Monday, April 30, 2018

T Stands For Birthday and bEARTHday Celebrations

What a wonderful month this has been.  It's not over, either.

Some of you may remember I told you I missed my friend Sally's birthday on March 28.  My only excuse was I was frantically getting ready for my friend Theresa's visit, as well as trying to decide what I would create for my recycling projects.  As a result, I tried to make it up to her.

The first birthday gift was actually a trip to Golden Corral buffet.  They are everywhere, so I'm sure many of you have either been to one, or driven past one.

I received a gift of a free lunch or dinner to Golden Corral with a paying guest.  So I paid for Sally's and my lunch was free.  When I was a child, my Grandmother (grandparents raised me from birth) always made me a carrot cake for my birthday and we always had pie every Sunday.  My favorite pie was peanut butter/butterscotch and I've never seen another one like it.  I am not sure, but I believe my Grandmother created the recipe.

While I was still eating, Sally decided to open her gift.  Yes, I sewed two magazine pages together to hold the gift.

It began as a look of confusion

which led to more confusion.  I don't think she liked the fossil shell I gave her.  Oh well!

Next, we were off to Sally's choice of places to eat.  No buffet here, but this is where she chose to have her birthday celebration.

I sang happy birthday to her as I lit a candle to celebrate her day.   You can see the package I sewed to hold her gift.

Look at that concentration.

I'm not sure if she's smiling because she finally got the package open, or because I asked her to.

You can tell she still has no idea what it is.

Still no idea.

Still clueless.

She finally got it.  It's a handmade (not by me, because I don't make that kind of sewn art) grocery bag.  Sadly, I have yet to see her use it.

After I opened my gifts from Susi, our food came.  Note I kept my plate off the placemat in order to take it home and make art from it.  And I simply HAD to share my meal with my lovely new rocking horse, too.   Note we both had water.

The Saturday after our trip to Ming's, we went to Merle's.  We have been here before.  We had actually planned to go to a different restaurant, but due to our time schedule, which included taking Sally's old tv to the recycling center (a once yearly event), then grocery shopping, we chose this place, which was on the way home. It was bitterly cold that day, so we opted for a place close to home.

Not only did I nearly miss sharing our water,

My meal was avocado, cucumbers, black olives, tomato, lettuce, and cream cheese on an onion roll and Sally had ham and turkey on rye.  We both had pasta salad for our sides and a pickle.
I forgot to show the gifts I gave Sally that day.

She was not too enthused about the key broach, because she reminded me she doesn't wear anything except real gold and silver, even though I made this with her in mind.

She did, however, like the wall hanging I made.  I forgot to take a photo of the piece after I punched two holes and added several fibers.  One out of four isn't bad, I guess!

Then it was my bEARTHday.  We went to Denny's because they give the birthday person a free grand slam on their birthday.

Water with lemon was our choice of drink.

Sally was bored as I took a photo of all the extras the waitress brought for my meal.

I had trouble getting all my meal in one shot.

Sally also got a grand slam, but hers included lots and lots of meat (ham, bacon, and sausage).  That was when my camera batteries died, so I have no more photos from that outing.

Late that night (around 10:30 pm) my friend Scott called and asked if I wanted to go to Denny's for my birthday.  I told him I had already been, but he wanted to take me to a different one.

The waitress was great and told me as long as I got there before midnight, it counted.  Scott had coffee and water, and I had water with lemon.  Although I felt like we were cheating, Scott spent nearly $15.00 on his meal, which they would not have gotten had he not taken me.

HMMM.  This looks very similar to the meal I had earlier in the day.  However, I took most of the pancakes and the entire biscuit home with me.  I was so full from earlier in the day, I could hardly get my two eggs and hash browns down.  Scott had a huge burger, french fries (chips) and a side of broccoli.

I had one final gift card to use and it was

for Twin Peaks.  I'm fairly certain most of my international friends haven't heard of it, but maybe you can get an idea as to what it is from the sign and the "scenic views."

