Monday, September 11, 2017

T Stands For I Almost Forgot

As this Monday winds down in my world and dawn breaks on Tuesday in other parts of the world, it is with sadness that I admit, I only realized that Monday was 9/11.  I only noticed after I saw the date of comments from others.

Since I normally like to include a post for 9/11, I realized I could redeem myself

if I included this abstract art I drew back on 9/11, 2014

when I created 30 abstract paintings in 30 days for a challenge.

This beautiful day was marred by the hellish scenes shown throughout the day, as hijacked airplanes flew into the twin towers in NYC, then again when the towers fell.  I like to ask people what they were doing on that fateful day, because it is often seared in their brains. 

But today I must share a drink instead.  So here I am with the most unholy drinks anyone could imagine.  Even the fresh mint I picked to go with it didn't help much.

I thought an autumn setting might be nice, though.

I drank most of this glass of what I would call sugar water with a hint of wonderful lemon mint, the only redeeming factor for this tea.  That will teach me to buy a product for the image on the can!

Now it's time for you to share your drink related post this week.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  It can even include an empty glass or teapot.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken at any time.  And please, let's not forget this very important date in U.S. history, where more people died in a single act than any before or since.

30 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Yes, 9.11 is a day we will never forget. The art you made is beautiful.
I don't even want to imagine how a can of sweet tea tastes, sounds rather ghastly, except for the mint....Have a happy T day, and drink some nice coffee!
It's bedtime here, so I wish you a good night! Hugs, Valerie

johanna said... 2

9/11... one of the Dates nobody can Forget where (s)he was when these News were heard... i remember the paralysis very well - a day never to be forgotten. more peace in this world would be so great!

Meggymay said... 3

You are right all of us remember 9/11 and will never forget. Your painting is a wonderful tribute to the memory of what happened that day.
Not sure I would try that sweet brew, I am not a fan of sugary drinks, the mint sounds a good addition.
Happy T day wishes Elizabeth.
Yvonne xx

My name is Erika. said... 4

I think with the hurricane and now tropical storm still moving north, it is enough on the brain. Too bad it all happened right before and during 9/11. This sad event should be remembered. The kids at school are so young they weren't even born or were infants. Time has moved on. And for the sweet tea-I have don't like it. Like you said, way too much sugar. But I'm one of those hard headed yankees who drinks her tea unsweetened. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

Sandra Cox said... 5

What a lovely tribute for the fallen, Elizabeth.

I remembered that you lived in Kansas after you mentioned it. Durrr.
So glad your city workers went to offer aid and assistance.

Linda Kunsman said... 6

So much devastation to remember and pray about today...
your abstract art of the twin towers is a bittersweet and yet beautiful remembrance.
I don't use sugar in my drinks and am not a fan of sweet things so I imagine that sweet tea of yours would have done me in. But hey, who doesn't at one time or another get pulled in because of a beautiful label or package:)
Happy T day!

CJ Kennedy said... 7

Your tribute is beautiful and very fitting. The day was remembered and noted on the news in Boston as both hijacked planes originated from Boston's Logan Airport. On the day, I was downstairs working on the design for my Christmas card when the phone rang. It was my elderly neighbor, Prissy. She was pretty hysterical and I couldn't quite understand what she was trying to tell me. I thought she had lost her marbles until I turned the television on.

As to sweet tea, can't stand it, but I have that exact same goblet!

kathyinozarks said... 8

I almost forgot today was 9-11 as well It seems like it was still the first week in september-the time is just flying by way to fast.
a very nice tribute
I am with you I don't like too many canned beverages hard to find good ones.
Thanks for hosting Elizabeth
Happy Y Day Kathy

kathyinozarks said... 9

oops I should have proof read Happy T Day lol

Jeanie said... 10

That day is pressed into our memory bank, isn't it? I was getting ready for work when I saw it happen. Not much got done that day, everyone was glued to a television set. (The good thing about working at a tv station). That night we were hosting guests who were here from Japan as part of the 65th (?) anniversary of WWII ending. They were in total panic -- worried about their friends in NYC, concerned about how to get home. A gorgeous day, like today. Not a plane in the sky -- very quiet.

I love the piece you did. Very sobering.

Helen said... 11

Your tribute is fitting. I remembered the art you painted. Glad you enjoyed the trip to London yesterday (think you may have missed Kew from Saturday though!!) Just planning where to go today!

pearshapedcrafting said... 12

Ewww! I'm sorry Elizabeth but that sweet tea sounds disgusting to me - tea makes me sick anyway but sugary would send my levels rocket high(which reminds me I still have another visit to the space museum to take!) Your tribute to 9/11 works beautifully though! I remember the day well as my classroom cleaner came in at the end of the day and told us what was happening and the staff congregated in the school hall as we watched in disbelief! An update by the way- we came to the station early having been told that our train would not run - It now seems we can get to Carcassonne today after all-albeit later! Mau do an updated Taft post later ! Hugs, Chrisx

Let's Art Journal said... 13

What a fitting tribute to 9/11 and a very poignant memory which I will never forget! On the day I had just got home from work and parked the car on the drive/driveway when the news came over the radio. I sat there listening and I just couldn't believe what was happening, the shock and sadness sweeping over me.
It's a shame about the sweet tea, it looked so promising. Happy T Day! J 😊

Linda Kunsman said... 14

You asked me about Patty Elizabeth so I'm popping in to let you know that we stay in touch via email. I know she uses FB at times but i so rarely go on it. I'm sure she'd appreciate hearing from you:)

chasing the sun said... 15

I love the art you made...I'll never forget 911 for two reasons...

