Monday, September 18, 2017

T Stands For Legends (again)

I've brought you to Legends before, which is in the Hyatt at the Airport, but they are going through a complete remodel after the restaurant was purchased by a new company last year.

The last time we ate at the buffet, the price was $14.00.  I was glad to see the price has dropped a bit.  I was also hoping the food quality had improved, too.

You can see these prices are geared for the traveler staying at the hotel, but the buffet has always been a good choice for my foodie buddy Sally and me.  We were told by our server that the "Chef's Choice" would always be Mexican until the restaurant was completely remodeled.

I got both water and coffee, because it (and iced tea) came with the meal.  Apparently, I couldn't find a place to lay my purse, because it was sticking out like a sore thumb in this photo.  Sally already had her salad, but I was busy taking photos.

I pigged out on salad and those cheesy muffins.  I think I had three total!!!

Then I went directly for the flan dessert which I love, but is so time consuming to make (trust me, I know).  I went back a second time for that, too.

Sally's first buffet plate included a chicken and beef fajita, a meat tortilla, and beans and rice.  I grabbed some beans and rice, but preferred the salads, muffins, and flan, which filled me quite well.

Now it's time to share your drink related post this week.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink. Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken at any time, and don't even have to be taken this year!

26 thoughtful remarks:

johanna said... 1

oh well, i think the flan would have been my absolutely favorite!! maybe i needed nothing else:)
happy t-day!

Valerie-Jael said... 2

Looks like you were really able to tuck in and enjoy your meal, and how nice to get water and coffee without having to pay extra. Cheesy muffins sound very good, too, I wouldn't mind a couple of those either! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

Let's Art Journal said... 3

What a fabulous place, I love mexican food so the buffet would be perfect! Flan is one of my all time favourites and I would be very tempted to have a second helping too 😁. It looks like you and Sally had a great time! Wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊

jinxxxygirl said... 4

Thats one thing i love about Golden Corral... the Salad Bar... I have a huge plate of salad and then i grab things i don't often have at home.. I love the crab salad with crackers and i'm a big fan of brussel sprouts which hubby hates so i get those there...and i usually go for icecream for dessert... I don't think i've ever had flan... Your plates look yummy! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

Lisca said... 5

Now that looks like a nice meal. >I would have gone for the salad and muffins too.
The flan looks home made. The Spanish are also good at making flan. You are right in saying it takes ages to make.
Happy T-Day!

Denise Price said... 6

Yum! That buffet looks good. There must have been lots of options. Your meal and Sally's both look tasty. I bet you'll be going there again sometime.

Birgit said... 7

This sounds like a good Mel and cheap too which I don't see normally at an airport

My name is Erika. said... 8

Cheesy muffins sound delicious. And salad. I think you had a good lunch. I've never had flan nor made it but now I am interested. I may have to try that one of these days since I like to try new things, especially dessert. Have a great T Day Elizabeth. Hugs-Erika

Linda Kunsman said... 9

I didn't eat dinner tonite so oh my you are making me so hungry-those cheesy muffins would be my downfall! I was busy doing someone's hair and after a certain time in the eve. I won't eat. Guess I'll have a good bkfst.:):)
I have made a few flans- and yes, one of those things that are SO good to have out rather than making. Thanks for sharing such good food with a friend. Happy T day!

My name is Erika. said... 10

I just read your comment on my post and I would like to try to make a flan. I'm up for a little culinary adventure.

CJ Kennedy said... 11


CJ Kennedy said... 12

Got distracted. Those are some reasonable prices, but the buffet sounds best. I've never had flan, but it looks delicious. Have a Happy T Day!

Helen said... 13

You don't say whether the food has improved with the remodel. but I guess going back for seconds of the dessert proves it!

Meggymay said... 14

It looks a great place to eat out, I like the sound of the cheesy muffins, yummy. That sweet dessert would have had my name on it as well, a lovely way to end the meal, though I think I may have needed a lie down if I had had the many things I picked out as I read the menu you showed us.
Happy T day
Yvonne xx

froebelsternchen said... 15

Wow - it looks like the meal there is very good and I would like to taste this flan as well. And the prices look also nice. A good place to eat - Happy T-Day dear Elizabeth! Thank you for your always so charming comments on my blog - I love to read them - they put sunshine in my heart!
Thank you for always hosting T-Day for us!
oxo Susi

RO said... 16

Buffets are nice, and it looks like you snagged some really yummy choices...however, you already know my eyes zeroed in on the Make Your Own Burger! (lol) Hugs...and really adore this blog! RO

pearshapedcrafting said... 17

I didn't realise that Legends was at the airport although you must have mentioned it! I love cheese muffins and I must say your choice of food has more appeal than Sally's! You made me smile when you mentioned the time to make plans- I never make my own these days! We are hoping to visit Poitiers airport for a buffet meal with my SIL- they took us there last time and we have made a request for this visit! Not sure whether I will be able to photograph there though.....we'll see!Happy T day and Thank you for linking me! Hugs,Chrisx

pearshapedcrafting said... 18

That's flans not plans!!! x

Carol said... 19

Nothing wrong with a good Mexican Buffet ♥ That flan does look yummy and yes I am familiar with the process of making it. Hoping to be around more now . I've missed everyone.

kathyinozarks said... 20

Good morning, oh the menu looks delicious My husband loves flan and would always get it for dessert when we used to go out more. I love a good buffet especially a good salad one.
Happy T Day Kathy

Divers and Sundry said... 21

Those buffet choices look good, but I'd be tempted to try the fried fish I see listed on the menu. I've never had flan.

Darla said... 22

Flan is alwats my dessert choice if it is on the menu. Pre-posted to join group for tea today. Can you hook me up Elizabeth? Thanks!!!

Jeanie said... 23

Looks both fun and delish!

nanskidrewski said... 24

The salads look delicious...going to try to replicate some in my kitchen. Thank you for all your lovely comments on my blog...the flowers you asked about are cleomes. They are tall and best of all self seeding. I love them. Happy T day!

Sandra Cox said... 25

OMG this food looks amazing. You pick the best places to eat at.

UplayOnline said... 26

Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
