Monday, October 23, 2017

T Stands for signs of times gone by

Today we're headed back to Bionic Burger.

However, I've finished eating, as you can see here.  What I'm interested in today are the many drink signs you can find.   I personally think this will be more fun than looking at a glass of ice water.

There are Pepsi Cola signs everywhere.

I also got a little carried away on the Route 66 signs.  I love Route 66, and the street on which the house I own in Missouri is right on the old Route 66.  I can just imagine sitting on my porch and watching all those old cars traveling across country on Route 66.  What a fun time people who lived on that street must have had.

Ah! Something besides Pepsi Cola.

I simply adore that sign that reads "Rehab is for Quitters."

But of course, I know I showed this sign before and I got as much of a laugh out of it then as I do now.  Certainly not a soft drink.

I wish I'd gotten a better shot of Kist Kola, a brand I'd never heard of, but I was too busy drooling over the Route 66 sign.

Did you see all the drink related signs?  Once the rest of the lunch crowd thinned out, I took this shot with yet another Pepsi sign.

I may have mentioned to some that I was going to a farm this past weekend to buy pumpkins and gourds.  Part of the allure was the trip to the pumpkin "patch" included a hayride.  Guess you can see that the rains that came Saturday prevented the tractors from getting to the fields on Sunday.  Oh well, it was a dream I had, anyway.

BTW, did you notice the witch on the side of one barn and the spider web on the side of another?

Now it's your turn to share a drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, teabags, scrapbooking, or any other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink. Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time.

31 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Fun post. I love the decorations in Bionic Burger. I have that 'drink more coffee sign' in my kitchen, too - on my coffee cupboard. Sorry you didn't get to visit the pumpkin patch, pity it rained. I wasn't at the pumpkin farm this time round at all. Hmm, you've got me craving a burger again.... Happy T Day, Hugs, Valerie

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 2

What great nostalgia, Elizabeth - Marilyn, Roy Rogers, Dale Evans & Gabby Hays ... I'm very glad they ruled out spitting on sidewalks. I remember when that was allowed, but it was frowned on even then.

Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

Meggymay said... 3

I love all those advertising signs. I was drawn to the Campbells Soup sign , the condensed soups are still for sale here and it reminded me of a recipe we used to have some years ago now, with pasta and tuna using the Condensed Celery soup as a base.
I guess I know what I will be looking for next time we shop.
It was a shame that the rain spoiled your day out, it looked like a great destination at this time of the year.
Happy T day wishes.
Yvonne xx

kathyinozarks said... 4

wow what a fun post. I enjoyed seeing all those signs-the town over from me has rt 66 running right through it and the famous Munger Moss motel is still there with its original everything-and has regained popularity again since many are taking to traveling 66 again. sorry you missed the hay ride that would have been fun for sure Happy T Day Kathy

johanna said... 5

i absolutely love this collection of signs!! if i had more space here... always tempting when i run across some on flea markets.
happy t-day!

Dianne said... 6

Love all the old signs in this restaurant...even tho at our house we are Coca Cola fans! lol... yes, the old Route 66 signs are very cool, and hubby and I think it would be fun to try to travel what's left of the old road some day, but who knows if we will ever do it? that coffee sign makes me giggle whenever I see it. yep. definitely stupid stuff faster.that's me.

did they charge to go through the corn maze at this farm? I paid $5 each for my granddaughter and I to go in one(thought that was a bit high)...and we never actually found the true 'exit.' we did find an 'emergency exit' though. good thing. i let the 8 yr old do the deciding on which way to go, but i suspect i wouldn't have done any better than she did! Happy Fall!

pearshapedcrafting said... 7

Ha Ha! I'm laughing because despite all of the drink signs and the route 66 sign that you loved what I loved was exactly the same as Eileen. Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, although I struggled with Gabby (couldn't remember the Hayes!!!) My Dad used to take me to see Westerns (he used to read a lot of Western novels too!) I still enjoy catching an old one on TV! The burger place does look an interesting one but I guess you won't be going there again soon!! Happy T Day! Chrisx

Lisca said... 8

hat a lovely post! I really enjoyed looking at all those old sign. It's quite a collection. Oh what a giggle is that coffee advert. I showed my hubby and told him this could be the reason I say stupid things sometimes....
Did you get your pumpkin in the end?
Happy T-Day,

Linda Kunsman said... 9

Love all those nostalgic signs -what fun ! So glad you were able to capture so many photos of the walls. Yes, that coffee one is a real hoot!
Sorry you missed your pumpkin patch adventure but perhaps you can try again real soon? I do hope you get the experience. Happy T day!

Rita said... 10

What a fun restaurant! :)

jinxxxygirl said... 11

What a great place to visit Elizabeth... we have a burger place like that here in Rogers, AR too.. I'll have to take some pictures... They have a thing for license plates too..

Where we lived in CA we had a corn maze just down the road from us... tons of people but we loved to go every year...

Happy T day my dear!! Hugs! deb

Nancy said... 12

Great old signs and memorabilia! Sorry you missed the ride due to muddy fields.

