Monday, April 23, 2018

T Stands For bEARTHday gifts from afar

 Today I'll be sharing the bEARTHday gifts I received from art friends around the globe.  Next week, I'll share where I ate during bEARTHday week and gifts I gave my foodie friend Sally, whose birthday I spaced off and didn't even remember until we were shopping about two weeks later.

But today is all about the wonderful gifts I received from my artist friends.  Note my traditional birthday muffin, and my empty cup, which I will fill with tea once all these goodies have been removed from harm's way.  They don't call me klutz for nothing!

Each of these ladies outdid herself.  They created beautiful art and sent amazing gifts.  All are T Tuesday participants, and I couldn't be happier and more proud, although they should NOT have been so generous.  Be sure to check out the envelope Dianne made in which she sent her card.

I told Krisha she truly made me feel like a star when I opened the card the first thing.  Beautiful napkins, die cuts, and awesome tissue papers, along with those owl keys truly made my day.  Krisha knows I have a "thing" for keys.

I'm sure many of you knew this came from Cindy because of her signature bingo cards.  However, this is a fabulous postcard and I can't quit running my hand over it.  The texture, which doesn't show in the photo, is phenomenal.   Cindy is always surprising me with something and this was truly out of the blue (pun not intended, but accurate)!

Everything here is recycled, including the Kandinsky calendar page Dianne used to make the envelope.

I have to admit that Susi's gift was over the top.  I opened this while we were at a restaurant and I kept squealing with delight as I opened more and more beautiful gifts she sent.

I took so many photos of items in that box, I had to create a mosaic, or you would have been here all day long.  There were oil pastels, fabric, feathers, leaves, napkins, more napkins, wonderful tea, teabags, embellishments, stamps, stamps, and more stamps, a beautiful hand painted birthday card, a handmade and beautifully painted book from recycled materials, and I bet you all caught the ROCKING HORSE, too!!!!

Also tucked in among the other gifts were these beauties, a tag and a painting, both created using recycled materials.

Doesn't this look beautiful on my library table?  I may find a different place for it, though, since it should have its own space and not have to share space with other rocking horses.  It's very unique and I've never seen another one like it.

Now it's your turn to share a drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, teapots, mugs, a drink cup, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, teabags, scrapbooking, or any other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink. Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time.

30 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Enjoy your gifts, you received some lovely things! Happy T Day, Valerie

johanna said... 2

you have been spoilt, but you ARE WORTH IT!! enjoy each and every single piece!
happy t-day ♥♥♥

Meggymay said... 3

Your gifts all look lovely Elizabeth, you will enjoy using them .
The new rocking horse looks super.
Your Birthday muffin looked delicious.
Happy T day wishes.
Yvonne xx

jinxxxygirl said... 4

What a wonderful foray thru your birthday gifts Elizabeth... your peeps sure were good to you! Me? I forgot you all together....sigh... But i'm glad to see you were well taken care of ... Happy Belated Birthday and Happy Early T day! Hugs! deb

Lowcarb team member said... 5

Wonderful gifts ... enjoy them.

All the best Jan

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 6

Happy bEARTHday, Elizabeth! You deserved everything you got - and I mean that in a very complimentary way ;-)

Like most people who give so much to so many (people and causes), you may not even be aware of the impact you've had. I'm grateful to be one of the recipients of your care and attention.

The (physical) gifts you received are quite a testament to you.

Happy T-day and happy bEARTHday to a very special lady! Big hugs, Eileen

CJ Kennedy said... 7

Everything your received just made me smile. Such wonderful and thoughtful gifts. May you use them in good health. Happy Bearthday and Happy T Day

Linda Kunsman said... 8

oh wow- you received so many beautiful, generous and thoughtful gifts-and well deserved! Of course I recognized Cindy's card right away:):) And oh, that unique rocking horse with the must have been in heaven. Thanks for sharing your special day along with your joy. Happy T day!

Rita said... 9

What wonderful gifts!! :):)

kathyinozarks said... 10

Oh Wow Lots of Happy Happy Mail for your Birthday!! Enjoy it all-hugs

Sami said... 11

So many beautiful gifts Elizabeth. The keys are beautiful and different and of course I love the rocking horse, so cute.

