Monday, January 15, 2018

T Stands For Back to China Inn

Sometime in late summer, my foodie friend Sally and I went back to

China Inn.  This is not a place I'm particularly fond of, probably because if I'm going to eat Chinese, I want a buffet.  Buffets are also usually cheaper, too. 

But this was Sally's day to pick, so I brought extra money and my camera.  I admit this place is always immaculate and  I am always impressed by how clean the huge windows are.

Let's begin by checking out the drink menu, even though I have already decided on water with lemon.

And even though I knew what I wanted, which is the Number 2, I wanted to show how large this menu truly is.

I may try that Wonderful Shrimp if I am there for lunch again.

After I took my last photo of the menu,

I decided to turn my camera on the restaurant because for once, we were the only people there who weren't part of the wait staff.

It was also the first time I had seen the bar area.

That mirror was beautiful and the plants were real.

The first time we were here, we sat in one of the booths, and the restaurant was crowded.

But now it was time to eat.  I decided to take photos before Sally could eat half hers while I was taking a photo.

Now it's your turn to share a drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, teabags, scrapbooking, or any other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink. Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time.

30 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Looks like a great place for a meal, I love Chinese food. Buffet is always my choice, too, I like to be able to try lots of things. We have a Chinese place near here, now, so that's an improvement. Happy T Day, goodnight, hugs, Valerie

johanna said... 2

your meal really Looks delicious, i love chinese Food too. the bar area of this Restaurant Looks great. and i had to grin about taking the photo before everything is halfway eaten up... that´s what usually happens with me;)
happy t-day!
(my forth Trial, until i can press "publish"... Blogger is playing that game recently very often...)

My name is Erika. said... 3

Oh my, I want some Chinese food right now. I haven't had any forever. Your food looks good. Oh for an eggroll right now. :) Happy T day and thanks for sharing this yumminess with us. Hugs-Erika

Let's Art Journal said... 4

Wow, the restaurant looks immaculate and the food divine - yum! I enjoyed seeing all the photos of the decor, it looks such a lovely place to eat 😁. Chinese food is one of my favourites and I like your menu choice too! Happy T Day! J 😊

Lisca said... 5

Now that is the sort of restaurant I like. I am the opposite to you. I would rather not have a buffet. I don't trust buffets. I don't know how many people have touched the food, and how long the rice has been there and at what temperature has it been kept etc. I know, I am probably paranoid, but I don't do buffets if i can help it.
Now this restaurant looks like it is just 'up my street'. I like the menu and the food on your plate looks really yummy. I love chinese food. If the staff speak sufficient English (or Spanish in our case) I always ask for someting different from the bog standard dishes. China is a big country and depending where they come from, they will have their special dishes.
I would also like to comment on the decor. It is beautiful. The colour scheme is tasteful and calming. I wish I could come with you next tme.
Happy T-Day,

Kate Yetter said... 6

I absolutely love Asian food. It is always what I request when hubby and I go out on a date. I think he gets tired of it but not me! My favorite is a pot of Chinese Oolong tea.
That restaurant look very clean. Wonderful assurance that the kitchen is hopefully clean. ;)
Happy Tea Day,

CJ Kennedy said... 7

That looks like a very nice restaurant with something for everyone. Seems we never eat Chinese food at the restaurant always do takeout. I did have to chuckle at the fried calamari under American dishes. Happy T Day

Halle said... 8

Yum! I love Chinese food. I was about to comment how lush and green everything looked until I saw that these photos were from summer. Before seeing that I was nearly overtaken by a fit of jealousy...I know better. All is forgiven. :)

Carol said... 9

Now I"m really hungry for Chinese food!!! Looks GOOD!!!!

Sami said... 10

I like most Chinese food. Chinese restaurants always seem to have endless menus, it makes it really difficult to choose. The restaurant looks quite nice and tidy.

