Monday, April 3, 2017

Celebrating my foodie friend Sally's birthday

I'm starting with my recycled item.

I always save my wrapping paper, smoothing it as much as possible before I store it.  I then use it for backgrounds, or recycle it into gifts.  After carefully measuring the book I am giving Sally, I sewed it into a gift bag.  I do this because I always have more thread than double-sided tape.

Since there was writing on the back of the wrapping paper, I had to sew two pieces together for the gift tag.  I tried to write "Happy Birthday" while sitting at my sewing machine.  The part of the machine that comes off for making cuffs, fell after I put pressure against it as I was writing "Happy."  The entire writing is "Happy Birthday Sally, Love, E."

The place Sally chose to eat was closed the day we went.  Since we were in a part of town we don't normally visit, she decided on a local pub.  Quite a letdown from the noodle place she had originally wanted to visit.  I'll show photos of the area and a brief shopping trip while there, next month.

Please note Sally's Wichita State University Shocker's tee she got as a gift.

She's now figuring out

how to get the tag off.

She was trying to be so precise and careful with the paper,

I finally suggested she just rip it open.  I really didn't want to take it home and recycle it another time.

Looking through the book,

she was surprised how small the lines were.

Thankfully, she liked it, especially because she LOVES flowers.  She was even impressed with the dust jacket.

But now it was time to eat.  She chose a Ruben sandwich and I had a cheese enchilada.

Sally got a salad and pickle and I got chips.  She got a choice with her sandwich, but I didn't have a choice.

At this point, I wasn't sure if I had taken pictures of our drinks, so made sure I got a clear shot of my water with lemon, and Sally's beer.  Her water was on the other side of her plate.

Now it's your turn to share your post.  The rules are extremely simple.  Your drink related post may be anything from a photo of a glass, cup, or mug, to an actual drink, or even a sketch or a digital, hybrid, or traditional page in your scrapbook, art journal, or altered book.  Maybe you'd prefer to share a tag, or photography.  You might choose a postcard or decorated card.  Or perhaps you prefer to review a place you visited, a movie or book.  It makes no difference as long as it's drink related.  And don't forget that the more unique and outside the box it is, the better I like it.  Please tie it back here, and please link only to your T post, not your entire blog.  When you link, Bleubeard, the T gang, and I will be by to visit.   Bleubeard would also like to remind you that your photos may be taken any time, even months ago, if you choose.

For Day 4 of 22, I recycled a piece of used wrapping paper.

23 thoughtful remarks:

johanna said... 1

Sally Looks like santa is coming:)))
your Food really Looks yummy! happy t-day, elizabeth!

Valerie-Jael said... 2

Love that lovely photo where Sally is smiling so sweetly. Glad you found a good place to eat even if it wasn't your original plan. I am sure she loved her present and the lovely packaging you sewed for it. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

Let's Art Journal said... 3

Such great photos of Sally's birthday celebration, what fun you had and Sally looks really happy with her gift! Your meal looks delicious, a Ruben sandwich and beer sounds perfect to me - Happy T Day! J :-)

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 4

I'm really impressed that you sew your gift bags, Elizabeth!

I love how you and Sally go with the flow. Hey, if plan A doesn't work out, you go to plan B. And you two always seem to have a plan B! I hope Sally had a very happy birthday.

Happy T-day!

Meggymay said... 5

You can tell by the photos that Sally enjoyed opening her gift and that she was happy to see the book.
I hope she took the paper home , you did a fantastic job making the gift package with the paper. I'm sure you would have thought of something else to do with it. if she saved it safely..
Your meal does look very tasty, pleased you found a good alternative place to eat..
Happy T Day.
Yvonne xx

pearshapedcrafting said... 6

What a great time you gave Sally! She certainly looked as though she liked the colouring book and you got some great photos! Your enchiladas and salad looks great - I love black olives! My son choses Reuben sandwich from Moose Coffee - neither T nor I like beef!!! I love how you used the old packaging to make a bag! ! Happy t Day! Chrisx

