Monday, July 31, 2017

T Stands For ATCs

Today started out in full blown panic mode.  It began when, at about 2:00 p.m., I couldn't upload any photos.  I even shut the computer down and tried a second time to no avail.   In desperation, I decided to try in HTML mode.  It's obvious, I was able to get these photos on my blog, but they were all "stitched" together.  I have no idea what the problem is, but I think I need a bigger cup of coffee about now.  It's not the way I want August to begin!

As promised last week, I have opened Valerie's lovely gift and am showing the gentle dog (as she promised he is) and the lovely package of gifts she sent.

There was NO way I could show all these gifts in one shot, so as I unwrapped each napkin she carefully wrapped the gifts in, I took a photo.

You got to see all the lovely ATCs Valerie made on her blog, but you didn't get to see all the wonderful goodies.  They were wrapped in various (and stunning) napkins (or serviettes - another cross over word for Jo's collection).

Darling dog stickers and cat ribbon will be put to good use.

And look at the gorgeous tag Valerie made.  So many layers and sewing, too.

Bleubeard was thrilled to be included in these four ATCs.  And needless to say I am overwhelmed by Valerie's generosity and her kindness.  Thank you beyond belief, Valerie.

Next up was this envelope from Deb.

A wonderful card with a personal message accompanied the beautiful ATC.

And of course, here is the gorgeous ATC in all its glory.  I love the various blues and the gold stems and outline of the ATC.  It's awesome.  Thank you for your kindness and thoughtfulness, Deb.  I am more than grateful and Bleubeard is, too.

The next gift is from Linda.  Since Bleubeard's name wasn't on the envelope, I hid the entire address.  I've never seen a three oz. postage stamp before, so it was a shock.  And yes, the envelope was photographed right side up.

As the beautiful pieces started tumbling out of the envelope, the first thing I noticed was the incredible rocking horse postage stamp.  Sadly, it doesn't show up well inside the plastic, but I got very enthused about seeing it.

Of course, I couldn't get everything in a single photo, but I tried.  TH paper dolls, words, images,

and an adorable postcard were included.

Now I wish I had removed this beauty from the sleeve, because it is gorgeous with the wonderful cut tea cup, the German scrap, and the beautiful image Linda used.  It's fabulous, Linda, and I simply adore everything, including the rocking horse postage stamp.

As I mentioned before, I believe I spent more time on the envelopes than the ATCs I created.  In case you can't read the sentiment: This cup is 4 you.  The cups are empty, so you are permitted to add whatever favorite beverage you choose!

This is the back.  I used the same stamp that is on most Tuesday pages in my monthly calendar.  Although I haven't heard, I believe (and hope) all except Chris have received their ATCs.  Guess it won't be a surprise when Chris finally gets her package, though.

Now it's your turn to share your T entry this week.  The rules are extremely simple.  Your drink related post may be anything from your ATCs you received in the exchange, a photo of a glass, cup, or mug, to an actual drink.  You may choose to share a sketch or a digital, hybrid, or traditional page in your scrapbook, art journal, or altered book as I did today.  Maybe you'd prefer to share a tag, or wow us with your photography.  You might choose a postcard or decorated card.  You might even draw an image on a used tea bag.  Or perhaps you prefer to review a place you visited, a movie, or book.  It makes no difference as long as it's drink related.  And don't forget that the more unique and outside the box it is, the better we like it.  Please tie it back here, and please link only to your T post, not your entire blog.  When you link, Bleubeard, the T gang, and I will be by to visit.   Bleubeard would also like to remind you that your photos may be taken any time, even months or years ago, if you choose.

As sad as it is, no one, including myself, can remove your link once you have entered it.  Instead, if you goof, just add it a second time and include that it's the correct link.

Since it's been such a hectic month, I completely forgot to remind everyone that it's time to dig up your Second on the 2nd post. Any genre, any post is acceptable as long as it is one you have shown in the past.  Just remember it will be due tomorrow, the 2nd of the month.

29 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Glad you like your goodies, your friends appreciate you and your T meeting every eek, that's for sure! Enjoy your goodies! Happy T Day, I'm off to bed here! Hugs, Valerie

chrissie said... 2

Such a lot of wonderful things in your post Elizabeth. You and Bluebeard got some wonderful things in the post and I am sure we will be seeing lots of them in future artwork projects.

Have a happy T Day--I am off to bed now

Love Chrissie xx

johanna said... 3

a wonderful Exchange went on here. i enjoyed seing the celebration of your t-anniversary!
happy t-day!

Halle said... 4

Lovely gifts and ATC's. I like the use of the playing card 4's. Smart!

da tabbies o trout towne said... 5

very thoughtful gifts and a great post today Elizabeth; july's post were really fun ☺☺♥♥ da tabbies are still at the carnival !!

Meggymay said... 6

You received some wonderful goodies in your packages, I'm sure we will be seeing some of them soon in your fantastic projects.
I hope the photo loading problems sorts itself out soon.
Happy T Day.
Yvonne xx

pearshapedcrafting said... 7

Oh Elizabeth! What wonderful ATCs and gifts you received - I am guessing that our packages will be at least somewhere near to arriving soon! Hope your computer stops misbehaving! Happy T day! Chrisx

jinxxxygirl said... 8

My goodness Elizabeth!! What a treasure trove! What a pretty photo you took of the ATC i sent you.. So glad you liked it. Can't wait to see what you do with all the goodies you received from everyone!! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

Rita said... 9

So many pretty gifts!! :)

My name is Erika. said... 10

That's a super collection of T Day celebratory gifts. It ended up being quite the party! Hope this up coming year is made of many great T Days. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