Meggymay said... 11

It looks a really modern style restaurant and I wonder if it had been newly decorated?. It must take them quite a while to look after the large area's of glass and the mirror.
Your food looked delicious, I would have found it hard to choose from that long menu.
Happy T day wishes.
Yvonne xx

Meggymay said... 12

I've had a real problem with blogger this a.m.
Its my second entry that will take you to my post, sorry I couldn't remove the first one.
I'm also having problems posting these comments. Happy days
Yvonne x

craftytrog said... 13

The food looks delicious Elizabeth! And beautiful surroundings!
Happy T-Day!
Alison xox

RO said... 14

Not a cheeseburger in sight Elizabeth,(lol) but I have to admit that the restaurant seems really nice. The menu is quite elegant too. They also lovingly give you plenty of food so you have some leftovers to take home. Very cool. I like that you guys go out to eat and choose different places to try too. Happy Tuesday! Hugs...RO

froebelsternchen said... 15

The Chinese restaurant looks quite nice and tidy and has such a big menue. Your plates look very tempting to me and make me hungry now!Happy T-Day!
oxo Susi

Linda Kunsman said... 16

Now this is a Chinese restaurant I'd enjoy! Very clean looking, spacious and a generous menu not to mention the portion of food you've gotten. Like Lisca, I am not a fan of buffets-too much food etc.
Well, the snow and winter warning has begun here (again) so I should have plenty of time to make more journal pages:) Wishing you a happy T day!

kathyinozarks said... 17

This looks like a lovely restaurant. I would agree for me the prices are a bit high for lunch but what an extensive menu to choose from. Your food looks delicious too
Happy T Day hugs Kathy

Nancy said... 18

Very nice- the menu is very large, and your dishes look tasty. Generous servings also. Now I have a yen for Chinese food!

Divers and Sundry said... 19

What a pretty place! I'm with you in preferring a buffet, but there's plenty on that menu that would appeal to me :)

Dianne said... 20

Just a quick note to see what's up, and to apologize for not being able to join the Tea party again this week. I've caught the awful cough that's going around and have been drinking tea by the bucketful. ironic, I know. it's day 5 and I'm marginally better, but not up to visiting everyone at the party today. Hopefully I'll be back to normal by next week. we'll see.

The Chinese food looks of my favorite restaurant meals! This place looks rather the decor. Take care dear friend...and hoping you may have received something from me in the mail? ;) ♥

pearshapedcrafting said... 21

It's always strange to visit somewhere that is usually quite busy - we have often been the only diners in some places - then all of of a sudden it fills up! This looks to be a brilliant menu - No 2 would have been my choice too without the Shrimp! Your plates look so colourful! Good idea to stick with the water! Hugs,Chrisx

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 22

I love Chinese food, and like Sally, I prefer to have my food brought hot from the kitchen. It was nice of you to go for the splurge for your friend's sake ;-) It looks like a lovely place. Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

Marfi-topia said... 23

I'm drooling! haha1 I love Chinese food! I've been wanting some lately.
What a lovely restaurant:)

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 24

I love Chinese food, Elizabeth! Like Sally, I prefer to have my food brought hot from the kitchen. It was nice of you to go for the splurge for your friend's sake ;-) It looks like a lovely place. Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

Sandra Cox said... 25

This looks like a lovely spot and the food looks delicious. Our plans were to go to the theater but I ended up at the eye doctor instead. We wanted to see The Post. Hoping to catch it next week.

Darla said... 26

Looks like a nice place and you were served a generous portion. Thanks for linking my incomplete post (no drink). I created part of the post on computer thinking I could do the rest on my phone. We know how that worked out. Hate missing Tea Tuesday's.

Darla said... 27

Thanks for linking me even tho I couldn't get my drink to show up. I'm impatient posting by phone.

Jeanie said... 28

How did I miss this? Looks like a good time. I'm not huge on Chinese but sometimes, if they have steamed dumplings, I'm hooked!

Lowcarb team member said... 29

This looks like a great place for a meal, and I like the reflections in some of the photo's too!

All the best Jan said... 30

I think you would be amazed at how different the Chinese restaurants are here in San Francisco....looks like a fun lunch. I'd like to have a drink at the bar!