Monday, January 29, 2018

T Stands For Chicken Noodle Dinner

I often have to dig into the past to find a suitable T post where my foodie friend and I are out and about, but that is not the case today.  These photos were taken this past Saturday (Jan 27 or 27 Jan).

This tale actually begins when I walked out my door on Saturday into the sunshine and wind.

I remembered I needed to take a photo of my mailbox for Chris, but still had nothing to compare it to sizewise.

I placed my very deformed hand on the box, but it tells nothing, other than how dirty the mailbox is.

Not sure that helped, either other than to show how dry my hands are.  But now it was time to get Sally because we were off

to church.   Actually, this is the third time I have been here.

Take a good look at the windows on the third floor, because I didn't realize it at the time, but this is where we ended up, or should I say started.

You can see only a small portion of the parking lot from my photo.  There were cars parked on the side street, too.

That is Sally hobbling along up the very steep steps.  You would think a church would be more disable friendly, but not this one.  Yes, that is a chicken announcing the way to the Chicken Noodle Dinner, this church's annual fund raiser.  Sally was insistent that we go.  She didn't care if she had to hobble or crawl, she wanted to go.  We've gone twice before and she goes every year she remembers or knows about it.

Once inside we paid.  I was told we would have to surrender our ticket when we got to the event, so I quickly took a photo of it.  Yes, it cost $10.00 (USD) per person and it was well worth it.  I'm ticket 1168 and there were people behind me waiting for me to take the photo.

Next we walked up another flight of stairs to the church where we were instructed to wait until others were finished eating.  In the past, we have never waited, so this was new to me.  I decided to take a few photos of the stained glass windows.

I moved to the center where the light wasn't any better.

I decided to take a photo of each pane individually.

Our numbers were finally called and we were herded to the basement, down many, many steps.  Sally hobbled and made it.

A pitcher of ice water, a bowl of chicken and noodles, and a bowl of mashed potatoes were sitting on the table that we passed on our way to the desserts.

Sally was trying to see what was available.  I was hoping for pie, but there was none.

Sally's boot she is wearing.  She was hobbling so much at this point, I think she was glad when she finally got to sit.

Coffee was also on the table, as was bread.  The servers soon brought cole slaw, potatoes, chicken and noodles, and also provided tea and lemonade.  I had coffee, but only one cup because there was no half and half and I refuse to add that powdered garbage people call "creamer."

I moved my plate and took a photo of the paper placemat.  I took mine home, too.  I also got to keep my ticket after I asked.

As we left, I saw this on the sidewalk and had to take a photo of it.  It's a sewer plate.  I thought it was beautiful.

By now, I'm sure most of you know the drill.  It's your turn to share a drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, teabags, scrapbooking, or any other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink. Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time.

Since this is the last Tuesday of the month, I would be remiss if I didn't remind you to dig up your Second on the 2nd post.  It's one you have posted sometime in the past and want to share it again with others.  Any genre, any post is acceptable as long as you have published it in the past.  The link will go live on the 2nd.

32 thoughtful remarks:

johanna said... 1

i have two favorites today... the stained glass Windows and the sewer plates!! i have a whole collection of the latter here, every town i visit brings me a new one to photograph. this one you found is especially beautiful as it is colored!!
happy t-day:)

Valerie-Jael said... 2

What a fantastic place to have a meal, love those stained glass windows. Sally seems to have strength of character, she is one determined lady! Love the sewer plate, too, never seen one like that before. Glad you enjoyed your dinner - except for the coffee creamer! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

jinxxxygirl said... 3

Chicken Dinner.. Chicken Dinner... I wonder if the money went to the church or another cause... Hmmm... what did Sally do to her foot Elizabeth... Have i missed that somewhere?? Well that Chicken Dinner looked fab! Too bad they didn't have any pie.. I wonder who does all the cooking?? Beautiful stained glass windows and a beautiful church overall.. Crazy you had to climb steps just to go down... Happy happy T day ! Hugs! deb

Meggymay said... 4

The Church you went to has awesome stained glass windows, you got some super photos while you were waiting to be called for your meal.
It all sounded very organised, to be serving so many folk.
I am pleased you enjoyed your chicken dinner, I hope you got a delicious dessert as well.
Sally must have been in some pain at the end of the day with all those steps.
I liked the other photos as well, the mail box does look large.
Happy T day wishes.
Yvonne xx

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 5

I would say Sally was very motivated to get there and I can see why. The chicken noodle dinner looks delicious. I think it's awesome that the church has carried on this tradition for 72 years!