Birgit said... 11

Sorry to hear about the photo misshap but glad it was fixed. You got a lot of goodies and some great cards and a great tag

Let's Art Journal said... 12

Oh my, what wonderful happy mail you received from Valerie, Deb and Linda! Their ATCs are stunning and I loved seeing all the cards, tags, postcards and gifts too, they are so thoughtful and it shows how very much appreciated you are as our host of T Day. I'd like to add my heartfelt thanks for all your hard work and dedication too. Your ATCs are brilliant, using the playing cards to depict the 4th Anniversary is so clever and makes them so special. Wishing you a very happy T Day! J :-)

CJ Kennedy said... 13

Such beautiful artwork and goodies.I hope we get to see things that you make with all the trinkets. I love all the kitty things especially the adorable postcard. The ATC you made was quite clever to celebrate your T 4th anniversary. Happy T Day and Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit

Let's Art Journal said... 14

Forgot to say, thanks for the cross over word to add to my collection 😀 Happy T Day! J 😊 x

Helen said... 15

what lovely gifts you received with your atcs.

Dortesjs said... 16

wonderful things in your post great gifts

froebelsternchen said... 17

What a wonderful swap went on here Elizabeth! Fantastic goodies!
A fabulous celebration!
Happy T-Day !
Sorry for your panic mode - always good to take a cup of coffee - not easy to remain calm in such situations. Good that everything went well in the end!
Forgot about Second on the 2nd as well - oh my gosh - this summer is a bit busy but all will run fine - I am sure
oxo Susi

Meggymay said... 18

A reply to your toastie question. Bread toasted in a machine, then the filling added while it was still hot so the cheese ever so slightly melted.
This is the method I would used at home as well.

I know we can get them made the same was as you described from the grill as well.
I think it depends on the cafe and the space they have in the kitchen as to how they are made.
Hope this answer helps
Happy T day wishes
Yvonne xx

Lisca said... 19

Wow! That was certainly happy post! Such beautiful things and pretty envelopes and the stunning ATCs of course.
That rocking horse stamp is very special. It is another adding to your collection that doesn't take up much space!
Happy T-Day,

kathyinozarks said... 20

Good morning, I have been admiring everyone's swapped atc's and with envelopes they are all so beautiful-I would not have thought of making an envelope.
That is a good idea about looking for a tree on our property-we have allot of small pines they scrub pines here-although I don't think I have the tree stand any more we used to have a vintage one. I need a table topper size now too-I keep a table set up for projects that is front of a window I am thinking of measuring that and seeing what I size I need.
I am getting excited about trying out paper making other than using recycled papers-which I really enjoy that process-much simpler in the end. my friend also mentioned about adding gelatin to the pulp so when written on would not bleed on the paper-sounds like a big process but I will need to try it at least once-she is up to making paper with cattails now.
thanks for hosting hugs Kathy

Divers and Sundry said... 21

The ATCs are all so pretty! And the "extras" of decorated envelopes, etc. are icing on the cake. Looks like y'all had great fun making and swapping these, and I love seeing the results and hearing everyone's excitement :) Happy T Tuesday!

Linda Kunsman said... 22

Lots of fun goodies and so glad you enjoyed the special mail Elizabeth. Don't know why the PO clerk put the stamp on the envie that way. I just recall telling her to use actual stamps and not machine printed since we like to reuse the postage in art:)
Lovely stash of art from Valerie too. I know we'll be seeing it in your art. Happy T day!
Sorry, no post for today- getting ready to disconnect.

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 23

The internet - can't live with it; can't live without it. It's so frustrating when your schedule gets thrown off by computer glitches. We've all been there!

Oh my, what a wonderful gift pack you got from Valerie, Elizabeth. I love the folder and ATCs she made. The peacock tag is stunning! And you have a ton of new supplies to play with, including her thoughtful napkin gift wraps.

Cats, cats and more cats - one from Deb too! Very cute. And then Linda's little kitty in a boot - awww - plus lots of ephemera I'm sure we'll see in future posts from you ;-)

The playing cards were a very clever idea to set the theme for your 4th anniversary limited edition. I'm wondering if you have an actual stamp for the back of your ATCs or if you printed that from your computer.

Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

*Vicki* said... 24

It is always a love/hate thing with me and computers!! LOL!! Glad you were able to figure it out a bit! Really love the exchange of the packages here!! I think it would be so fun to have a play with altering playing cards! I love that idea and I used to do ATCs all the time and even trading them in swaps years ago. I miss that! :) Thanks for sharing! HUGS

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 25

Hi Elizabeth,

Thanks so much for taking the time to let me know how you made the custom label for your limited edition ATCs. Good job! It sure looks like a stamped label!

nanskidrewski said... 26

Beautiful ATCs. It's great to receive something handmade in the mail. Lucky you.🐱

Krisha said... 27

Simply gorgeous ATCs..........I feel so left out this year (boo hoo) This is the first chance I've had to post any comments, I just got the PC hooked up tonight and plan on being "back in the saddle again" next week. The move has been horrendous!! You can read all about it next week.....I hope LOL!
I have really missed all my T-day friends and posting and making art...oh my!!!
This is the only comment I'm leaving anybody, as it is late and I'm really burnt out and need to go to bed.
Hopefully I'll be back next week and see everybody!!!!!!
Happy T-day

Jeanie said... 28

What fun ATCs you got! Looks like a great exchange. And I've been having trouble uploading to blogger, too. Didn't know if it was my computer/connection or them. Ugh!

Cindy McMath said... 29

What a lovely assortment of goodies and ATCs. I particularly love all the cat stuff. :)