Oh LOOK. My loyal followers are back!!!! No more 503 errors!
I had hoped to share my Halloween and autumn inspired home today, but that didn't happen, since I've had so many other things on my plate. Then, I was going to show the entire shopping day I spent a couple of weeks ago, but the post would have been too long.
So today I'm showing just the very last part, after all the required shopping was complete and I had picked up my foodie friend Sally for a very late afternoon lunch.
After the meal, I saw a Tuesday Morning in the same shopping center and decided to go in. Sally wasn't keen on the idea, so she stayed in the car and I foolishly left my camera in the car with her.
If you live in the States, you have probably heard of Tuesday Morning. There are nearly 900 stores in the States. If you live outside the U.S., it's an upscale shop that provides name brand closeouts, including craft items and incredible napkins. From what I could learn on the internet, they started out providing garage sale items in their stores. Their items are a bit hit and miss. Some bargains are GREAT, others are overpriced.
I went a bit overboard, but I always do when I go there.
I've owned this watch over two years and have never worn it, or removed the protective plastic from the crystal. Imagine my surprise when the battery was dead and had to be replaced due to my failing to turn the battery off when it wasn't in use. It was my main reason for going shopping on Tuesday. Yes, those are cat scratches you see on my arm, too.
But these are the items I purchased at Tuesday Morning. I certainly put a HUGE dent in my annual craft budget which is $60.00 (USD) a year, or $5.00 a month. For someone who doesn't really stamp, I bought two that I love. I just hope the Christmas tree turns out good because I plan to use it for my Christmas cards and Christmas tip-ins. I also went crazy over the 6 X 6 inch stencils, which were $2.99 each.
These are 9 1/2 inch X 8 1/2 inch stencils and there are three in each package. They are intended to be wall and furniture decorations, but I thought they would be perfect for my altered art.
Yes, there were three stencils in each package and each package was $1.99 (USD). I thought that was the best buy of the day. For $8.00, I got 12 stencils.
I actually went in for the napkins and was surprised when I found ones like I had purchased a year ago and gave most to my friend Kathy. So I purchased two more packages of these and decided it wasn't the best deal in the world, but they are lovely napkins, anyway.
Speaking of napkins, here are the ones Darla sent me. I know you have seen the art I've made from the skulls, but I now have some beautiful zebra stripes and a fabulous vintage postcard from her, too. And real postage stamps, too! Thank you again, Darla. You provided me with some great images to make several pieces of art from one napkin!
So where is my T time image, you ask.
This card came all the way from France and included a fabulous postage stamp, too. The senders were Chris and her sweet husband. Thank you BOTH, dear friends.
If it's got cobalt blue on it, I will love it!
Any dark blue will do, actually. Wow, Chris and T sure know how to win my heart.
Now it's time for you to share your drink related post this week. It can be photos, a
place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media,
drawings, paintings, tags, teabags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital,
hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a
drink, any drink. It can even be a teapot, like on my lovely card I received. Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I,
along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit. Old photos are
acceptable because they may be taken any time.
And I would be remiss if I didn't remind you it's time to "dig up" your Second on the 2nd post. Each 2nd day of the month, all you have to do is bring back a post that
you are especially proud of, or perhaps one you shared before anyone
knew your blog existed. Any post, any genre, any artistic endeavor is
acceptable. The only requirement is, it must have been published sometime in the past.
Hi Elizabeth,I have not visited a Tuesday Morning in a very long time-I used to pal around with a friend that loved to shop for craft items so we used to hit lots of different stores in the big city--Tuesday Mornings was always a favorite as you never knew what you would find. they had a great gourmet section too and I usually found good bargains on books too-I would buy these huge lavender bars of soap from France too. Looks like you found some wonderful items-always so fun Hugs Kathy
i spy a lot of good stuff here... the stencil with the tapes is my favorite, and great napkins!! i had the Problem with the followers-error, too - i think it was a General Blogger issue. sometimes we just have to wait... happy t-day and happy Halloween, dear elizabeth!
