Monday, November 13, 2017

T Stands For After The Corn Maze Letdown

I'm sure some of you remember when I went to Haysville to buy some gourds and pumpkins.  Unfortunately, the rains prevented the tractors from going into the fields.   There was no one around, which was quite disappointing.

Little did I realize Haysville was having their Fall Festival (that's what it was called, although I'm an AUTUMN gal).

Being on the highway, instead of downtown, this was about all I saw of their festival.  After I got home, I decided to call my foodie friend Sally and see if she wanted to go to lunch.

I'm not sure what the deal is with Sally and sports bars, but she wanted to watch the football game on TV, so we went to Champs.

I asked her to smile

and this is the cheesy smile I captured.

I guess I wanted to make sure I didn't forget where we ate.  Believe it or not, there were a LOT of people there, but I managed to keep all of them out of my photos.

I had potato wedges which came with toast and gravy.  Not the best meal, but one I was happy to eat.  Of course, the gravy was from a box, I'm sure.  Sally had a pizza.  She said hers tasted like "bar pizza."  I was glad I didn't order one.

Now it's your turn to share a drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, teabags, scrapbooking, or any other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink. Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.  Obviously old photos are acceptable because they may be taken and shown any time.

This is Day 14 of AEDM and I created a link-up T Stands For Tuesday party.  You are more than welcome to join us with a drink related post. 

33 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Glad you found someplace to go on that day! Sally looks very happy and relaxed, I'm sure he enjoyed the sports and food. And with all those photos you won't forget where you were too soon! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

johanna said... 2

always good to have a "foody friend", and she smiles so beautifully! hope you´ll get your pumpkins anyway...
happy t-day!

Marfi-topia said... 3

sorry about you not getting your, we haven't had rain here in 81 days!
your lunch sounds so good to me!
it's nice you have a friend like Sally to go to different places to eat with.
She has a lovely smile too:)
Hope you have a great night!

da tabbies o trout towne said... 4

bleu N squiggles...can we say we had sum canned cat food AND sum kibble then drinked fresh water ☺☺☺ !!! de food servizz gurlz werk haz been a ewe noe what; hope everee onez doing grate....seems like we haz been gone a yeer ~~~~~ ♥♥♥

Meggymay said... 5

It looks like your day had a better ending.
Sally does have a happy smile, she does seem to like her sport programs.
You are lucky to have the variety of eating out places close by.
Potato wedges, dipped in gravy sounds good to me.
The photos looked lovely, I had a smile at the place name on the glass.
in my post today the place name is on the cup.
Happy T day wishes Elizabeth
Yvonne xx

pearshapedcrafting said... 6

Sally certainly looks happy - not sure I would want to watch football while I ate(or any time really!!!!) I would love the potato wedges though! Happy T Day! Chrisx

Linda Kunsman said... 7

Too bad about the festival. And despite the OK lunch Sally was a good "sport" to give us a smile :) Happy T day!

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 8

I always enjoy seeing you and Sally out and about making the best of things. The restaurant or food might not be to one or the other's liking, but I bet the company is ;-)

I was born and raised in the Midwest but never heard about corn mazes (in the U.S.) until I moved to Mexico. But that's okay because I think a maze would freak me out - lol.

Happy T-day, Elizabeth. Thanks for hosting us once again for tea. Hugs, Eileen

Rita said... 9

Looks like you had a fun time. Sorry about the gourds and pumpkins. :(

jinxxxygirl said... 10

Aaaawww i'm sorry it was such a let down Elizabeth.... I have been to a couple corn mazes and have loved favorite was done on a full moon...! Ha! The closest i get to a bar atmosphere i think is Chilis lol We ate out today at GoldenCorral..yum! Hugs! deb

CJ Kennedy said... 11

How fun to have the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters at the Fall Festival. Too bad about not going into the fields. I like Sally's I'm smiling now get the camera out of my face look. :-D When going out, I usually don't care where we eat. I always like the fact that someone else is doing the cooking and food will be hot and placed under my nose. Even if the meal turns out not so great, I don't have to deal with the cleanup.

Halle said... 12

You sure do get out and about a lot. That's awesome. Happy T day!