Lisca said... 7

That certainly is a novel way of wrapping a present. I never thought of sewing instead of sticking! Great idea.
It is obvious Sally liked her present (I think I would too). I even saw a little hint of a smile there when she was looking through the book.
The meal looks very yummy. The salad with the black olives looks particularly nice.
A belated happy birthday to Sally,
Happy T-Day,

jinxxxygirl said... 8

Happy happy Birthday Sally!!!! i hope she'll show us some of her coloring..... Happy T day Elizabeth! I'm so glad you shared Sally's Bday dinner with us! Hugs! deb

Linda Kunsman said... 9

a joyful post of celebration!! Happy birthday to Sallie. Lovely gift-and wrapping Elizabeth. Both meals look very tempting. Happy T day!

My name is Erika. said... 10

Nice to see Sally smiling. It must have been disappointing to her that her restaurant of choice was closed, but she seems pretty happy. Glad she liked her gift, and love your recycled paper. Hope your enchilada was yummy. Happy T day-Hugs-Erika

Carol said... 11

Well it looks as if a good time was had even if it wasn't the original plan. Sally looks happy ♥

froebelsternchen said... 12

Thank you for taking us with you to Sally's Birthday"Party"Lunch - the sewn jacket for the book looks amazing! I can see that she was loving her present- she smiled so beautiful and I didn't see her smiling often on photos yet.
You are clever ! Thread is so much better than the expensive double sided thread! And it makes a piece so much
more personal with the sewing!
The food there looks tempting to me especially this cheese enchilada...yummie!
Happy T-Day Elizabeth and thank you for your always so lovely comments - they are like soul balm to me.

oxo Susi

chrissie said... 13

Sally looks really pleased with her presents and the food looks delicious as always.

Happy T Day to both of you

What wonderful journalling yet again with lots of wonders on the page

Love Chrissie xx

CJ Kennedy said... 14

Looks like you and Sally had a fun day out. Happy Birthday to Sally. I love that wrapping paper. My favorite color and stars are recurring theme in some of my dreams. As I am not handy with a sewing machine, it never would have occurred to me to sew a gift bag from the wrapping paper. You are just too clever. Happy T Day

Sami said... 15

Happy birthday to Sally once again, she looks pleased with her gift.
I had no idea you could sew paper to make a bag as you did. Very clever, Elizabeth!

~*~Patty S said... 16

Looks like you and Sally had a very nice time even tho it was your second choice. Your meal looks scrumptious E.
If I were Sally I too would have been trying to not damage your special gift wrap. I would have wanted to use it again. The wrapper is like part of the gift after your special touches!
You ladies know how to celebrate.
Happy T Day oxo

AiyanaKalyna said... 17

Happy Birthday Sally. It looks like she had a very special and sweet day. Sorry I haven't stopped by in a while. Missed reading your blog. I was ill and took some time off to get better.

Halle said... 18

Looks like she loved her gift. The food looked pretty tasty too.

nanskidrewski said... 19

Love your repurposing to make the gift bag and tag! The food looks yummy. Happy Birthday to Sally.

Jeanie said... 20

It looks like so much fun and delicious, too. I can tell you and Sally had boatloads of fun. She'll love the book. And the paper. Clever and fun. So much more personal!

Darla said... 21

Great recycle. Clever to sew up the pkg. the food looks good even if it was a second choice of places to go. Im still without computer so once again ask you please to link my post.

sheila 77 said... 22

That's a great idea, sewing the wrapping paper instead of putting horrible sticky tape on it. I laughed when you told Sally to tear the paper because you didn't want to have to recycle it again.

kathyinozarks said... 23

Hi, I had a personal emergency soon after I posted, but I have free time now for visiting-I just brewed me a cup of lemon ginger tea.
I love to recycle wrapping paper too. Looks like a wonderful birthday celebration-hugs Kathy