Of course, from the rustic outside, you wouldn't know.

I was incredibly impressed with this majestic buck statue that adorned the front lawn.  Too bad I had to include the pole in the photo.

This was a nice menu and lovely, rustic restaurant.  Sally and I quickly noted that we were the only females in the place, though.

Before we ordered, I made sure to take a photo of our water with lemon.

Lots and lots of sports channels were positioned around the establishment, which paired well with the bosomy girls who were scantily clad. 

Too bad some poor deer had to lose its life to sit on that wall, though!

The girl in the middle right of the photo whose back is facing the camera was a server.  I noticed all servers (and there were many) sat at your table while taking your order.

I decided  to get something I have heard of but never had: chicken and waffles.  I nearly forgot to take a photo, at least until after I had already eaten half one waffle and one egg.  The meal also included jalapeño gravy, bacon bits, two eggs sunny side up, two waffles, and three chicken strips.  Sally didn't have to go with me, there were on conditions on the birthday gift, except it had to be used by May 1.

Sally had a marvelous looking four cheese, green olive, and red pepper sandwich, a Greek salad, and french fries. I took one waffle, and all the chicken strips home with me to eat the next day.  And now it's back to eating healthy!!

If you made it this far, you are very brave.  I apologize for how long this post is.  Now it's my turn to turn the story over to you.  By that, I mean it's your turn to share a drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, teabags, teapots, cups and saucers, mugs, scrapbooking, or any other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink. Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time.  And I won't be as long winded next week, I promise.

Since this is the last Tuesday of the month, I would be remiss if I didn't remind you to dig up your Second on the 2nd post.  It's one you have posted sometime in the past and want to share again with others.  Any genre, any post is acceptable as long as you have published it in the past.  The link will go live on the 2nd.

31 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Well, you certainly got enough to eat on your birthday, and on Sally's, of course! Great that you get free stuff on your birthday, nothing like that here. Happy T Day, Valerie

johanna said... 2

thanks for showing sally´s faces!! priceless!!! i really enjoyed all the expressions she made:)
happy t-day, elizabeth!

Meggymay said... 3

Sally had some wonderful expressions on her face in the photos.
I think you gave her some wonderful and unique gifts, the key broach looks awesome.
You both had some fantastic meals out for your Birthday celebrations. The portions you are served seem more than twice the quantity of some of our meals.
The free meals Birthday meals at the restaurants sounds a good way to get folk through the doors, there is nothing like that here in the UK.
Happy T day wishes Elizabeth.
Yvonne xx

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 4

You and Sally really know how to party, Elizabeth! I loved the photos of Sally opening her gifts, as well as the one at the Chinease buffet meal with your lovely new rocking horse on diplay. Lol - you don't use the restarurant placemat so you can upcycle it? I'm sure they'd give you a 2nd one; but I guess that would defeat the bEARTHday purpose.

I love the key broach, but think I would wear it on a neacklace chain. I do that with a lot of my old broaches.

One out of four may not be bad, but it's sad (for you). Any T-partiers would adore the other three gifts ;-)

That was very sweet of Scott. I know you don't sleep much. I guess Scott doesn't either - lol. I remember and enjoyed the show "Twin Peaks" but hadn't heard of the restaurant chain.

Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

Sandra Cox said... 5

You folks sure know how to celebrate birthdays! Come January I'm going to have to toddle on over and stay for a month. (Just teasing).
I liked your key brooch. Very creative and a definite talking piece.
A belated thank you to Sally for getting a copy of Flower Gardens. Much appreciated.

