Monday, June 11, 2018

T Stands For Coffee

I don't deny it.  I love coffee.  I often drink it "white."  By that I mean I use a TON of half and half (called single cream in England) to keep the acidity at bay.  I often get inspired when I drink coffee, but today I'm joining Gill at Gibby Froggett Craftations, this month's host at Art Journal Journey  because her theme, Inspired by . . . inspired me to create a work of art that honors coffee.

It's also what I'm sharing for T today.

I admit my coffee isn't QUITE as white as the one in the top cup, but it's definitely whiter than the second cup from the top.

I really want everyone to know what my T post is about today.

Should I call this Warhol coffee? 

I created this in my large art journal by first laying down some lovely tissue paper Krisha sent me for my birthday.  I then added six coffee related paintings, photos, or stenciled art.  Finally, I cut the circle from a magazine image.

Now it's your turn to share a drink related post.  Your post may include photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Please share your direct link below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.

Before you link, I want to remind you that we have a little over a month until our 5th T Tuesday anniversary.  I would love to get more of you involved in making an ATC this year, so I have come up with a plan.  Instead of our usual Pay It Forward (PIF), where you send to the next person on the list who has an asterisk* after their name, this year, I propose, IF YOU WANT to create an ATC, put your country name after your name.  I will then randomly assign an ATC partner who you will send to.  One ATC to them, and one ATC from them.  The cost of postage, which may be the reason some of you can't play, will be greatly reduced if we trade within our own countries.  Not to worry.  If someone doesn't have a partner or another person from that country, you will receive an ATC from me.  Also, if there is an uneven number of people from one country, I will assign who sends to whom, just like in a round robin.  Please let me know what you think of that idea in your comments, or if you would prefer the PIF process as in the past.

Please don't forget to meet me at Art Journal Journey today, too!

29 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

How lovely to see coffee as your theme today, that's definitely to my taste. Lovely journal page. I will not be joining in the ATCs this year. Happy T Day, Valerie

johanna said... 2

a wonderful journal page, elizabeth! i especially like the andy warhol teacups!
happy t-day! ♥ johanna

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 3

I love the coffee graphics you chose, Elizabeth, and the pager overall.

I would prefer ATC trading rather than PIF. Thanks for asking ;-)

Happy T-Day Hugs, Eileen

Meggymay said... 4

Its a fabulous page inspired by coffee. You know my drink if choice is tea, but, I do enjoy the occasional cup of coffee.
I love all the images you found for the page and the set of cups looks great.
I liked the idea you have for trading the ATC's this year Elizabeth, I hope I will be home around then to join in this year.
Happy T day wishes.
Yvonne xx
Yvonne xx

pearshapedcrafting said... 5

I love this page - it's about coffee and that's good for a start - love all the coffee images! I will be linking my post tomorrow - too much going on at the minute! Looking forward to ATC swaps! See you soon! Hugs,Chrisx

kathyinozarks said... 6

I love your coffee pages!
yes I love the idea of swapping with own country-I have not made an atc in years and years-but I am in

Linda Kunsman said... 7

I too LOVE coffee and I also LOVE your coffee art today! Good idea for the ATC trades but I'm also happy to send an ATC overseas. Happy T day!

Jeanie said... 8

I am so not a coffee woman (although I love the smell!) but I do love the art you created with that theme! Not bitter at all!

Mia said... 9

I love the "Warhol" coffee!!!!!!!!!
I would love to enter ATC this year (and I do not care about the cost of postage), so please send me an email to because I am not sure I know the rules. Kisses, my friend.

Kate Yetter said... 10

Love your coffee inspired page, Elizabeth! Very colorful especially the Warhol picture. But I love that Happiness in the coffee cup stamp. If only they had that in a tea cup stamp. I would love to play along with the ATC swap this year. Sounds like a lot of fun.
Happy Tea Day,

Divers and Sundry said... 11

I've never had anything in my coffee but coffee ;) so from top to bottom of those 4 cups only the bottom one looks like coffee to me lol

Happy T Tuesday!

jinxxxygirl said... 12

I think either way with the ATC's will be fine Elizabeth.. But i have to admit cheaper postage does have its appeal.. But whatever you decide i will play along.. Last year was fun!!