What a great post Elizabeth!! Our local Tuesday Morning just changed locations and i have yet to go check out the new store....now i HAVE to go check it out..lol I'm truly drooling over those stencils ... I hope my store has some for that price.. I like Tuesday Morning and i always check their craft section but i'm a sucker for their NoteCard section and their fancy soap section too indulgences of mine that i won't pay full price for.. And lately in my quest for mixed media i've fallen in love with their napkins.. :) Happy T day!! Hugs! deb
Looks like you had a great time shopping 😁. I've never heard of this store before and you got some amazing bargains! Those napkins are so pretty too 😁. What a fabulous card all the way from France, Chris and her hubby are so thoughtful! All the different teapots are fascinating and those Parisian teapots are beautiful and so elegant. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊
I have never heard of Tuesday Morning before this post and another recent post someone had. We don't have them here in NH. I looked them up and there are 2 outside of Boston but that's it for New England. But I will say they look like a great place to shop. Any place that sells great craft supplies and home goods is always a good place to visit in my book. :) Thanks for opening my eyes to a new store and to the good buys you can get there. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika
I've never heard about Tuesday Morning. Did a search and there are two stores one north of Boston and one south. A bit too far for me. Looks like a fabulous place to poke around. Love your purchases. I gave up on watches that require batteries. Tired of replacing them and hard to find places that sell watch batteries and replace. That and the fact that I throw out a weird electromagnetic field. I've been known to stop watches. Himself refuses to buy a watch as a gift for me anymore. I finally splurged and bought a Citizen Eco Drive. The watch is powered by light and never needs a battery. Love the teapot postcard. My favorite is the blue Willoware. Have a happy T Day
What a fabulous haul you got at Tuesday Morning, Elizabeth! Stencils are so pricey when you pay retail. I love some of those and even have some of them (for which I paid retail!)
That's a wonderful postcard that Chris & hubby sent you. I would scan and use those teapot images on art work to save the original.
We have a Tuesday Morning here, and you're right about them being hit or miss, but I've found good stuff there. Blankets, socks, cups, even food! A wide variety. Looks like you had good luck, too :)
Happy T Tuesday, Faithful Host. You are always appreciated :)
That looks a fantastic place to shop. You took some amazing bargains home with you. They all look great and I was drawn to those stencils a fantastic selection. The tea cups and pots is a great postcard, Chris found a good one to sent to you. Happy T day wishes Elizabeth. Yvonne xx
BINGO!! You hit the jackpot on your shopping excursion for sure- so many fabulous purchases-those stencils- oh my! I have heard of this store chain but have never been to one. I know you'll be putting your goodies all to good use- and very soon too:). Fab tea card from Chris-and yes, the stamps are always an added bonus. Happy T day!
Elizabeth .. do you know that she is in the process of moving , selling her house and building a new house, staying in a rented house for the time being??? I have her email if you'd like... Hugs! deb
Wow- you purchased very good stuff ! This looks all super - and good prices as well in my mind! Have fun with all the things Elizabeth! YOu will make beautiful art with it! Happy T-Day !
No, I hadn't Heard f Tuesday morning! It sounds like a good place. You certainly got bargains. I agree 12 stencils for $8 is pretty good and worth blowing your Budget on!I bet Sally stayed in the car because she knew she would overspend, lol. The stamp is gorgeous and will make you many Xmas related ítems and projects. The Halloween napkin Darla sent you is great and colourful. But the thing that caught my eye of course is the tea pot postcard from Chris. It is probably from Nouvelles Images, who do these cards with multiple objects. Isn't it beautiful. It is so thoughtful of Chris to send it to you. Bless her. Thank you for reminding me of 2nd for the 2nd. I will try to remember this week. Have a good week, Happy T-Day, Lisca
Wow! What a great haul. When we lived in NY we had a Tuesday Morning 5 minutes away. I got some great crafting stuff there. Sadly, we don't have one now. :( I absolutely love love love your tea card. You should frame it! Happy Tea Day, Kate
Oh dear, now I have to put Tuesday Morning on my errand/shopping list. We do have one but it is downtown and parking is a real headache so I rarely go there. I think it is time to make the effort. Great teapot post card.
Most people know to keep me far away from Tuesday Morning, Elizabeth(lol) So this subliminal message is an excuse to head over for some Washi tape for my Planner and other delicious decorations! (lol) You got some great goodies! I'm a sucker for unusual tea flavors and tea sets, so these pics are great. You cleverly hid your address, because it would have saved me asking for it to send a Christmas card, Elizabeth, so now I have to ask. If that's okay, please feel free to email it to me at goddess10@gmail.com. Hugs...RO
Oh my, we are all having stencil envy! Those were great purchases, and it's good we are getting close to the end of the year and your craft budget. Tuesday Morning does have some wonderful stuff... IF you visit at the right time. You seem to have!