RO said... 12

Wow! It's neat when you have friends who are artistic and totally "get you" the way these ladies have. I can't believe she fit all those lovely treat in that box! (lol) I can tell your day was totally fabulous and looking forward to hearing more about it! Hugs...RO

Lisca said... 13

Happy bearthday to you! Is it today? (Otherwise a BELATED b'day of course)
You certainly have been spoilt! So many beautiful and thoughtful gifts. Of course the rocking horse is spot-on for you.
You had me smiling when you called yourelf a clutz. I am one too. I'm so clumsy, I knock over everything that comes in my way and I spill stuff over my clothe! At home I am always wearing an apron for that reason. I only wish I could wear one at restaurants. I've had more than one disaster. (and not only over my own clothes...need I tell you more....)
Thank you for sharing those amazing gifts and cards you received. I bet you were squealing.
Happy T-Day,

froebelsternchen said... 14

I am happy with you dear Elizabeth! You have deserved even so much more my friend, as you know! Wonderful gifts did you get and that so many girls thought of you shows how much we all LOVE you!

Happy T-Day!


Dortesjs said... 15

You are spoilt,you deserved it

kathyinozarks said... 16

good morning, here is a link to my laundry soap recipe only thing different is I add all the dry ingredients to the bottom of the 5 gallon bucket and then pour the melted soap in the hot water and then pour over the dry and stir til dissolved. then just keep adding super hot water and stirring til your reach the top of the bucket-about half way I add the natural glycerin. use a good plain bar soap-I can get Kirks here and that is a good one. oh and I double the recipe to fill the 5 gallon bucket. I mentioned there that I stir the bucket-there Is not a need to really do that.
I do make the dry soap to keep around for rugs and tough jobs and I grate fels napha bar soap for that one.
I use powdered bleach now and don't make that recipe-but if you hang your clothes out in the sun it works nice. I had used the fabric softener for several years, but now I either use straight vinegar in the rinse, or I use a no perfume etc fabric softener for towels etc.
I started making this back in 2008 or so when the economy crashed and we really had to save money--but I love the process so I have not bought laundry soap since then Have fun!

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 17

Thank you for your comment on my blog, especially about Sadie. We've had 14 fur babies (if you don't count the gerbils - lol). Ten were rescues and most were lovely dogs and cats. We've had two dogs that were very challenging and Sadie has been the toughest. But we love her and this is her forever home ;-)

kathyinozarks said... 18

oops that link will take you to the laundry search link on my old blog which is the first post but here is the link to just that post

Let's Art Journal said... 19

Wow, you received so many beautiful birthday gifts! Your friends are so thoughtful and kind, and I can imagine your delight as you unwrapped them all - amazing 😁. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊 x

froebelsternchen said... 20

Oh and Ms.Dr.Elizabeth Recycling Queen I hope you have seen that you are amongst TOP 5 at the cat walk over at Try It On Tuesday! Big congrats!!!

Kate Yetter said... 21

So many beautiful gifts from such thoughtful and artistic friends! Isn't wonderful that one can still enjoy birthdays despite not being in the single digits. Some say birthdays and Christmas are just for kids and I adamantly would have to disagree. It looks like you had a lot of fun opening and taking pictures. Thank you for sharing your loot with us. Looking forward to seeing what you make with all of the crafty items.
Happy Tea Day!

Divers and Sundry said... 22

What wonderful gifts! What generous friends! Happy T Tuesday :)

Sandra Cox said... 23

Dear, Elizabeth, I hope your BEarthday was wonderful as your friendships. Lovely gifts indeed.

Dianne said... 24

So glad you had some fun goodies to open on your birthday! wonderful gifties from Suzie, for sure! glad you liked the envelope I sent...worried that the P.O. wouldn't like the bright image and the stamp wouldn't contrast enough for the machines...but glad it arrived ok! Hope you have a great year, dear friend! many happy returns! ;) ♥

Kim Collister Studio said... 25

Such sweet thoughtful gifts and friends!! Happy Birthday to you!! I hope you took time to enjoy your Tea!

da tabbies o trout towne said... 26

VERY nice gifts Elizabeth; your friends are amazing and so is their talent ☺☺ I know you will enjoy each and everyone of them !!! ♥♥

craftytrog said... 27

You were truly spoilt with this wonderful array of arty gifts Elizabeth!

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said... 28

Lots of lovely treasures and keepsakes what fabulous friends. Glad your BEARTHday was a day to remember. Thank you so much for sharing with everyone x

Marfi-topia said... 29

how fun! glad your special day was filled with so many sweet gifts and a cupcake.
Happy Belated Birthday:X

pearshapedcrafting said... 30

What wonderful gifts you received- I can imagine the squeals as you opened these! The rocking horse (and the other gifts) from Susie is fantastic! Glad so many folk celebrated your birthday and a big apology from me that my card etc. didn't arrive in time! Hugs, Chrisx