Also, I had bunion surgery on both feet at the same time years ago and had to wear those clunky boots. So I empathize with Sally's "discomfort." That's what the doctors call it, "You'll have some discomfort after." I still call it "pain!"

The stained glass windows are beautiful. You ladies find the most interesting eating places!

Lisca said... 6

I'm so pleased to see Sally hobbling along so soon after her op. The meal sounds a hoot. And it was for a good cause too.
I loved the stain glass windows. And the sewer plate is really lovely. So unusual and colorful (for me anyways).
Happy T-Day,

Anonymous said... 7

I agree with Johanna, windows and sewer plate, and what is up with no access, surprised they have not had to put in a ramp, but maybe because it's a church they are exempt. xox

pearshapedcrafting said... 8

Wow! This was especially interesting to me as a member of the Methodist Church! This one seems quite ornate - the gallery rail looks amazing! Is this one a central one? What a great place to eat this special meal. Poor Sally having to climb those steps though! I agree with you about that colourful grid! Will this have you searching for more? (grin!)
Happy T day! Chrisx

pearshapedcrafting said... 9

Popped back to say - Thanks for showing the mail box - now I really can see how big it is! xx

kathyinozarks said... 10

Those stained glass windows are gorgeous-thanks for sharing those. and what a fun event for lunch. Glad Sally was able to manage all of those steps. and I do love that the sewer plate got painted-brightens up things a bit.
Happy T Day

My name is Erika. said... 11

That chicken noodle dinner looks good, and it is very popular from the sounds of it. It is surprising they didn't have a better way for people to get in, not just disabled but also elderly folks who aren't very mobile. plus you got to help support the church. And you don't have any snow, do you? Ours has melted down a bit until the next storm arrives. Hope you have a happy T day my friend. Hugs-Erika

CJ Kennedy said... 12

Wow, 72 years running the chicken noodle dinner. Guess the church found a winning formula for the fund raiser. And at least you got to look at the beautiful stained glass windows while you waited. Too bad they made you wait all the way upstairs instead of on the first floor someplace. What did they have for dessert instead of pie? And I can't use the chemical creamer, because something in it makes me nauseous and dizzy. I don't think I've ever seen a color sewe plate. Very cool face with a long nose and crooked smile. Happy T Day

Linda Kunsman said... 13

what a real trooper Sally was! Sad they don't have better accommodations for the disabled. The stained glass windows are so beautiful. Glad you were able to enjoy such a good meal-and to get the ticket and place mat - a wonderful bonus! Love the painted sewer plate too. Happy T day!

Sharon Madson said... 14

I am really going to enjoy these Tuesday posts from you, seeing where you and Sally go. What a fun chicken greeting you as you entered the church. And I agree that Sally is a trooper! Glad you girls have so much fun! I want to also tell you everyone was so welcoming last week! Thank you for letting me join in! Happy Tuesday! :)

Rita said... 15

That is a really popular dinner if they have to feed people in shifts! Beautiful church. You really do have a big mailbox. :)

Mascha said... 16

The stained glass windows are wonderful and I like the sewer plate too.
Since I must eat glutenfree and figured out my chicken egg allergy, I never more had a meal outside my own home, sigh! I'm so longing for a yummy pizza or noodles or delicious meal, what I don't must make by myself - - -
Happy T-day from Germany

Helen said... 17

What a fascinating use of a church, although it doesn't look a lot like most churches from the outside! Glad you and Sally were able to make the event and enjoyed it too. The windows are great!