CJ Kennedy said... 13

Those signs are awesome! I remember Sinclair gas from when I was a kid. There was a Sinclair station at Neptune Sq. in E. Boston. Dad would stop there for gas on the way home. I remember gas being 27 cents a gallon. I was probably 6 or 7 yrs old and I loved the dinosaur logo.

I enjoyed all the Pepsi signs, too. I prefer Pepsi to Coke. Coke is just the dregs of the Pepsi barrel. =^,.^=

My name is Erika. said... 14

I think those signs are far more fun than glass of water. Nice decor! Is the burger place a chain? Your burger last week looked pretty good even if you don't plan on having one again. It's a great adventure to travel to this burger place with you. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

My name is Erika. said... 15

Oh and I forgot to the mention the farm. Did you get your pumpkin and gourd? Too bad about the hay ride but maybe next year. :( Hugs again-Erika

Halle said... 16

You still didn't get your hay ride!!! How sad. Some day...then you'll have dust on your face and straw down your pants to prove it. :)
Happy T day!

Let's Art Journal said... 17

Looks like a great place with all the memorabilia on the walls and from the first photo I knew this restaurant would be a winner - an old fashioned malt gets my custom every 😉. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊

froebelsternchen said... 18

This collection of signs is awesome! A fantastic decoration for this retro
HOT DOG & Burger paradise!
Last night hubby and I watched a lovely retro docu about our Viennese
" Würstelstand " (literally "sausage stand"; ) is a traditional Austrian street food retail outlet selling hot dogs, sausages, and side dishes.
And there I heard again the story that a man from Frankfurt who lived and worked as a butcher in Vienna invented the Viennese sausage that is well known everywhere in the world - this sausage made it's way to the U.S.A. and became the popular hot dog there as they put the sausage in a bread roll..and as the sausage looked then like the tail of a dog out of the bread roll... it was called Hot dog.
The funny thing ist that everywhere the sausage is called "Wiener-Würstchen"- Viennese sausage - but we in Austria call them still "Frankfurter" because of it's inventor from Frankfurt.
Such a pity that it had rain on the farm -

Happy T-Day my friend!

RO said... 19

I have a serious love of all things pop culture, so seeing these oldies bring back some memories, and allows me to see how life used to be. Ironically, these type of things fetch some big cash from eBay or collectors. I can't be there to enjoy, so as always, I'm thrilled that you've taken time to share these great pics. Hugs...RO

Lorraine said... 20

Love all the signs. I haven't got my laptop so trying to share my post with my phone finding it difficult sorry for any confusion

Darla said... 21

What an amazing collections of signs. I'd be too busy reading them to eat my meal. Sorry the pumpkin patch visit didn't go as planned. Weather can change our plans so easily sometimes.

Kate Yetter said... 22

I love visiting restaurants that have old signs as wall decor. It is so fun to read all the sayings and see the retro pictures. I love that coffee sign. I don't drink coffee but still...
Sounds like the pumpkin patch was fun despite you not getting to take a hayride. Guess that gives you a reason to visit the patch again. My favorite part of the pumpkin patch is the hot apple cider and apple cider donuts that follow the hayride!
Happy Tea Day!

Sami said... 23

Great signs Elizabeth, I can imagine one could spend hours admiring all those old signs.
Route 66 is such an iconic travelling route.

H.R. Bennett said... 24

That's pretty cool. Kind of reminds me of one of my favorite breakfast places. They have a lot of old stuff like that as well.

Unfortunately, I have no drink related post ideas...but I'll think on it. :)

nanskidrewski said... 25

Fun place, I love the vintage feel and cute signs. I must drink too much coffee. ;)

Divers and Sundry said... 26

I love the signs! And those chairs!

My horror movie binge watching is keeping me from being faithful to the blogs I follow. The day is half over, and all I've done is watch horror and write blog posts on them lol.

Jeanie said... 27

I love the fun vintage signs. Looks like a fun place to eat (assuming they have more than burgers!)

Let's Art Journal said... 28

Hi, thanks for your question 😁. Teacakes and English Muffins are not the same thing. What you call an English Muffin in the US is called the same and is the same thing here in the UK. Lorraine is eating a speciality of the area (Cumbria), which is a 'teacake', in the UK teacakes are a sweetened yeasted bread type roll which usually has dried fruit in, except in Cumbria where a teacake is plain unless you ask for a 'currant teacake'. An English muffin is a breakfast item often served as Eggs Benedict or with smoked salmon, whereas a teacake is usually served toasted with butter and sometimes jam (jelly) with a cuppa mid morning for elevensies. Hope this helps. J 😊 x

da tabbies o trout towne said... 29

these old metal signs are really neat, design, slogans and all. I've got two reproductions; wish that I had the originals; I'm sure they would be worth a fortune if in good condition ! ♥♥☺☺

Anonymous said... 30

Someone's got an amazing sign collection for sure. Reminds me of an episode of American Picker. Spik n Span. I grew up with that as THE cleaner in the house, probably so toxic but who knew back then. Fun post. xox

UplayOnline said... 31

it was frowned on even then.

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