Sandra Cox said... 6

PS Her expressions were priceless;)

pearshapedcrafting said... 7

Gosh! What a lot of food - until I read it through again I thought it was all in one day!!! A good celebration for both of you! Love some of Sally's expressions! Hugs, Chrisx

Rita said... 8

Happy Belated Birthday to you both! :)

kathyinozarks said... 9

Happy Birthdays to both of you. Wow that was allot of good looking food. I loved all the photos with the expressions of your friend Sally lol Happy T Day

My name is Erika. said... 10

You've been busy eating. :) It all looks good to me and since I ate so much away last week I am being good this week so it is making me hungry. I have never heard of Twin Peaks, the restaurant, since we don't have them here. But it looks like a good place to go. And too bad Sally wasn't thrilled with her gifts, especially that key pin which is fantastic. But she is smiling which is good as lots of time she doesn't smile in your photos. I think it looks like you've been having a good time, and that's what matters. Happy T day my dear.Hugs-Erika

Sami said... 11

Plenty of eat on both your birthdays Elizabeth.
I had never heard of a Grand Slam where food is concerned, but from the menu now I know. Your restaurants seem to give good deals, one eats free, the other pays, we certainly don't have such a thing here in Australia.
I watched the Twin Peaks show, but hadn't heard of the restaurant.
I liked the key brooch you gave Sally, pity she didn't like it. I'm sure the shopping bag will come in handy.

Halle said... 12

What a great time heading out with Sally and friends to celebrate. Glad you got to celebrate so thoroughly!!! :)
Happy T day!

Carol said... 13

Happy belated Birthday to both of you and it looks like you celebrated well.

jinxxxygirl said... 14

Elizabeth i'am soooo fulllll LOL ! Gosh all that food looked so yummy. I'm so sorry Sally wasn't very enthusiastic about your handmade gifts...I often wish all we would exchange would be handmade gifts.. People often forget to factor in the time and love that goes into a handmade gift. Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

PS We have a TwinPeakes here in Arkansas too and i was quite surprised when we saw the scantily glad women... Not that i'm a prude but i didn't realize the restaurant was like that.. like a Hooters. lol

froebelsternchen said... 15

I can see you and Sally and even Scott - all got enough to eat on your and Sally's birthday -lol! That's very good! ♥♥♥
Happy May and happy T-Day my friend! Sally's face while opening your gifts is amazing!!!

Hugs, Susi

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said... 16

Happy double birthdays! Enjoyed the pics of Sally's face. But I have to confess, just looking at all that food had me groaning. I could never eat that much in one day! Even two days. the birthday gifts and wrappings were cool.

Lisca said... 17

wow! What a lot of food ! It was great to see Sally's face as she opened her presents. She looks so nice when she smiles. I'm sorry she didn't quite appreciate your presents.
The food looks great. I can tell by what Sally is wearing that it wasn't all on the same day.
I find it really interesting to see the varied foods and dishes. It iS So different than in Europe. And the nameS are different too. For me a Grand Slam iS a tenniS term, not a meal. CombinationS Such aS chicken and waffles sound very strange to European ears as waffles in Europe are a desssert, or at least they are sweet.
This year you certainly won't forget your birthday celebrations. I'm sure they were memorable days. And made extra special because Scott took you out as well. Here's to another year! Cheers!
Happy T-Day,

Let's Art Journal said... 18

Wow, what amazing birthday celebrations! You really celebrated in style and visited so many wonderful places that it's really hard to chose which meal to have, so how about I just chose all of them but maybe I should caveat that by saying not all in one day 😉. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊 x
p.s. I just wanted to say how excited I am to join you and Susi over at Art Journal Journey this month, thanks so much for having me as host! Happy May! J x

CJ Kennedy said... 19

Wow, you did it up royal on your birthday and Sally's. Eating out all week and no cooking and dishes to do is a great way to celebrate. We don't have a Golden Corral here. The only one in the state is an hour West of me in Springfield. That's near the cemetery where my parents are so I'll have to remember to try the Golden Corral when we visit. I really love the watch pin you made even though Sally was underwhelmed with it. Have a Happy T Day!

Darla said... 20

Belated Happy Birthday my friend. I think I may have gained a few pounds just looking at the pictures in this post. Looks like lots of celebrating was going on. I liked the gifts you made.

