Monday, January 22, 2018

The Last Time We'll Go To Legends T

My foodie friend Sally and I love to visit Legends.  We have been on numerous occasions.  However, their buffet is now gone, and their restaurant has been drastically overhauled and remodeled.  They no longer cater to the people who live and work around the airport and various nearby facilities.  Instead, they are now strictly an upscale hotel restaurant where you can grab a bite if you are staying as a guest at the hotel, but will avoid if you are a local.

Sally held the lunch menu up so I could take a photo.  I swear, nothing sounded good to me, because I was expecting a buffet.

Because there was nothing vegetarian on the menu, except salads, I ordered the Buffalo Chicken Sandwich, and got this mess.   This is what happened when I tried to take a bite.  I asked for ranch dressing and the buffalo sauce on the side, because I am NOT a fan of vinegary hot buffalo sauce. Just a tiny taste of the sauce and I knew I hated it.

Sally got one fish filet and it was gone practically before I remembered to take a photo of our food.  Needless to say, I took the other half of the sandwich home.  I was so unimpressed with the new facility, I completely forgot to take photos of the new restaurant and bar area.  You can see a bit of it in the background, though.  It won't be long and those vinyl seats will have holes in them, I'm sure.

In case you didn't notice, both Sally and I had water, mine with lemon.  We both agreed this would probably be the last time we would come to Legends, which is sad, because we always looked forward to this outing at least a couple times a year.

Now it's your turn to share a drink related post.  Your post may include photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Please share your direct link below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.

31 thoughtful remarks:

johanna said... 1

so sorry your Food day was disappointing! hope you can Report a better experience next week.
have a great week anyway, xox

Valerie-Jael said... 2

Sorry you were so disappointed with the restaurant and your meal. I'm sure you won't be going there again in a hurry! Hope the next place you visit will be friendlier and serve something better. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

kathyinozarks said... 3

oh wow that is very disappointing to find out that the restaurant has changed so much. the owners may find out they are losing business too. I hope you dud not leave a tip for your lunch I would not have been happy.
Perhaps you and your friend will find a new place even better
Happy T Stands for Tuesday

Meggymay said... 4

Its such a shame to go out for a meal expecting a menu that will excite you and finding that it has all changed and the menu is a disappointing.
It sounds like you may not be the only ones to pass by this restaurant if they are catering for a different kind of diner.
I hope your next trip out for a meal will make up for this one.
Happy T day wishes.
Yvonne xx

Carol said... 5

I hate it when one of your favorite places to eat goes and screws everything up. It's so hard to get Bob to try a new restaurant so when one changes for the worse we just have one less place to eat out. Sandwiches in general have gotten to be so big these days I have to them up with a knife and eat with a fork or I end up wearing them home :(

Let's Art Journal said... 6

That's such a shame, you and Sally always enjoyed Legends in the past! I hope you find another buffet to visit instead 😁. Happy T Day! J 😊

Lisca said... 7

Oh what a shame! I looked at the menú and thought it was rather expensive. They thought they'd go up-market but the result is that less people will visit. I can fully understand you will not be returning there. I agree it was a total mess your dish.
Oh well, plenty of fish in the sea and all that.
Happy T-Day,

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 8

Ewww, that buffalo chicken sandwich looks awful, Elizabeth! What a shame. Progress? But like Lisca said, "plenty more fish in the sea." I hope you and Sallie will find someplace even better than the Legends-that-was (were?).

Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

My name is Erika. said... 9

Sorry to hear about Legends. I know how much you liked going there. Looks like the jacked up their prices too! The sandwich looks like it was lots of sauce and not mouthwatering for sure. What might be even more disappointing than your lunch is the fact that a place you enjoyed is no longer there. Hopefully your T day is better than this lunch. :) Hugs-Erika

Sharon Madson said... 10

Thanks for the heads up, because that is also one of our favorite places to go a couple of times a year. We liked it when it was Italian day for the Buffet on Thursday’s, I think. So won’t be going there anymore. We love the buffet at Sweet Basil. I haven’t been subscribed to your Blog very long, so don’t know if you have already done a review or not on it. Also, best hamburgers in Wichita are at TJ’s Burger House on West Douglas in Delano. So, like I said I am fairly new to your Blog, so a question: Do I post my photo on my Blog and then connect to yours like we do on WOYWW? How do I title it, T for Tuesday? Thanks! I am enjoying your Blog in my email every day :)

kathyinozarks said... 11

thank you so much for the link-she had given me some links last week for her fabric books, but I also appreciate this one you shared-I appreciate your help so much, these tips are big help-I am having trouble with the printing I just have black ink so I think that's why it is not working for me-Kathy

Jeanie said... 12

Oh, what a disappointing visit, Elizabeth. I'm so sorry. And not inexpensive, either.