Lorraine said... 18

glad you got to sit down the stained glass windows

froebelsternchen said... 19

The stained glass windows are so beautiful and I love you caught this beautiful sewer plate for us. Seems that was a nice event. And worth the $10,- for sure! Well done!

Happy T-Day my friend!
oxo Susi

Let's Art Journal said... 20

Wow, your chicken noodle dinner looks amazing - yum! So glad you and Sally managed to get there and wishing Sally a very speedy recovery, I bet she was so pleased to sit down after all those steps too 😁. It's really nice that you got to keep the ticket and place mat. That's such a great and colourful sewer plate too! Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊

RO said... 21

I have to admit that at first glance, the church doesn't give you a clue that it's actually a church, but once inside those stained glass windows are so lovely. I hate that your friend had to suffer all those steps, but it looks like the trip was well worth it with the meal, and I'm glad you really liked it too. That's the first time ever that I've seen a sewer decorated, and it really looks good. Thanks so much for inviting us to eat today Elizabeth. I sure enjoyed it! Hugs...RO

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 22

Thank you for all the fabulous information on the versatility of DIY gel plates, Elizabeth. Knowing I can't ruin it my 1st or 2nd try really gives me the confidence to get out the acrylics and brayer and make a beautiful mess! Today!!

Jeanie said... 23

The church is pretty but I'm not sure how they can get away with it being not handicap accessible these days. Even a chair lift on the steps would be helpful and probably less expensive than an elevator.

But the dinner looks good and it's nice that Sally is out hobbling around!

Divers and Sundry said... 24

I can speak to the accessibility of those old churches. With sacred and secular buildings alike, when these buildings were planned and constructed, accessibility wasn't a consideration. Now, when these churches realize the need there's often no way to accomplish it. Either there's not nearly enough money or there's not room at the site for the changes, or they've made what changes they can but it still leaves major parts of the building inaccessible. As lovely as stained glass windows are, sometimes attachment to the history of the building itself keeps members from the kinds of actions necessary if the goal is accessibility. I'm surprised that those stairs couldn't be by-passed -an alternate entrance or an elevator or _something_, given that the event has such a long history. I admire Sally's persistence! I wish someone would bring these concerns to the event's organizers. Maybe they don't realize how hard it is?

Those stained glass windows and that dark wood are gorgeous!

Thanks again for hosting this gathering. I look forward to it every week :)

Darla said... 25

That looks like fun and the windows are beautiful. I don't quite get the connection between chicken noodle soup and mashed potatoes tho. I'm on phone again but did post. Hook me up please when you have a minute.

Darla said... 26

Me again! I'm home at a computer so managed to link myself, LOL! Sometimes the only post I manage during a week is Tea Stands for Tuesday. Without you I'd probably go into blogging history. Thanks for keeping me afloat my friend.

Kate Yetter said... 27

What a beautiful church! I certainly don't envy Sally's hike down the stairs with that boot... Those things are so heavy to carry around. But that dinner looks so yummy!
Happy Tea Day,

sheila 77 said... 28

Hello Elizabeth.
I enjoyed today's trip, starting with the mail box. It does look large.
Sorry you had to wait for lunch but then we got to see these lovely stained glass windows.
I thought it was amusing that you held up the queue to take a photo of your ticket, just like a teenager instagrammer.
The chicken on the stairs was funny too.
One day I will join in with this Tuesday event, but at the moment I just don't have time to visit the participants.
Love to you and the boys,

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 29

Thank for the links on gel plate printing, Elizabeth! I plunged in today and made some prints on (cheap) deli paper. I found it quite intimidating though I got a few nice prints. I'll check out your links.

craftytrog said... 30

What a wonderful tradition and dinner looks delicious Elizabeth. I love the church windows and pretty sewer plate.
Happy T-Day!
Alison xx

Carol Samsel said... 31

Down with a horrible cold see everyone next week

Carol Samsel said... 32

Down with a horrible cold see everyone next week