Now it's your turn to share a drink related post. It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, teabags, scrapbooking, or any other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink. Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit. Bleubeard will remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time.
Since this is the last Tuesday in December, please don't forget to dig up your Second on the 2nd post. We will begin year 3 in January, so I am looking forward to seeing many of you join us again next year. I'd also love to see some new faces with a second look. All you have to do is share a post, ANY post, as long as you have published it in the past.
21 thoughtful remarks:
you are right, this Blogging friendship is a great gift we have for each other. hope you are having nice Holidays, too!
(here we celebrate Christmas eve + 2 Holidays, the second one on your "boxing day")
happy t-day, elizabeth
Happy T Day and Merry Christmas Elizabeth-beautiful post I really enjoy being accepted into this lovely group of friends
Sweet post! Merry Christmas, Elizabeth. :)
I'm so glad I found your blog. Lots to learn and I especially love welcoming group that participate in your T Stands For Tuesday posts. Merry Christmas to you and the boys.
Happy T Day. Can't join in this week, I'm feeling really bad. Back to bed now! Hugs, Valerie
A lovely post to read. I am so pleased I found your blog Elizabeth. I have made many friends here and it feels like we are all part of a wonderful blogging family.
Thank you for the friendship you share, it is really special to me.
Happy T day wishes.
Yvonne xx
What a lovely post ELizabeth!
I am so happy about the lovely blogging community and the friends I made through blogging !
You are such a sweet person - I will join a little later this week since we are invited now to our neighbours house for a little After Christmas party.
Will join in with the Wednesday Moo Mania post tomorrow morning - hope that's o.k.!
Have a great Day my friend!
Thank you for hosting T-DAY for us! ♥♥♥
Much appreciated!
oxo Susi
Thanks so much! I'm so glad that dearest Patty introduced me to your blog and I feel very blessed for the gift of our friendship too 😁. Thanks for hosting T Stands for Tuesday and uniting all the lovely T Gang once a week, your a wonderful host! Wishing you very Happy T Day! J 😊
thank you Elizabeth! I love this gift and I appreciate your friendship so much!
I'm so happy to belong to this world wide blogging family.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Elizabeth, and a happy boxing day.
Elizabeth you opened up a whole new blogging world to me. I'm so glad to have found you and your T party. What a nice group of ladies to be a part of. I hope you and Bleubeard and Squiggles had a wonderful Christmas...Big T party and day after Christmassy hugs! deb
Merry Christmas and happy everything to you too!
Best gift ever! May the rest of your Christmas season be wonderful :)
Thank you for the lovely gifts of your friendship and camaraderie, Elizabeth. You always leave the most thoughtful comments. I don't know how you manage it all, but I'm very grateful that you do. Thank you for hosting the T-parties. It has been a pleasure to meet the other T-ladies and be a part of this beautiful online community.
Happy T-Day and Merry Christmas!
Every form of friendship is precious! I find it amazing, at times, how deep our blog friendships have become....from town to town, state to state and country to country.....how truly blessed I feel to have such wonderful friends! Who would think that a cup of coffee would bring such wonderful people together once a week. Thank you for always getting everything set up for us!
Happy T-day and Happy New Year!!!
I do believe that the friendships made through blogging are some of the nicest! I have been lucky enough to meet some bloggers, either at craft shows or in some cases by making arrangements to meet! I am still friends with the group of blogging ladies who first encouraged me to blog! Of course, here at your blog Elizabeth we have been able to share with folk from all around the World - not just our drinks, but part of our lives that isn't just a crafting link and I am sure that others, not just myself, look forward to T day each week!
Big Hugs to you dear friend and Happy T Day! Chrisxxxx
Aack, I just noticed the double link-up. I don't know how I did that. The 2nd one is the one Mr. Linky had saved from last week. Oh well, we're all adults and I guess the ladies will figure it out. But I AM sorry.
Oh no, I can't believe after trying to get some holiday spirit you ended up sick! So sorry to hear that. It's not fun for sure. Hope you are on the improve today.There's so many nasty things going around. They say the flu shot only has about a 10% chance or working this year. Ugh. That worries me.
So today after lunch we went to Target and the store was so picked over. Even the drink cooler at the register was 3/4 empty. I guess they had a good holiday season. I was disappointed at the pickings but I guess I was too late. I did find a couple of storage bins I needed so it was still worthwhile.
And I definitely need to get to the middle of the USA to do some National parks and I would definitely come by and visit. I have never been to that part of the country at all.
So hope you had a nice relaxing T day at home. I love those cool photos you found. I guess I need to do some catching up from the last couple of days. I see some posts I missed. I hope you feel better by tomorrow. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika
I always love your blog and the things you post make me day and teach me new things. Hope your Christmas was filled with lots of hot chocolate. I had a few glasses myself! Merry AFTER Christmas! Hugs...RO
Your gift of friendship is one I value a great deal and I hope you know you have mine in return. There are so many things we can't wrap with a pretty bow but they are the most meaningful and special of all.
This is truly a beautiful post, Elizabeth.
I noticed Erika said she mentioned you were sick which I must have missed in the earlier post. I'm so sorry and hope by now you are much improved and able to enjoy the holiday as you should! Big hugs.
Christmas magic is in the family and friends we surround ourselves with and ours was magical with snow 6" and snow noses on dogs and relaxation! Will certainly share the collage Erika and I make tomorrow, we are going to relax too! xox
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