You possibly know by now that Bleubeard and I are hosting Art Journal Journey this month. My theme is Count your blessings, one of which includes my love of coffee.

Now that you can see how blessed I am, it's your turn to share a drink related post. Feel free to discuss anything. Your post may include photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink. Then, please link your story below. The photos don't have to be taken on Tuesday, and can relate to anything with a drink. Please use the direct link to your T post, not your blog in general, so we can find you easily.
Bleubeard and I are thrilled you chose to join us today and hope to see you at Art Journal Journey, too. And because this is the final T in August, I want to invite you to join me on September 2 with a post you have shared before. The rules are simple. Just bring back a post you have published in the past to share with us. Any post, any genre is acceptable.
27 thoughtful remarks:
Wonderful page, coffee is always a good theme in my book. I got gifted some pretty coffee wall transfers for my kitchen this week. Happy T Day, Valerie
i love how you present this blessing... the sewing looks so good as texture... yes, i enjoyed the coffee culture of vienna very much in may:)
happy t-day, xox
Fabulous page, Elizabeth. That magazine ad you featured made of coffee beans is just perfect. Until I enlarged it, I thought it was printed on fabric. I love all your stitching and the threads you added top and bottom. Wonderful page :D
Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen
Coffee and pastries in Vienna? Yes, please :) I wonder what their immigration rules are like... ;)
Now this is what I am really looking forward to! Last time we were there we went to Cafe Sacher and had Sacher Torte! I wonder if Susi knows any good coffee places and I wonder if we will meet up????
This page is so clever Elizabeth -the rich brown fibres, the main image and the smaller one and the words SEWN yet again...sigh!!!! Happy T(coffee for me) Day, Hugs, Chrisxx
What a great page, Elizabeth! Oh, I love coffee! Kisses, my friend.
What a great page! I can practically smell the coffee. And I have fond memories of little pastry shops like that. My mouth waters at the thought.
Happy T-day,
I positively LOVE this journal page and T Day post Elizabeth!! Yes, the coffee is good and there is nothing quite like the pastries in Europe for sure! Thanks for being such a wonderful host/blogger/artist. Happy T day!
I will skip the coffee but join you for pastry. It sure looks yummy. But although I am not a coffee drinker, I do think you made a fabulous page. That lady that fills most of the background is an amazing image and I love your stitching. And those coffee colored fibers too. You sure have taken us on a fabulous trip to Austria. Have a great T day. Hugs-Erika
Wonderful coffee page. I was really in need of a shot of coffee this afternoon. I was dragging...sugar crash I think. I muddled through. :)
FYI---the card was received and appreciated. A thank you is on its way. :)
A lovely page full of texture! That face and the image make a wonderful combination. And that coffee shop in Vienna looks like a lovely place to visit. Beautiful!! And a very happy tea day, Elizabeth.
Oh, I would like it there--LOL! ;)
Happy Tuesday. :)
Fabulous image. I love the smell of coffee, but not the taste. I'll skip the coffee and just head over to the pastry case. Thank you for a delicious T Day
This is a great post because it reminds me of Vienna which is a favourite city of mine. I love the page you created which evokes the modern Vienna with the coffee houses that are everywhere. The colours are perfect in showing the colours of coffee. Ok I will never be an English teacher but you know what I mean:). By the way, I rarely drink coffee which is strange to most people. When I was in Vienna with my ex, he was looking forward so much to the famed Viennese coffee...until he had some. It was so strong that he could barely drink it. Cut many years ahead to when I am now with my present spouse and he, too, could hardly drink the coffee. I told him My mom’ s Trick....order a cup of coffee, an empty cup and a cup of hot water, then mix the coffee with the hot water and it tastes much better:)
An amazing page! I love the stitiching ! Oh yes we are famous for our coffee houses. And Birgit is right ! These coffees are all strong and you have also to learn all the names of the different coffees. The names are lovely but strange. I don't like this brews because of the caffein and they are really strong, I am more the filter coffee type. But from time to time I enjoy a
Wiener Melange when I am out and about.
Happy T-Day and happy AJJ dear Elizabeth!
Bih hugs, Susi
So gorgeous Elizabeth! I love how you have stitched everything together and included an actual picture of your adventure! So inspiring!
Jackie xx
Very cool the way you've put this together, and you've taught me something new about Vienna and the coffee addiction. I could use some right now, I think.(lol) Hugs...RO
Fabulous page to celebrate the coffee scene in Vienna 😁. It's the pastries that caught my eye though 😉 ... they look so delicious! I actually thought the main images of the lady was stamped and I love how you use the stitching to secure the images - amazing! Happy T Tuesday! J 😊 x
Love your coffee page!!
Thanks for hosting T for us-we are blessed to have you-hugs
I don't drink coffee at all, but I hope you enjoy your coffee.
It's a lovely page Elizabeth.
Love your pages and the stitching too. I loved Austria when we went there, in the 70's we used to travel from Germany where we lived, mind you it rained the whole time and it was August! I loved the beautiful cows with the bells, such a picturesque country
jan no15
Coffee in Vienna sounds god to me . My coffee break this morning was in a motorway, cafe outlet.
I love the journal page and the fantastic looking cakes. I do Have a sweet tooth for them, but try to pass them by. The main image you found in magazines looks great, she is enjoying her coffee.
Happy T day wishes.
Yvonne xx
Coffee YES please! i sit here having my second cup this morning as i type this.. Morning coffee has become quite the routine for me over the years.. I if miss a day i think i miss the ritual maybe more than the coffee .. Love the images here.. I have never been able to eat anything sweet with my coffee.. I don't know how people eat coffee and donuts... the sweet of the donut just kills the taste of my coffee.. lol Now i do love bacon and eggs and coffee... just sayin' .. Happy T day Elizabeth.. Hugs! deb
Coffee sounds like a birth giver to me. good theme
This is a lovely page Elizabeth. Unfortunately I can no longer drink coffee. But I can and do drink lots of tea! I did consider visiting Vienna while I was living in London, but never did get there. I think it has a very robust art scene, as does much of Europe. Wanted to add that the map on my Gypsy card was not of England - just something random from my atlas - I think maybe a state from the US. :)
I'm not a coffee fan myself but I have to say you make it look mighty inviting! I never think of Austria as a coffee place but it does make perfect sense!
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