My daughter in law was born September 11th, 32 years ago :-)...

16 years ago, when the twin towers were hit, I was in Houston Texas...I was at work..A surgeon and I were at our patient's bedside doing our jobs, when we found out...Shock, and despair swept over me..The whole hospital was on lockdown for the rest of the afternoon..Once I was allowed to leave, I returned home and hugged my kids extra tight..

froebelsternchen said... 16

We will never forget 9/11!
Happy T-Day dear Elizabeth!
oxo Susi

RO said... 17

Here's a toast of tea to you as we remember that fateful day. I was in Virginia Beach when a member of my staff came in to tell me that someone crashed in the 1st tower by mistake. We worked in the cable industry, so there were televisions everywhere in the office, as we all watched in horror as the second tower was hit, and there was chaos at that point. Sadly, I can see those reactions like it was yesterday. Hugs...

Darla said... 18

I thought about 9/11 all day yesterday as I went about my normal routine. It really doesn't seem that long ago that it happened.

I really like your abstract art piece. I don't normally sugar my tea so I would certainly stay away from anything called Sweet Tea.

jinxxxygirl said... 19

Yes you redeemed yourself.... :) I on the otherhand mentioned hurricanes and earthquakes and not once mentioned 9/11 although hubby and i talked about it earlier... sigh.. I was at work when it happened.. The guys in the Hardware dept had their little portable radio on and we were all standing around it listening... I always felt they should have built the towers back exactly as they were... shoot maybe add another floor... Hugs! deb

Dianne said... 20

LOL. I can be sucked in by the packaging of products too! wonderful vintage image on the tea can...but yeah. now I know. lotsa sugar and not much tea huh?
yes, I can't believe how long it's been since 9/11...soon there will be a generation of people who don't remember when it happened. only hope the tragedy/memories will be learned from...

hope you are doing well...feeling better, and getting cooler weather. it's been quite fall-like here in Ohio! frost will be here before we know it. I will miss summer, but I do love Fall! hugs from Ohio ♥

Divers and Sundry said... 21

"southern style" sweet tea? Somehow I doubt it lol We had glasses like that when I was young, so I'm getting nostalgic for sweet tea done right ;)

Blogoratti said... 22

A day to remember the world over, good of you to remember it in such manner.
Wish you all the best and greetings!

Sandra Cox said... 23

Hope your day is filled with sparkle;)

Denise Price said... 24

Hello! It's nice to catch up with you and the T gang again.

If it makes you feel any better, I know you're not the only person to buy Arizona tea just because the design on the can was appealing. Anyway, you had a good idea to add fresh mint, which I'm sure improved the flavor.

Even though it has been many years since 9/11, I still can't really talk about the attacks that much, because it is still so emotional for me. But you can be sure that 9/11 has definitely been on my mind, even though I did not write about it in my blog post this week.

What I did write about will interest you, I think. As usual, I have another short story recommendation. But I also have a cat (not mine, but a fellow Minnesotan) to introduce to you and Bleubeard.

Let's Art Journal said... 25

Hello again! I thought I'd pop over and explain the happy saying about the dormouse 😁. The Dormouse is a character in “A Mad Tea-Party” from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. He's the sleepy mouse that is often found sleeping in a teapot. Hence the saying "Check for dormice" as he'd probably get quite a shock to find tea and water being poured on him 😁. Happy T Day! J 😊

Halle said... 26

It was interesting this year to be in a classroom of kids that weren't even born when that horrific day happened. IT felt to me almost like it must have for my parents when they would talk about Pearl Harbor and even though we knew all about it from history class...we didn't live it.

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 27

We're on vacation, but I'm just popping in to see what the t-ladies are doing. Elizabeth, you certainly redeemed yourself with your poignant words about 9/11. Yes, a moment none of us will ever forget.

My hubby called me to the TV room, crying, "This can't be true!" We watched live as the second tower was hit and crumbled into rubble. It was horrifying and horrendous. There are (too) many such events in the world, but when it strikes close to home, the impact strikes home - so to speak. Hubby grew up close by. I had friends living/working there and worked there myself for a few years.

Cindy McMath said... 28

Being on the West Coast I heard the first signs of trouble on the morning radio. I remember the work day being surreal, and our boss checking in on us to make sure everyone was doing ok. My cousin had been working in NYC and I didn't know if he was still there or home for a few hours that morning (he was home). I was travelling this 9/11 (by car) but still well aware of the date. Your abstract is a great tribute.

Krisha said... 29

Sorry I'm late........
I don't think anybody, that was alive when the towers fell, will ever forget what they were doing, or how they heard the news. It still seems like yesterday to me.

I'm not much of a sweet tea drinker, when I drink tea, so even the logo on the can wouldn't entice me to buy it. LOL!

UplayOnline said... 30

It's bedtime here, so I wish you a good night! Hugs, Valerie
