First, I want to apologize for not being the host I am supposed to be for last week's T Stands for Tuesday and Second on the 2nd. You may have noticed I didn't join you for either event, and I failed to notice that poor Darla was expecting me to add her name to both lists, which I failed to do. I can only say I hope this never happens again, and I hope you will ALL forgive me, including our newest person to visit. Thank you for sticking by me, and I hope we get a good turnout this week, because I will be there to join in whatever T tale you wish to share. That's a promise.

Now it's your turn to show us your T entry this week. The rules are extremely simple. Your drink related post may be anything from a photo of a glass, cup, or mug, to an actual drink. You may choose to share a sketch or a digital, hybrid, or traditional page in your scrapbook, art journal, or altered book. Maybe you'd prefer to share a tag, or wow us with your photography. You might choose a postcard or decorated card. You might even draw an image on a used tea bag. Or perhaps you prefer to review a place you visited, a movie, or book. It makes no difference as long as it's drink related. And don't forget that the more unique and outside the box it is, the better we like it. Please tie it back here, and please link only to your T post, not your entire blog. When you link, Bleubeard, the T gang, and I (YES I PROMISE) will be by to visit. Bleubeard would also like to remind you that your photos may be taken any time, even months or years ago, if you choose.
27 thoughtful remarks:
Sally looks really happy, great to see her smiling! Glad you both enjoyed the birthday dinner, looks like they give huge portions. You don't need to apologise for not being around,and we all missed you, but you were busy doing things that were really necessary.Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
this meal Looks so delicious and sally´s smile speaks volumes!
elizabeth, there is absolutely no Need to apologize for not visiting. i had the same experience in february, one of my closest friends lost her battle, too. it´s horrible. actually i´m still missing words...
take care! hugs, johanna
There is really no need to apologize for not being around - your friend needed you so much! What a fantastic meal ! Looks amazing there!
Happy T-Day, I am not joining the gang this week - you know I have not much time just now!
oxo Susi
I"ve not heard of ramen and gyoza but now know what they are after Googling.
The vegetarian gyoza does look very tasty.
Looks like a great meal and Sally looks ever so happy.
Sending lots of love.
Oh, my mouth is watering, Elizabeth. I could spend hours just poring over that menu. I ** luuuuv ** oriental food and can't get much in Mexico, especially that's so affordable. You certainly gave Sally a special treat for her birthday in my view.
Happy T-Day, dear Elizabeth. Hugs, Eileen
Sally looks like she really enjoyed her meal out for her Birthday and the food did look delicious.
No need to apologize for not being around, you were needed elsewhere and I am pleased you are okay.
Yvonne xx
Wow, the food is amazing and looking at the menu there is so much choice. It looks like you both had fun celebrating Sally's birthday and it's nice to see Sally's smiling face too :-) . That's very kind of you to apologise although quite unneccesary as I'm sure we all realised this was not the norm and there were more important things going on. If it helps I even managed to visit Darla as I saw her comment, and others probably did too. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier today and I look forward to your visit this T Day, take care my friend! J :-)
Im so sorry to hear your friend lost her battle with cancer. So good of you to help out. No need to apologise. This was much more important. How awful.
On the other hand, Sally's smile is awesome! So good to see her smile. I had no idea what ramen were until I googled it just now. That restautant looks really nice. I like japanese food but its not readily available here. Im glad you had a good meal because I seem to remember youve had a few negative experiences lately.
Happy T-Day,
I think this looks particularly yummy. 🤓 I think I would like this restaurant. Gourmet ramen. What a great idea someone had. Looks like you had some fun. Missing t day and wish I had a post. It just playing on my phone while I prep for surgery tonight. Enjoy. I'll miss you but will be. Ack soon hugs erika
I corrected Lisca's link. Hope I didn't overstep my bounds. I know you've had a lot on your plate, Elizabeth.
It looks as though Sally was happy with her choice of venue - I must confess to only trying Japanese food once and that was when we had a Japanese student on exchange when I was teaching and she cooked some sort of stew - I don't know whether she wasn't a very good cook but I found it lacking in flavour! By the look of the menu maybe I should try again! You should know that you don't need to apologise, we missed you but knew there must be a good reason that was beyond your control! Thanks for giving me the notion that I might quite enjoy a Japanese meal! Hugs, Chrisx
My goodness Elizabeth that MEAL looks amazing!!! And certainly not like MY ramen either...Hubby is our ramen cook... He likes to doctor it up and i let him.. :) Hey any meal i don't have to cook!! Love that picture of Sally against the brick wall..fabulous! Happy T day!! Hugs! deb
No! That does not look like the ramen noodles I am familiar with, either. It looks delicious. And so many things look interesting on their menu. Happy belated birthday to Sally. :)
No apologies necessary dear Elizabeth. Life happens. That looks like an awfully LOT of food-and really yummy too! I have watched a few cooking shows about "authentic" ramen and cooking and it does look so good.Sally looks awfully happy and that's what counts. Happy T day!
Life happens need to apologize.
Happy T day!
Hello, Sally! Your lunch looks delicious. So many choices. And the Hikawa Maru made me think of the Kobayashi Maru. :-D
My girlies adore the Ramen either in a cup or in a carton of 12. Sadly, it's a staple here, though I don't care for it. Much too salty for me. However, we have a new-ish Chinese restaurant that opened up next town over called Dumpling Girl. Mostly dim sum. the owner makes a delicious ramen. Flavorful broth, chicken, veg and half a hard boiled egg.
Glad you're back.
I'm not joining you for tea day but coudn't resist saying that this reminds me of some wonderful ramen I ate in London (and Scotland). If we should ever meet one day I know what type of meal we can have!
Glad to see you both enjoyed yourselves at the Japanese restaurant.
I love Japanese food, although I don't think I ever had Ramen.
Have a lovely week Elizabeth and thanks for referring Jo from Let's art journal to my murals post.:)
Sally always looks so happy it must be a joy to have such a friend and to see her cheery face on your photographs.
So good that you are keeping life going as usual after your sad time
Happy T Day
Love Chrissie xx
I'm sure the T gang understands and never gave it a thought. And how lovely of you to help your good bud have a wondrous bday.
wow, those entrees look quite large and really delicious! I do like noodles myself grand kids love the packaged ramen noodles you spoke of, but there is too much salt in them for me. ;) Sally looks really happy on this day, one of her rare smiles!
hope you are doing ok...we are very glad you are back to blogging land... Your readers love you (including me!) and wish you all the best! ♥
Life does happen, and no apologies are needed. Your hosting of this weekly event is a wonderful blessing, and I'm grateful for however and at whatever level you're able to continue it :)
That food looks good! It would certainly suit my tastes if not my everyday wallet. Yummmmm
Hi Elizabeth I always enjoy seeing photos of these good food places you find to dine at.
Thank you so much for stopping by my post-big hugs to you
Your meal out looks grand and Sally looks very happy!!! My garden id definitely going to be a big experiment this year :) Time will tell if it is successful or not. It's probably not to late for you to pick up a few herbs if you want . Our store is still getting new plants in every day.
Oh YUM. I have ramen every week and it is pricy but worth it for sure. That looks like a delightful birthday lunch for sally.
Looks like a couple of happy friends here having a fantastic lunch. I am pea green with envy!!
sandy xx
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