Wow! What a haul from Tuesday Morning - it sound very familiar to Noz in France that my SIL takes us to. The napkins are great and so are the ones Darla sent you - look forward to seeing how you use the zebra stripes. So pleased to see that our postcard is your T image! Happy T day! Chrisx
HI there, sorry I have missed you for awhile now, things are getting in the way of blogging. But it has been nice to catch up today i have to say. Love a cuppa - coffee in the morning and tea the rest of the day.
Its Dens birthday today so I think he will be having a cyder later tonight.
Sheesh, Dr. E, great score at Tuesday Morning, and you are right, it is often a big hit or miss, but you did great and looks like they will keep you busy for some time to come!! Happy T day! x
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Bleubeard and I welcome you
Art, including the journey, background techniques, sewing on both paper and fabric, new experiments, photos, failures, and successes will be shared on this site. I have removed my e-mail address until such time as I can get it to work again. Thank you for understanding. You can always leave a note on my blog and I will visit you.
Please check out my Previous Collaborations link above to see what projects I have been involved in over the past 12 years. Current and ongoing projects only are shown below.
Occasionally, Silent Sunday will showcase photos of my home, neighborhood, or community. A picture is often worth a thousand words.
Feelfree to drop by every second Thursday of the month for my Second Thursday Tutorials. They are interspersed with my other Tutorials found at the link page above.
Click on any lesson you might have missed or want to review
Click on the above image daily and help feed hungry dogs and cats. You can donate cat litter, too. You simply answer two questions (one about cats and one about dogs), and whether your answer is correct or not, you have just donated kibble to help feed both shelter animals and those in need.
I will create the art, critique things I feel are important, and put pen (and sometimes glue) to paper, or fingers to keys, while Bleubeard will mostly watch, supervise, or sleep.
Music that inspires me: my steel drum friend, Joseph Peck
31 thoughtful remarks:
Hi Elizabeth,I have not visited a Tuesday Morning in a very long time-I used to pal around with a friend that loved to shop for craft items so we used to hit lots of different stores in the big city--Tuesday Mornings was always a favorite as you never knew what you would find. they had a great gourmet section too and I usually found good bargains on books too-I would buy these huge lavender bars of soap from France too.
Looks like you found some wonderful items-always so fun
Hugs Kathy
i spy a lot of good stuff here... the stencil with the tapes is my favorite, and great napkins!!
i had the Problem with the followers-error, too - i think it was a General Blogger issue. sometimes we just have to wait...
happy t-day and happy Halloween, dear elizabeth!
What a great post Elizabeth!! Our local Tuesday Morning just changed locations and i have yet to go check out the new store....now i HAVE to go check it out..lol I'm truly drooling over those stencils ... I hope my store has some for that price.. I like Tuesday Morning and i always check their craft section but i'm a sucker for their NoteCard section and their fancy soap section too indulgences of mine that i won't pay full price for.. And lately in my quest for mixed media i've fallen in love with their napkins.. :) Happy T day!! Hugs! deb
Looks like you had a great time shopping 😁. I've never heard of this store before and you got some amazing bargains! Those napkins are so pretty too 😁. What a fabulous card all the way from France, Chris and her hubby are so thoughtful! All the different teapots are fascinating and those Parisian teapots are beautiful and so elegant. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊
I have never heard of Tuesday Morning before this post and another recent post someone had. We don't have them here in NH. I looked them up and there are 2 outside of Boston but that's it for New England. But I will say they look like a great place to shop. Any place that sells great craft supplies and home goods is always a good place to visit in my book. :) Thanks for opening my eyes to a new store and to the good buys you can get there. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika
I've never heard about Tuesday Morning. Did a search and there are two stores one north of Boston and one south. A bit too far for me. Looks like a fabulous place to poke around. Love your purchases. I gave up on watches that require batteries. Tired of replacing them and hard to find places that sell watch batteries and replace. That and the fact that I throw out a weird electromagnetic field. I've been known to stop watches. Himself refuses to buy a watch as a gift for me anymore. I finally splurged and bought a Citizen Eco Drive. The watch is powered by light and never needs a battery. Love the teapot postcard. My favorite is the blue Willoware. Have a happy T Day
What a fabulous haul you got at Tuesday Morning, Elizabeth! Stencils are so pricey when you pay retail. I love some of those and even have some of them (for which I paid retail!)
That's a wonderful postcard that Chris & hubby sent you. I would scan and use those teapot images on art work to save the original.
Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen
Love all the great goodies you bought, have fun with them. Tuesday morning sounds like a great idea! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
We have a Tuesday Morning here, and you're right about them being hit or miss, but I've found good stuff there. Blankets, socks, cups, even food! A wide variety. Looks like you had good luck, too :)
Happy T Tuesday, Faithful Host. You are always appreciated :)
That looks a fantastic place to shop. You took some amazing bargains home with you. They all look great and I was drawn to those stencils a fantastic selection.
The tea cups and pots is a great postcard, Chris found a good one to sent to you.
Happy T day wishes Elizabeth.
Yvonne xx
Love shopping at Tuesday Morning's ! YOU GOT QUITE A HAUL OF GOODIES ON YOUR TRIP THERE. Love the stencils ♥♥♥ Happy T Day!
BINGO!! You hit the jackpot on your shopping excursion for sure- so many fabulous purchases-those stencils- oh my! I have heard of this store chain but have never been to one. I know you'll be putting your goodies all to good use- and very soon too:). Fab tea card from Chris-and yes, the stamps are always an added bonus.
Happy T day!
What a great haul!!! Enjoy! :)
Tuesday Morning is so hit or miss. You really scored on your trip! LOVE those stencils. Looking forward to seeing them in your art.
Elizabeth .. do you know that she is in the process of moving , selling her house and building a new house, staying in a rented house for the time being??? I have her email if you'd like... Hugs! deb
Loving your bargains from Tuesday Morning, sounds like a good place to check out now and then!
ggrrrr eat place to shop wish i could go there..great finds to
Wow- you purchased very good stuff ! This looks all super - and good prices as well in my mind! Have fun with all the things Elizabeth! YOu will make beautiful art with it!
Happy T-Day !
oxo Susi
No, I hadn't Heard f Tuesday morning! It sounds like a good place. You certainly got bargains. I agree 12 stencils for $8 is pretty good and worth blowing your Budget on!I bet Sally stayed in the car because she knew she would overspend, lol.
The stamp is gorgeous and will make you many Xmas related ítems and projects.
The Halloween napkin Darla sent you is great and colourful. But the thing that caught my eye of course is the tea pot postcard from Chris. It is probably from Nouvelles Images, who do these cards with multiple objects. Isn't it beautiful. It is so thoughtful of Chris to send it to you. Bless her.
Thank you for reminding me of 2nd for the 2nd. I will try to remember this week.
Have a good week,
Happy T-Day,
Wow! What a great haul. When we lived in NY we had a Tuesday Morning 5 minutes away. I got some great crafting stuff there. Sadly, we don't have one now. :(
I absolutely love love love your tea card. You should frame it!
Happy Tea Day,
Oh dear, now I have to put Tuesday Morning on my errand/shopping list. We do have one but it is downtown and parking is a real headache so I rarely go there. I think it is time to make the effort. Great teapot post card.
i love tuesday morning!
always find something fun there.
you have quite a collection of goodies in this post.
those napkins are so cute.
Most people know to keep me far away from Tuesday Morning, Elizabeth(lol) So this subliminal message is an excuse to head over for some Washi tape for my Planner and other delicious decorations! (lol) You got some great goodies! I'm a sucker for unusual tea flavors and tea sets, so these pics are great. You cleverly hid your address, because it would have saved me asking for it to send a Christmas card, Elizabeth, so now I have to ask. If that's okay, please feel free to email it to me at goddess10@gmail.com. Hugs...RO
Oh my, we are all having stencil envy! Those were great purchases, and it's good we are getting close to the end of the year and your craft budget. Tuesday Morning does have some wonderful stuff... IF you visit at the right time. You seem to have!
Wow! What a haul from Tuesday Morning - it sound very familiar to Noz in France that my SIL takes us to. The napkins are great and so are the ones Darla sent you - look forward to seeing how you use the zebra stripes. So pleased to see that our postcard is your T image! Happy T day! Chrisx
HI there, sorry I have missed you for awhile now, things are getting in the way of blogging. But it has been nice to catch up today i have to say. Love a cuppa - coffee in the morning and tea the rest of the day.
Its Dens birthday today so I think he will be having a cyder later tonight.
hugs and wishes x x
Looks like you found some terrific things at Tuesday Mornings. I am going to have to check it out. Love the French card, so pretty. Happy Halloween.
Sheesh, Dr. E, great score at Tuesday Morning, and you are right, it is often a big hit or miss, but you did great and looks like they will keep you busy for some time to come!! Happy T day! x
Looks like you found some wonderful items-always so fun
thai porn
Tuesday Morning has pretty good craft stuff much of the time. You scored!
It certainly looks like you had a great time shopping.
You did well with all of your purchases.
All the best Jan
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