Monday, April 9, 2018

T Stands For Dyeing Fabric

I want to begin by saying I am out of town at the moment, but will be back before T time ends tomorrow.  I have watched so many of you and your awesome ice and snow photos recently, I decided to share my one and only icy day this year. 

Not only did we get ice, we experienced record low temperatures, too.   I'm sure you can also tell how windy it is by one of my wind chimes that is blowing in the wind.

I had to step outside to see these two robins, one of which is more than likely pregnant,

although it may just be an optical illusion.

We got a lot more ice and snow, but I failed to take any additional photos.  The snow and ice are all gone now, even though we still haven't seen the sun.  I hope you enjoyed this springtime interlude.

I'm sure many of you remember the sun tea I made for T Tuesday two weeks ago.

It's now time to share what I did with this tea and these tea bags.

Late in the day, I felt the tea was ready, so instead of using a plate as I originally planned to do, I got a lid from a bucket and tore several pieces of fabric

from an old bed sheet.

I laid the largest piece over the bucket lid, then positioned the wet teabags over the dry fabric.

I folded the fabric over the teabags and pressed so some of the tea would migrate to the fabric.

The tea was already starting to color the fabric.

That was when I turned the entire piece over so the tea would get equal attention on both sides.

Next it was time to scrunch the other two pieces of fabric into a ball

that would fit in the remaining tea.

Now all I had to do was wait for the tea to color and stain the white bed sheet.

A day and a half later, the teabags were dry.  Not what I expected, not what I had planned.  But not a disappointment, either.

As I unfolded the fabric, 

I wasn't sure which side I preferred.  I'll let you decide.

For the second project, the tea hadn't migrated or been absorbed by as much of the fabric as I had hoped.

After drying them, I wasn't disappointed, but I also felt like these two fabric swatches were very light in color.  I now believe I should have used a darker tea.

For Day 10 of 22, I recycled 11 green teabags and three pieces from a used bed sheet.

Now it's your turn to share a drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, teabags, teapots, cups and saucers, mugs, scrapbooking, or any other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink. Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time.  

22 thoughtful remarks:

Let's Art Journal said... 1

Wow, ice and snow with springtime robins - what could be prettier! Your tea dye fabric looks wonderful, I love how you created the circular patterns with the teabags and I like both sides of the fabric 😀. Now I'm wondering what you are going to use the fabrics to create and whether you kept all those lovely dried teabags to use too 😉. Wishing you happy travels and a lovely T Day! J 😊 x

Jeanie said... 2

At the risk of saying something so politically incorrect it would probably get me fired in the workplace, how can you tell if the robin is pregnant of if he/she is just fat? I ask seriously because I have NO idea!

That said, it's nice to see these signs of spring, as few and far between as they are!

pearshapedcrafting said... 3

I love seeing YOUR robins - so different to ours although they look just as bold! I spy a flower on your tea bag sheet! Great results! Hope you are having a good day! Hugs, Chrisx

Linda Kunsman said... 4

the poor robins don't know what is going on-here too...and we may be getting a bit more snow tonight/tomorrow:(:( Loving the effects of your tea dyed fabric!! I kinda prefer the first one with the bag imprints but they're both so nice. I know you'll create wonderful projects using both! Happy T day!

Rita said... 5

I always think robins look confused and out of place in the snow--lol! You always think of ways to dye fabrics. Nice! :) said... 6

Those robins are pretty great -- but snow, not so much.....and tea dying is sure fun.

kathyinozarks said... 7

I enjoyed your ice and snow photos and I love those robins. we got snow again too winter just won't go away here.
I never would have thought of using the actual tea bags to dye with-but I love the results on both sides. I have found that it takes allot of tea to dye fabric and I think black teas or coffee work out darker.
Thank you for sharing your tea project with us and loved your snow photos
Happy T Day Kathy

My name is Erika. said... 8

Winter hit you late this year. I feel bad for these birds that come back and get all nested and then wham-winter arrives. It's happened here too. They say we could be sixty degrees at the end of the week but it's been so cold. Only the length of day makes it feel more like April. Enjoyed more of the tea dyeing. it's fun to ee all the things you are up to. Happy T day. Hope it was a good journey. hugs-Erika

Carol said... 9

We had a dusting of snow on the weekend but it melted over night!
The Robin isn't pregnant...they lay eggs. It's all puffed out to help stay warmer in the cold snow.
You always interest me with your different dye projects.
Happy T Day !