Helen said... 13

So Foodie Sally is also Football Sally (grin) glad your day ended slightly better for you.

froebelsternchen said... 14

Looks like the day had quite a nice ending at the sports bar! Maybe not the very best food but together with a "foody friend" all tastes better I guess. And I hope you get your pumpkins anyway.
Happy T-Day my friend!
oxo Susi

Let's Art Journal said... 15

Sally looks happy to be watching the game and the sports bar looks fun! You've reminded me of homemade biscuits and gravy with your meal choice, looks like I may have to bake some now 😉. Wishing you very Happy T Day wishes! J 😊

My name is Erika. said... 16

I've never heard of that meal-I have heard of potato wedges and toast and gravy but not all together. How was it? Maybe Sally is in the football mood and that's why she's on the sports bar kick. I'm not a huge sports bar gal, but it is fun every now and again. Last time I went to one before our school open house, the place we went had gone downhill so much I wouldn't rush back. Hope all is well and you're having a good week. Hugs-Erika

Lisca said... 17

keyboard not orking. try later

Lisca said... 18

I have commandeered my hubby's laptop so that I can comment before we go out. I'm having problems with my keyboard. The letters w, s, and the number 2 don't work. I've had it repaired once and now they have gone again. I have no money for a new laptop so I will find a way around it. Perhaps using an on-screen keyboard. I have to look into that.
Let me say that Sally's smile is priceless! She makes me laugh.
No, I'm not into bar food either. But one has to eat as you say and I think your choice of potato wedges was a safe one. We normally avoid sports bars because of the tv. As we are not interested in watching, it's only disturbing and the food is not that brilliant either. But people come to watch the game, not to have amazing food.
Happy T-Day,

RO said... 19

Isn't it always cool to find something else cool, when the original plans don't work out? Champs is definitely one of those places that stays packed, so I'm actually quite shocked that other people didn't get in your pics! (lol) By the way, there have been a few times when I needed a photo to remind me where in the heck I was too. (lol) Happy Tuesday! Hugs...RO

Sami said... 20

A nice end to the day Elizabeth, by having a meal with your friend.

Darla said... 21

I'd have been in a bad mood after driving to the pumpkin patch to find it rained out. Good thing you came up with a Plan B for the day.

kathyinozarks said... 22

You two find the most fun places to eat out-loved her smile
thanks for hosting for us all hugs Kathy

Divers and Sundry said... 23

Sounds like your day got better as it progressed. It's good to have a friend who is ready for an outing :)

Happy T Tuesday!

Krisha said... 24

Nothing like having a friend that likes to go out and eat with a phone call.
so disappointing to find nobody at the corn maze.
Happy T-day

Kate Yetter said... 25

I love that you have a 'foody friend.' I want one of those! My hubby would certainly choose a sports bar due to the tv. He has a one track mind when it comes to football.
Maybe you will have better luck at the corn maze next year. Thankfully, fall comes around every year.
Happy Tea day,

Jeanie said... 26

Always a bummer to be let down but how nice you and Sally could connect -- sounds like that was a better time anyway!

Thanks for your nice recent comments. Yes, Lizzie could use a psychiatrist. Or maybe I'm the one who needs one! The stove -- I found a burner locally at a place that specializes in old (very old) appliance parts. They said it was the last one in Michigan and they stopped making that size in 2010. I never did try online but if I can find the model number again I'm going to look for just in case.

carol l mckenna said... 27

Hope you are feeling better ~ Great photos ~ fun time ~ ^_^

Happy Week to you,
A ShutterBug Explores
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Lisca said... 28

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Not nice (and that is a Brisitsh understatement!). I hope the worst is over when you get up in the morning.
All the best,
a (careful) hug,

TammyVitale said... 29

fun. I could do drink and trees (wasn't that your last one? outside? something .... my trip to the VA wineries in the blue ridge...but I haven't written it yet. I know I have wine pictures *somewhere*).

NatureFootstep said... 30

I thought the Corn Maze was fun :) said... 31

I am behind on commenting on posts since I have been traveling but I'm back now....I was thinking of the Wizard of Oz and "You're not in Kansas any more"....only "You're not in san Francisco any more" since this looks so different from here (if you follow my crazy way of thinking). One of my favorite opera singers lives in Wichita -- Sam ramey. Ever see him around town? (maybe it's the jet lag.....)

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 32

Thank you for your comment on my blog, Elizabeth. Sorry to hear you were violently ill and hope you're feeling much better.

You apologized for being late with your comment, which came yesterday. I just want to let you know I'm still only halfway through the list ;-) The T-ladies share such wonderful information that it's impossible (for me anyway) to visit everyone in a day!

Lowcarb team member said... 33

I enjoyed seeing your photo's.
What a great smile from Sally!

All the best Jan