Hugs! deb

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said... 13

A great ode to Coffee Elizabeth, I have to start my day with Tea but then Coffee over takes the rest of the day depending on the weather!!
How fabulous to be celebrating the 5th Anniversary soon, maybe one day when life isn't as complicated I may be able to join in.. but I always enjoy my visits.
Happy T Day wishes Tracey xx

aussie aNNie said... 14

Lovely coffee page and fabulous colours sentiments and post.xx

craftytrog said... 15

I love your coffee themed page Elizabeth! You used some fab images.
Happy T-Day!
Alison xxx

My name is Erika. said... 16

Nice page today my friend. I don't drink coffee (though I love coffee ice cream), but you made a great page and I can tell coffee inspires you. I like all the images you used too. :) Running out of time this morning since I had to write my post so keeping this short. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

kathyinozarks said... 17

thank you so much Elizabeth for your time and help with the comments issue for me-I will try that out on my next post

froebelsternchen said... 18

Your page is gorgeous - love all the images you put together here! Coffee or tea - always a pleasure to have. I like coffee and tea !!! And I like your coffee page and that your T-Day collage fits AJJ so perfectly this week as well!
I would like to play along with the ATC swap this year. A partner to send in EU would be cheaper for me. But I can send overseas as well - a letter should be not so expensive I guess!
Happy T-Day lovely Co.-Admin!
Hugs, Susi

CJ Kennedy said... 19

this is the way I feel about tea! I also take my tea white with one sugar. Well, Stevia. And I use Half and Half. I love your coffee page especially the Warhol coffee. That made me laugh. Have a great day!

Darla said... 20

Coffee! I think you know how I feel about my coffee after all these years, LOL! Great spread, the stylized coffee beans really caught my eye. Just FYI, when I try to link Mr. Linky keeps giving me an error message. I'll try again in a bit.

Gibby Frogett said... 21

ha ha I would never have guessed that you love coffee :)
Thats a cool page Elizabeth - I love the colours and all imagery/graphics - Thank you for another fab page for the 'Inspired by' theme.
Hope your week going well.
Gill x

Dianne said... 22

oh wow, I love this so much!! (wink) so many coffee designs to enjoy...especially the Warhol coffee!! I put skim milk in my coffee - like a 1/4 cup in the coffee cup, so you are not alone. I also put in some cocoa powder and sweetener so maybe it's more like hot chocolate. *grin*

What is the little box that i have to check to get my link to work? Is that a permission of some kind? I didn't notice it at first last week, (under the list of links) I'm probably just a bit slow on understanding these things...

have a great week dear! enjoyed your coffee post!

pearshapedcrafting said... 23

Phew! Finally made it - apologies for being late again!Chrisxx

Linda Kunsman said... 24

I'm here to reply to your ? about the Bay City Rollers. They were a HUGELY POPULAR boy band from Scotland in the 70's mostly. Many thought they were going to be the next Beatles- but so much for that...

thanks as always for leaving such lovely and thoughtful comments :)

Let's Art Journal said... 25

Your coffee inspired page is wonderful! I so enjoyed seeing all the lovely images that you have chosen, they look perfect on your fabulous page :-). Wishing you a Happy T Day! J x

Dianne said... 26

Hey there dear E~
yes, the Duplo blocks look like Legos, they are just a bigger version for toddlers. ;)

as for ATC's, I am going to pass this time. Family visits and other obligations are looking fairly hectic in the near future. have fun thoough, I know you will do something witty, and everyone will enjoy!

Cindy McMath said... 27

This is terrific Elizabeth! I am happy to see your coffee art, even though I am a tea drinker. :). I especially like the Warhol cups and the neon sign. Great spread all round.

Rike said... 28

I usually don't drink coffee - but if I do then it is the same as you do - this color!
You made a fabulous coffee collage - the "Warhol" coffee picture, cool idea!
I don't trade with my ATC's - they stay with me :))

Jeannette said... 29

Ooh my dear,love your coffee page,looks so beautiful,you made a fantastic collage,love especially the andy warhol teacups.
wishing you a happy sunny rest week,dear elizabeth :-)

hugs jenny