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said... 10

Oh, I loved seeing those bright robins in the snow. Meanwhile, I've always been intrigued by the idea of dying fabric by herbs and teas, although I've never tried it. It was interesting to see the effects you got with tea.

jinxxxygirl said... 11

Happy T day Elizabeth,

Watching you dye with Tea was very interesting. I look forward to seeing what you make with this material . I think tea dyeing and rust dyeing is all very interesting but i wouldn't know what to do with the material once i did it.. lol ... Poor little puffed up birdies.... they must be cold! Can you call an egglayer pregnant ?? lol We've been having some freezing nights but by the end of the week we are expecting 70's! AND a round of thunderstorms coming thru Friday...uughh.. Happy T day dear host.. Hugs! deb

Valerie-Jael said... 12

Looks nice outside with the snow and robins, like Christmas! Happy T Day, Valerie

johanna said... 13

i think the enjoyable part of dyeing is that you never get what you expect - but (as you say yourself) anything that Comes out is not disappointing. you can use it for several Projects, some Need lighter staining, some go well with darker dyed fabrics. so you always can have a good stash for what you Need. thanks for showing the process, always a delight to see.
happy t-day:)

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 14

The repeating design on the fabric you folded is really neat, Elizabeth. It reminds me of a kaleidoscope.

I bet you're right about momma robin. She had a big breakfast of worms to help the day's egg develop. Robins are fascinating and always a welcome sign of spring on its way, despite the ice and snow on the ground that says otherwise.

I've been watching hummingbirds outside my window this week and only seeing males. I wonder if that means the females are nesting.

Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

Meggymay said... 15

Your robins in the snow looked lovely, it was strange seeing snow and ice here on your blog outside your home.
You had some fantastic results with the tea dyeing, I'm sure we will be seeing some awesome projects when you start to use them.
Happy T day Elizabeth.
Yvonne xx

CJ Kennedy said... 16

I've had more than enough ice and snow (glad it has melted here and there) was delighted to see some robins. Haven't spotted a single robin here, yet.

The tea dyeing looks very successful. Have fun creating. Happy T Day!

craftytrog said... 17

Wonderful icy pics, and I love the robins!
Can you hear me oohing at those gorgeous tea prints?! Something I definitely need to do!
Happy T-Day!
Alison xox

Divers and Sundry said... 18

I'm done with cold! Bring on the spring weather!

I like how your project turned out. It's a clearer pattern than I expected. I like both sides :)

froebelsternchen said... 19

I am in awe of these lovely robins - looks like sugar on your garden beds the bit of snow you had at those day-lol. I am thrilled about your tea dying Elizabeth!
Hugs,happy T-Day!

Dianne said... 20

It seems that I am not the only one featuring snow today, though I didn't include any photos...just whining about how tired I am of the cold weather! I love how you got shots of the robins in the snow! Your tea dyed fabric looks great, and I know you will be doing something creative with it...looking forward to seeing what it becomes. Stay warm dear friend...hope you will have some Spring flowers and warm weather to enjoy soon! enjoyed your tea... :)

Kate Yetter said... 21

Your fabric turned out lovely, with a hint of tea. I am considering starting a fabric journal and I want to tea die the flour sac towels I plan on using. This was a great picture tutorial as I would like something a bit darker, perhaps more sepia in color. Darker tea, such as black tea should do the trick I would think. I am looking forward to seeing your next batch.
We have a very fat robin that I too believe is pregnant. Sometimes, I wonder how she can still take flight due to her size. ;)
Happy Tea Day, Elizabeth!

Rike said... 22

Snow and robins - these are cool photos!
Your tea on fabric experiments are very interesting! I too tried month ago to color with teabags, but I was disappointed. The tea was not dark enough. But it is ok for some delicate coloring.
Rike xx