Monday, April 24, 2017

T STands For Dr. E's FREE Breakfast

Last Saturday, after we left the March For Science,

we came here.  I learned earlier that morning my birthday breakfast (which is served all day) was free with a valid ID.  I forgot to take a photo of the real restaurant we went to, but found this image on the internet.

By this time, it was well after 2 pm and I was so hungry, I could have eaten the menu.

My free breakfast was a Grand Slam.

Why is it the eggs look SO good in the photos?

I asked Sally to show her other tee, the one she wore to the march.  I took at least five photos, then asked her to smile.

Finally, a good photo of her.

Sally ordered a milkshake, but I stuck with water, since I didn't want to pay for coffee, because I had some in my big mug in the car.

The meal finally arrived, and it was all I could do to wait long enough to take a photo of this free meal before diving in.

I took photos of each gift individually, but have not had time to get them off my camera.

From far left: tag and paper from Linda, behind Linda's gift is Patty's, next to the candles is Krisha's gift, card, and die cuts.  Everything else,including all the washi tape came from Chris.

Now it's your turn.  The rules are extremely simple.  Your drink related post may be anything from a photo of a glass, cup, or mug, to an actual drink.  You may choose to share a sketch or a digital, hybrid, or traditional page in your scrapbook, art journal, or altered book.  Maybe you'd prefer to share a tag, or wow us with your photography.  You might choose a postcard or decorated card.  You might even draw an image on a used tea bag.  Or perhaps you prefer to review a place you visited, a movie, or book.  It makes no difference as long as it's drink related.  And don't forget that the more unique and outside the box it is, the better we like it.  Please tie it back here, and please link only to your T post, not your entire blog.  When you link, Bleubeard, the T gang, and I will be by to visit.   Bleubeard would also like to remind you that your photos may be taken any time, even months or years ago, if you choose.

Since this is the final Tuesday in April, it's time to be thinking about your Second on the 2nd post.  The rules are even more simple.  All you have to do is bring back a post from the past.  Any post, any genre, anything, as long as you have shown it previously on your blog.

29 thoughtful remarks:

johanna said... 1

it´s nice to see what you did after the march. i really enjoyed this previous post with all those quotes... we had marches here, too. and it really is so important in this time.
have a happy t-day and a wonderful week!

Valerie-Jael said... 2

Lovely photos. Glad you had a fun day with Sally. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

Lisca said... 3

Lovely to see you enjoying a 'free' meal. The T-shirt is great.
I also read (and looked at the photos) of your Earth Day blog post and enjoyed reading the signs. I am a scientist too, so I totally agree with it all.
I will try to remember 2nd of the 2nd this week.
Have a good one,

Let's Art Journal said... 4

Wow, it's wonderful that you get a free meal because it's your birthday and it looks so yummy, those pancakes caught my eye - delicious! We use to enjoy going to Dennys when we went to Florida :-) . You certainly received beautiful birthday cards and presents in the mail, that's so thoughtful of Linda, Patty, Krisha and Chris :-) . Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J :-)

My name is Erika. said... 5

I think you had a memorable birthday! :) And what a nice little collection of cards and gifts too. I think going out for breakfast is the best. And the march for science before that-what a great day. Glad it was a good one! And happy T day too. Hugs-Erika

kathyinozarks said... 6

What a nice way to celebrate your birthday and a good meal after the march-I enjoyed that post too. Our nearby city just got a Denny's I always remembered they had good breakfasts. need to check that out soon.
thank you for hosting

Rita said... 7

Happy birthday and congrats on getting Sally to smile--LOL! :)

CJ Kennedy said... 8

I love places that serve breakfast all day, but a free birthday breakfast is best. It's late as I'm typing this, and the Denny's menu is making me drool. You sure had a great birthday celebration. Love your birthday goodies.

Cindy McMath said... 9

Great to see your BD breakfast and I certainly enjoyed seeing your photos from the march - some very clever signs (not surprising for a science march I suppose!). Lovely goodies you received for your BD!

chrissie said... 10

Great to get a free anything these days and the food looks very filling. Good to know you did something good on your birthday.

Happy T day

Love Chrissie xx

Helen said... 11

looks like a great end to your day. off to catch up on the previous post now.