Barbara said... 21

This is a birthday celebration to end all celebrations! I love seeing the happy photos, and Sally’s joy! Places to go with wonderful food is the best way to celebrate! Thanks for your comment, Elizabeth, on my paper-making blog post. You know the process and you asked a couple questions, but I don’t know how to reply since you are a “no-reply” blogger. I think I have a couple shortcuts for you to make the paper-making process more user-friendly. You can email me. barbjmoore18 “at” gmail “dot” com We have a lot in common, I’d enjoy being in touch! — Barbara

Barbara said... 22 email link is also on my blog profile. Send me a note and we will talk about paper-making. :) I LOVE your key brooch!

kathyinozarks said... 23

Hi Elizabeth thanks so much for the offer that was a nice surprise from friend Barbara-she inspires me too in allot of my crafting and art-if it was not for her I never would have tried paper making

Kate Yetter said... 24

You had so many yummy meals for your birthday! I am looking forward to birthday months when my children are grown and I have more money ;) Everyone that joins in tea day is always eating out. I remark to my hubby all the time that I get so hungry after reading everyone's posts full of beautiful food. Retirement sounds like my cuppa tea!

I really loved the handmade shopping bag that you gave your friend. Such beautiful fabric. Very funny how you caught all her micro-expressions on camera. You gave her some lovely gifts, but more importantly they were made with her in mind. That's a special friend.
Happy Tea Day,

Sandra Cox said... 25

The veggie sandwich on the onion roll sounds yummy.
Have you recovered from all your gallivanting, err partying?:) Heh.

Dortesjs said... 26

I can see you had a great day ;O)) great food and all

RO said... 27

Wow! Lots of fun stuff to zero in on dear Elizabeth! First, you gave me a good giggle when you didn't want to mess up your mat so you could take it home. I used to go to Golden Corral every year on Veteran's Day for my FREE meal until they closed the one that's 5 minutes from my home. I'm glad you took advantage of Denny's birthday freebie. On my birthday, I literally travel all over the place to get FREE stuff. (lol) Apparently, you're the person to hang out with on birthdays!(lol) I like the idea of finding a surprise in one of your paper art projects. That makes it pretty unique, and I adore that colorful grocery bag. They come in handy to pick up small orders in places like Aldi's and thrift stores instead of plastic bags. This post wasn't long at all, because it made me feel like I was there. Some of those pictures of food look like things I'd try, even though they weren't cheeseburger related.(lol) Hugs...RO

Jeanie said... 28

I'm a big one for extending birthdays as long as one can get away with it! In fact, we still haven't done Kate's March 1 birthday field trip to the Toledo Art Museum because we were waiting for the exhibit to change so within a week or two! It looks like you and Sally had a terrific time! Good on you.

Speaking of dining, you mentioned the Arch de Triumph napkins in my recent post. I got them a long while ago at (I think) Dollar Tree. I have some extras. If you want to email me your address, I'll pop some in the mail to you with a few other goodies!

Divers and Sundry said... 29

Thanks for linking me. I missed T Tuesday completely, but Happy Whatever-Day-You're-Observing :)

That's so much food! We don't have a Golden Corral here, but we used to and I remember it fondly. I love Chinese food, and that restaurant looks like it does it right :) Yummm. The Denny's pancakes look tasty. I've never heard of the Twin Peaks restaurant, but I'm a sucker for statues ;) The food looks good, and I like the style of the interior. That rustic look would do well here, I think. There's never a food post that's too long lol

Anonymous said... 30

Holy cow (or not for the vegetarian) Holy peppers is better. That's alot of food there...I love the shots of Sally opening and pondering in confusion your gifts. You captured them so well. But what a fun way to celebrate a birthday with continuous celebrations. What a good friend you are. xox

craftytrog said... 31

My goodness! All that foods looks delicious! It's lucky I've just eaten my porridge or I'd be dashing to the fridge! Lol! It looks like you celebrated in style Elizabeth. I love the stag sculpture, and the pretty key brooch you gave Sally.
Alison xxx