeling well again, Elizabeth (thank goodness), if you can eat greasy BBQ food ;-) It's funny how restaurants can jack up prices for decor that looks similar to many other paces. My guess it's for people like me who need conversation starters. I'm glad you had a nice outing with Sally. The prices are sometimes worth it.

Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

Meggymay said... 7

This looks a really interesting place to eat out. The petrol'gasoline pump looked as if it had been restored well.
I read the menu and it looked full of delicious food. You mentioned the prices and I still wonder where I could get that kind of value for money and variety of food in one restaurant here in the UK.
Happy T day wishes Elizabeth.
Yvonne xx

Linda Kunsman said... 8

funny how the places you share do have many similar characteristics and decor. I am so with you on not wanting ice with my drinks-I always have to request that:) Those prices don't look bad at all to me but then I'm certain our prices are generally higher in the NE states. Happy T day!

Lisca said... 9

That looks like an interesting menu. I am a meat eater so that figures. I did like the petrol pump, beautifully restored, in the restaurant. Perhaps this place started out as a filling station. Who knows...
Seeing your glass of water has made me thirsty, so I am off to get some myself.
Have a good week,

pearshapedcrafting said... 10

I don't mind pork or chicken in a burger but I just do not like beef so I would be looking at the chicken menu!
I don't like ice in my water - unless it is a really hot day so this sounds like the place for me! Hope you are better now! Hugs, Chrisx

Halle said... 11

That looks like a cool place. Loved the sign made with license plates. I spied two letters from a Minnesota plate. :)
I just remembered about your watermark dilemma. I'm pretty sure its still there. I'll walk you through again soon.
Happy T day!

Kate Yetter said... 12

Burgers joints are so fun! My favorite burger placeis Red Robin. We love the food and have never been disappointed. Sally's burger looks yummy and has me drooling at the moment.
Happy Tea Day,

My name is Erika. said... 13

So how was the food? You ate the whole thing so it must have not been too awful. The menu looks good to me for an occasional meal out. I think gas pumps are hot items right now too, but I think it works for a burger and barbecue place. Not trying to be sexist but it is kind of man style food, well woman food too but definitely something lots of guys would want. Have a great T day my friend. Hugs-Erika

Darla said... 14

I only eat a burger about twice a year so I'm pretty picky about where I go to get one. The menu looks good, lots of choices. Pulled pork is a favorite of mine. The prices in general look cheaper than the same items here. Nice that you and Sally continue to have your outings together.

Sharon Madson said... 15

I haven't eaten there in years! When they first opened like 15 years ago or something! We will have to try again, although we are partial to Hog Wild! :)
I didn't know they served burgers, though. I think they had a buffet, a pricy one at that the time we went. We do love pulled port though. Happy T Day!

chrissie said... 16

Looks like an interesting place to get a burger Elizabeth and nice that they gave you a jug of water to wash it down.

Nice to join you again for your T Day

Have a happy one

Love Chrissie xx

Sami said... 17

I like the petrol pump in the restaurant :)

Let's Art Journal said... 18

Looks such a cool place to eat, the old gasoline pump is such fun! I hope you and Sally enjoyed your meals 😀. Wishing you a happy T Day! J 😊 x

froebelsternchen said... 19

A fun restaurant for sure! Great interior decoration there - the gasoline pump is a hit !
Hope you are feeling well again, but I worry about it as you don't give an all-clear signal, so I fear you still suffer poorly Elizabeth! Take good care of you!

Big hugs, and thank you for hosting T-Day so well always!


Sharon Madson said... 20

I am back to tell you I was able to comment on all blogs but one from my laptop, because I couldn't at all from my iPad. I tried multiple times on Kate's. So, I finally sent her an email. I hope she gets it. Thanks for the offer, Elizabeth to help me out. What is funny, is I think this is just a new thing in the last couple of months where I have trouble commenting.
I hope you are feeling better!

Rita said... 21

I like the old gas pump! Looks like a kind of retro place, for sure. :)

Birgit said... 22

If a woman owned this place I would expect her to have a boxy look with a tattoo saying “b#@*” on her arm, some leather and a girlfriend named Candy. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself:) this would look like a guy’s place with the old gas pump. I remember going to a diner like this and asked the owner about some old pictures on the wall and what they meant to him and he shrugged and said he just bought them at a flea market. I don’t care much for ice either as I find it hurts my teeth and stomach. My go to drink is a 1/4 orange juice and the rest filled up with soda water fo make a nice sparkling, non-sugar drink.

RO said... 23

Clearly I missed this very important post, and yes, I would have been in cheeseburger heaven.(lol) You find the coolest places to hang out Elizabeth and I love it! Hugs...RO