Krisha said... 12

So glad you had a Happy Birthday!!!
No I'm not joining AGAIN this week. I'm fine, just extremely busy, and not much computer time these poor neglected blog :(( Now we are getting ready to go on vacation this next week :)). Going back to Colorado for a family reunion, then some sight seeing coming home.. If I ever get back to posting it will be chucked full of photos......of course my first post will be a T-day post *grin*
Once again Happy Birthday my dear friend!!!!

froebelsternchen said... 13

SUPER photos dear Elizabeth!
Great you had such a fantastic day!
Happy T-Day!
oxo Susi

Darla said... 14

A nice finish to a busy day. Your birthday brought you many happy things including cards, gifts and a free breakfast, Glad you and Sally were able to spend the day out together.

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 15

Happy birthday and happy T-day, Elizabeth! You're going to have a ball with all those fun crafty gifts. What lovely washi tapes and die cuts.

Some of the Science Day signs were really clever. No surprise there. The march looks like it was very well organized despite being so well-attended. Again, no surprise. Scientists ... where would we be without them?!

Hugs, Eileen

Halle said... 16

Free breakfast for the Queen of Free. :) Hope your birthday was amazing!
Fun gifts you received too. So many new toys!

Dianne said... 17

Quite a wonderful array of gifts for your special day, lucky girl! free lunch sounds good and looks scrumptious. I love those home fries! Hope your Birthday was terrific, and you have a great year! ♥

Sami said... 18

Free breakfast for the Birthday girl, how nice!
And so many lovely presents Elizabeth, enjoy!

Divers and Sundry said... 19

Free breakfast is definitely a nice birthday treat! And a good closer for the march, with time to reflect on the event :)

Happy T Tuesday

Sandy said... 20

OMG! you are making me so hungry. Doesn't that hamburger on the menu look fabulous!!! Your your free breakfast looks like a million dollars to me - so yummy. Sounds like to me you had a good birthday!!
sandy xx

Jeanie said... 21

I would say with those gifts and cards, people know your passions well! Looks like a fun way to end a great day!

Sandra Cox said... 22

Glad you had an awesome Bearthday, great Birthday breakfast and many good friends to celebrate it.

jinxxxygirl said... 23

Oh my that food looks yummy Elizabeth and FREE! What more could you ask for.. lol Reminds me i haven't had breakfast out in quite some time... So glad you celebrated your Bearthday in style.. Lovely gifts..... Happy T day! Hugs! deb

Meggymay said... 24

First of all thank you for adding me to the linky Elizabeth, we are away from home and internet connections are not good.
I will eventually get to visit everyone, but its a snails pace for the blogs to load.
Your Birthday food looked yummy and I was amazed at the free part, it wouldn't happen here in the UK.
Happy T day to you and the gang.
Yvonne xx

nanskidrewski said... 25

Your breakfast looks delicious, and I imagine it tasted even better. The price was certainly right! Nice to celebrate your birthday with a friend in such a special way. Especially nice, because you made a difference on your birthday. Congratulations, and a happy year ahead!

Linda Kunsman said... 26

Happy T day,and happy bEARTHday too! Got back from the beach late last eve and just saw your comment on my blog. So nice to see all those wonderful gifts you received-washi tape-YUM! And speaking of, what a great birthday breakfast to celebrate. Love seeing Sally's smiling face. Heading back to another beach in 3 days again so I will be MIA a bit. Looking forward to catching up again in May. (I choose to stay unplugged when away:)

pearshapedcrafting said... 27

Your breakfast looks good! Love Sally doing a 'Tony'! Short and sweet comment I'm afraid I am dropping!!! Glad you had a good Birthday - lovely cards too!! Hugs, Chris

Carol said... 28

Happy Birthday! I didn't write a post this week. Too much going on and not enough time or energy. Mostly the energy. Looks like you had a great meal and quite a stash there too. ♥

kathyinozarks said... 29

Good morning, thank you for stopping back and explaining the no reply-I am really glad I asked the question as I was spending loads of time answering everyone on my page and then again on their pages-so now I know I have always been set up to communicate with emails back and forth which has worked out nicer for me I added the moderator for that reason so I can get rid of any spam right away its nice to have the choice for how we each want to set it up
are you getting lots of storms too? we are to get another 6 inches of rain this week