Monday, June 4, 2018

T Stands For Town and Country Restaurant

Last Saturday my foodie friend Sally called and invited me to lunch.  She wanted to take me to this restaurant way out on the west side of town.  She told me it had been years since she ate there, but wanted to know if it was still there.  Luckily it was.

This was a huge restaurant, although it didn't look that large in my photos. 

Note the chicken theme they have going on.

It was a hot day, and I got overheated just taking photos outside the restaurant.

Of course, I got distracted when I noticed this old water fire hydrant (sometimes called a tap in other countries).  I've always been fascinated by the design.  But it was time to go inside, where Sally was waiting not too patiently.

She told me she knew I would love this place because of all the old photos on the walls.  I couldn't make out the words on this photo except Kansas and what appeared to be 1938.  Since the Broadview Hotel (far back of photo) wasn't built until 1920, I had to rule out 1918.  None of the buildings are still standing except the Broadview.  You are looking west on Douglas in this photo.

There's no doubt this photo is from Wichita, but I have no idea what the date is.

This one is easier to read.  It reads Wichita, KS, east on Douglas, 1959.

Although it doesn't give a location, I can tell you with no hesitation, if you were standing on one of the upper floors of the Broadview Hotel today, and looking east, this is the view you would see.

These are photos and a newspaper article about the restaurant we were standing in, waiting to be served.

An overhead view of the Town and Country restaurant apparently before the turrets were added.

A close up of the restaurant with the photo under glass.  When did the chickens first appear, I wonder.

This is another view of the restaurant before the strip mall was added and the area was built up.

More chickens!

Then it was time to be seated.

I seriously doubt the menu has changed since 1957, with the exception of the prices, of course.

I would hate to bring anyone on a gluten free diet, another vegetarian, or a vegan to this restaurant.  Even though this is the largest city in the state, we still have not learned that some people require special diets, or prefer something other than meat with their meals.  As a vegetarian, I could get a grilled cheese sandwich, but even the salads have meat and cheese in them.  No vegan would EVER step foot in here, but this place was buzzing, even at 2 p.m., when most restaurants are dead.

We both chose a lunch special.  Sally had breaded fish fillets, and I had grilled tilapia.  To be honest, I didn't care for it.  Although I normally like white fish (albeit mainly salt water fish), this fresh water fish had a funny taste that I didn't care for.

We each got a cinnamon roll and a regular roll, both made in the restaurant.  The salad was a disappointment.  Head lettuce is like eating cardboard.  In fact, I suspect cardboard has more nutrition than head lettuce!

I got Sally to smile, at least.   As you can tell we both had water.

I brought about 90% of my lunch home.  Bleubeard begged for the tilapia, but Squiggles only wanted more kibble.  As we were leaving, we walked through the lunch counter area, which was now roped off.

Looking back, you can see we ate in the back room

where there were only a few chickens and a fireplace that was definitely not lit.

Everywhere I looked there were chickens, even on their ticket orders.

It was a new-to-me restaurant and a fun experience.  I only wish I had been able to see all the rooms that were in the restaurant.  I seriously doubt I'll go back, though.

Now it's your turn to share a drink related post.  Your post may include photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Please share your direct link below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.

In mid July, T Stands For Tuesday will celebrate our FIFTH anniversary.  I'd like to propose another ATC swap, but maybe with a twist this year.  Please be thinking about your possible participation.

29 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Looks like a fun time was had by all, especially Sally! Thanks for sharing all the photos. Happy T Day, Valerie

Lowcarb team member said... 2

Really good to see all of your photographs.

All the best Jan

johanna said... 3

my fave photo is that one with the array of cocks;) cock-a-doodle-doo! and sally, of course, i love her mimic!!
happy t-day:)

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 4

Huge is right, Elizabeth! Wow, that restaurant just went on and on. I enjoyed all the old photos of Kansas City.