Rita said... 13

It is like a different place now. The end. Too bad.

Mascha said... 14

It's always sorry, if a good restaurant io more good (forget it!). Hope, you find another soon.
Have a nice and creative day

Helen said... 15

what a shame that one of your favourite places has changed so much, and for the worse!

Sandra Cox said... 16

I'm so sorry. That's always disappointing when you have a place you really enjoy and then their standards slip.

froebelsternchen said... 17

I can imagine that you and Sally are sad about the irrecoverably lost of one of your favourite restaurants! And gosh - what high prices for a bit of potatoes and some bread... they are shamelessly!
Like you wrote they are not interested in local guests anymore!No doubt!
Happy T-Day Miss Elizabeth! -
Are in US anyone use still the term Miss.
Here we have to call since more than 20 years every woman over 18 -20 Mrs.
we had the "Fräulein" for many decades - but just the "Frau" left, regardless of whether married or not.

Have a great T-Day my friend ♥♥♥ I am a bit busy this week - have some appointments more at different doctors for checks for me and my daughter.
Got all appointments within two weeks.
But good for next month - lol!
Thank you for your lovely comments at my blog Elizabeth!
oxo Susi

Darla said... 18

Well darn it! I'm not a buffet fan but I sure hate it when I go a place I like to have a meal only to find they have changed everything. Your food looks pretty uninspiring. You will just have to go out and find us something better for next Tuesday.

CJ Kennedy said... 19

Oh, so sorry one of your favorite places changed. Though your sandwich may have been disappointing, you had good company to commiserate with.

Did I see on the news KS got whacked with a monster snow storm? Hope all is well with you and the boys.

Divers and Sundry said... 20

What a shame. Presentation isn't the only thing, but it does matter :( My guess is they'll change again soon, because anyone expecting an upscale restaurant will be disappointed. I hate losing a favored restaurant :(

I'm glad your weather is good enough to venture out, even if the restaurant was a disappointment.

Divers and Sundry said... 21

I'm having trouble accessing Cathee's page.

Cat Stegall said... 22

Hi Elizabeth I have been missing from blog-world for a while but am back and love your t for Tuesday posts so I am joining in ..Sorry my first link to my name did not work second one is good to go! hugs Cathee

da tabbies o trout towne said... 23

the prices alone would stop me from going back...EXPENSIVE !!!

da tabbies say HI to bleu and squiggles :) ♥3

Sharon Madson said... 24

It is me again! Just wanted to reply to your post about Sweet Basil. We had never gone there before the fire, so nothing to compare the new redo to. We were however happy with the service and food, and have been there about three times since the fire.
Also, just letting you k ow I did a post and linked. Waiting to see if I did everything right! Is it drinks every time? And is it ok if I continue featuring teapots on T for Tuesday! thanks!

Halle said... 25

Bummer about the restaurant.
Hope your day is going well! Happy T day!

Dianne said... 26

That's disappointing to see that the "new and improved" restaurant was actually neither! ...wonder if they have a new owner? too bad for you and Sally, certainly. my experience with 'upscale' is that it's not necessarily better, just costs more. Hopefully you will find something more to your taste. I agree that the buffets seem to be disappearing!

Sorry to be so late. again. but will try my best to visit everyone! take care dear friend, and stay warm! ♥

Kate Yetter said... 27

I find it disappointing when I visit a restaurant and the food is terrible. Takes the joy out of a anticipated outing when the food is less than expected. You pay money for it. To bad there isn't a money back guarantee. I always stick with one meal when I find something I like on a menu. Decreases the chance for future disappointments.
I am late linking today but have a happy Tea Day!
Kate said... 28

It's always sad when a favorite spot goes downhill. We lost two of our fav's recently.....that food really didn't look very good,I agree....

pearshapedcrafting said... 29

I do understand what you are feeling - our favourite pub(who also put on a fabulous wedding reception for us) was sold to a company who turned it into a 'fine dining' place. We called in one day not realising - we had the whole family with us and they showed us to a table right at the back of the place and quite clearly could hardly wait for us to leave - rude, overpriced and an unpleasant atmosphere - it closed down and now looks derelict!!! I am so sorry, as I know how much you liked it!Hugs,Chrisx

RO said... 30

That's the pits Elizabeth. There's nothing worse that liking something and getting used to it, only to have the rug pulled out. I was sad to see only one cheeseburger option. (lol) I'm sorry your meal didn't work out well. Now there's the adventure of finding a new place to hang out on Tuesday, right? Hugs...RO

Toni said... 31

To bad that Legends got to big for their britches! If you're ever in Redding, CA, stop off at Shameless O'Leery's. Great atmosphere, especially for Trivia Tuesdays!