I'm sorry your meal disappointed. Tilapia is a lovely white fish that takes on the flavors and seasonings that are added to it - hmmm - food for thought ;-)

To your last comment on my blog: I didn’t make the dress in the boutique photo but I did make and hand paint the ones in the barter-for-space deal story.

Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

Meggymay said... 5

I really liked seeing the photos of the town in its early days, I think I would have spent a time looking at these on the walls, I love old prints.
The restaurant wasn't at all what I imagined it to look like inside from the photos of the outside you shared, it seemed rather dark in decoration.
Sally seemed to be enjoying her meal, although like you I think restaurants should be aware that people would like choices and options to suit their diets.
The chickens were fun decorations.
Happy T day wishes Elizabeth
Yvonne xx

Rita said... 6

Doesn't sound like a place I'd like to go to even with the interesting old photos. ;)

kathyinozarks said... 7

That's fun though that you have a foodie friend to go out with I wonder if a new owner brought all those chickens. I almost thought this might be a truck stop type restaurant as they are usually pretty busy all day.
I agree with you on the head lettuce-no taste and less nutrition too. sorry the food was not up to good. sometimes when if I end up at a place like these-you are right nothing is safe to eat for gluten free-even french fries usually have wheat in them-which I found out the hard way.
thanks for sharing your lunch out-and thanks again for hosting T
Hugs Kathy

Linda Kunsman said... 8

Looks like it was worth a trip- at least for all the wonderful old framed photos and chickens!! First thing I noticed on the menu too was just how much meat products were being offered. Too bad it was disappointing food... better luck somewhere else next time:) Happy T day!

My name is Erika. said... 9

Ok, what you call head lettuce we call iceberg lettuce. I'm with you how it tastes. No my favorite. And I do like the old photos of Wichita. Now I have never been to Kansas so I am not familiar with your home city, but it is really a big city. I should have guessed with the fact you have a zoo as well as many other big museums.So I did enjoy seeing these photos and imaging what Wichita is like. And it is fun to try new places, but disappointing when they aren't much good. Hope you have a fantastic T day. Hugs-Erika

Kate Yetter said... 10

I had to laugh at your comment about the lettuce. I dislike iceberg lettuce because the lack of taste and nutrition. I totally agree with you. I am GF and I find it really hard to eat out but usually I can find something if I just order without the bread.
Sad that your food wasn't up to par. That is always disappointing when eating out.
Happy Tea Day,

Halle said... 11

I love the old photos they had on the walls. The history always fascinates me which is ironic because I hated history in school.

froebelsternchen said... 12

The best there were definitely the old photos!And Sally's happy face! We go to a similar place near Vienna always with my stepfather, when we visit him..he just loves it . They have all over the huge restaurant bears, teddybears - that's so kitschy - I wouldn't like to take photos a admit! And they are known for their big (for the hunger of a bear) portions. But I don't get many things there for me as they serve mainly meat meat meat ....
Last time I took fried onion rings and the time before I was happy to get asparagus noodles ( was a seasonal special).
But I don't like to go to such restaurants- I feel with you about this one! Happy T-Day my friend!
Hugs, Susi

kathyinozarks said... 13

Good morning, yes the indigo plants will not survive the winter here either. and with the super cold and freeze temps in april the seeds got a really slow start. I had grown them a couple years ago and got beautiful plants but they were shaded too much to get well developed. I am hoping they have enough time to grow full size with this crazy weather of ours and they will get more sunshine where they are now too

kathyinozarks said... 14

oh and my eco print artist friend just share a pdf with me for eco papers she said I could share just give her credit-which I have on my blog already file:///C:/Users/lksco/Downloads/Paper-printing-PDF.pdf do you think my papers made from weeds would hold up to steaming? I may give that a try

CJ Kennedy said... 15

Was fun looking at the old-time photographs. Eating out is always hit or miss. Too bad the restaurant didn't have a selection to suit your taste. At least the cinnamon roll and bread roll look good. Nice to see Sally and tell her Himself would love her t-shirt. Happy T Day

Nancy said... 16

Like you, I love old photos and seeing what changes have occurred. It's a big place all right. I noted "stuffed hamburger steak" on the menu- that's a new one.

Let's Art Journal said... 17

What a huge restaurant, so many different rooms! The chickens are fun and I loved seeing all the old photos too 😁. It's a shame the food wasn't up to par though. Wishing you a happy T Day! J 😊 x

Divers and Sundry said... 18

I'd have seconded Sally's pick :) but I can't imagine cinnamon roll with fish. An odd choice. Down here, of course, there would be hush puppies ;)

I'm so happy to be back to T Stands for Tuesdays, and I thank you again for hosting this gathering. I always look forward to it.

Sandra Cox said... 19

It's always fun visiting new places isn't it. (Well, most of the time:)
That restaurant is huge.
Sorry the food wasn't more to your liking.

Dianne said... 20

very cool old photos of the city streets! quite a big place too...yes, head lettuce is pretty bland, but hubby is not a fan of what he calls 'weeds' either. lol! I like pretty much any salad though. I kind of like the chicken theme...maybe they went with that rather than the 'steaks' I saw featured on the older building sign? ;) I always find it a challenge to choose a healthy option at these type of restaurants. fried, sauces, and lots of cheese! Sally looked like she was enjoying herself though! thanks for hosting dear Elizabeth! ♥ ♥ ♥

pearshapedcrafting said... 21

Loved seeing the photos! Considering all the chickens around I didn't spot much on the menu! Still it does look an interesting place although I don't think much of the salad!! Happy T Day - sorry to arrive late!!! Hugs, Chrisx

da tabbies o trout towne said... 22

bleu N squiggles.....with all thoz chcknz ....we wood knot eat ther either !!!!!!!! ☺☺♥♥

thanx for the share elizabeth; nice restaurant; it's nice to look back
at what was.......expensive though !! ☺☺♥♥

Dianne said... 23

Elizabeth, to answer your question about the Star Wars characters you weren't familiar with:

the character Kylo Ren is one of the 'villains of the Dark Side' in "The Last Jedi", released in Dec. 2017. The Vulptex is a creature from the same movie which is only briefly seen on the frozen planet Crait, but is a key- the creature shows the Rebels a way out of what appears to be a hopeless situation. The Vulptex is like a 'crystalline fox.' and is another imaginative creature that makes me love the Star Wars movies!

Caty said... 24

I like the decoration of this restaurant Elizabeth !! love coqs and chickens. And these old photos are super, beautiful. Happy day with your friend, and happy moments!! Enjoy.... always! Ains lovely Bleubeard and Squiggles were happy too :D
Thank you very much for sharing those wonderful photos and your lovely moments with us. I wish you a very nice evening, big hugss, Caty

pearshapedcrafting said... 25

I will be showing the technique again soon(wink) Hugs, Chrisx said... 26

Those prices! I'm not in SF any more ...........the old time photos are nice too....

Sami said... 27

It's a huge restaurant and has been open for quite a while.
I enjoyed seeing the old black and white photos they had.
So strange that in this day and age of allergies and so many people being vegetarian or vegan the restaurants there don't cater for that.
Here every restaurant has the words GF (gluten free) or V or VG for vegetarians and vegans in front of the dishes that would suit those people.

Jeanie said... 28

I'd love the old photos on the wall, too. Looks like a fun place to me.

I think Lizzie wants me to quit being at the computer and feed her. I had my hand on the mouse a second ago and she came on the desk (where she DID have room) and sat on it!

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 29

After you asked how the vet knew that Martini is Vino Blanco's son, I had to do more research. I found a lot of conflicting versions of the story. Then I found newspaper stories and Chris & I went back to the restaurant.

The owner Yves' walked by to greet us and ended up sitting with us for 20 minutes talking about the two burros and the rescue ranch he's involved with ... fascinating stories from a fascinating man. So I had to make some minor changes to the story for this week's T-party and I'm writing a follow-up for next Monday's T. I think you'll enjoy it.