Monday, January 16, 2017

T Stands For Christmas Gifts

I finally found a way to get my photos from Christmas onto my blog.  And if, perchance, my electricity is still on, I'll be by to visit.

Although there are more gifts than this, these are the main ones I received.

All the way from Canada, these came from my friend Cindy at Pink Bird Studio.  The bingo cards should have given you a hint.  Cindy really knew how to make me happy this year.  That wonderful rocking horse had belonged to her mother, who died last summer.  She knew I would love it.  She also sent the Lyra Aquacolors, too.  They are water soluble, and I have wanted water soluble crayons since forever.  Thank you beyond belief, Cindy.  You have absolutely NO idea how much these meant to me.  Of course, Cindy sent me a few other goodies (including ATCs), but I had already put them away before I considered sharing them on my Christmas table.

My friend Joseph sent me a box of Godiva chocolates.  Just what I need because I'm so emaciated (NOT!!).

This was a gift I gave myself.  Recently, while at The Spice Merchant buying Christmas gifts, I saw this retro cup and a saucer that was similar in style.  I've never had the dark French roast before, so I'll be grinding some beans to make a pot soon.

These were sent to me (along with die cuts, and various other sundry goodies I'd already put away) by my friend Erika or Bio Art Gal.  Can you believe those awesome two stacks of paper?  You know I'll be using those.  Thank you Erika, for the goodies, and the stamp.  Is that a subtle hint (grin)?

This was sent to me by a very dear friend Jerrie who lives out of state.  I was shocked and thrilled.  I hadn't heard from her in nearly a year, so I was so pleased to receive it.  And to think, all she got from me was a lousy handmade card!  Unfortunately, Jerrie doesn't have a blog or web site.

Chris, my friend at Pear Shaped Crafting really knows me.  She knows I love stencils, and these are fantastic.  They are about the size of ATCs, and I'll use them as both backgrounds and foregrounds, I'm sure. She also sent some die cuts and some stamped images on deli paper.

Scott and friends Jason, Rudy, and Andrew got together and gave me this geeky energy meter.  It is made in the EU, but this meter tests energy levels in the US.  It detects the amount of energy being used by the devices it is hooked up to.  It then determines the resulting cost of energy for the item or items in use.  If I were to plug it into my power strip, it would let me know how much energy is being used by my computer, printer, desk light, and scanner (when the scanner was working).  Being a bit of a geek myself, I fell in love with it.  Thanks guys!

Remember my friend I gave the KeyMo Journal to?  In return, she gave me this three candle, candle holder.  Since I didn't have a place to put my grandfather's hat, I laid it on top of the candle holders until I can find a place for it.  One of the things I dislike about winter is, everything looks dusty.  I swear, I had dusted and washed the glass items just two days before I took this photo, and the deer was not dusty, either.  However, everything looks terribly dusty to me.

While I had my camera out, I took photos of some of the trees I had on display.

This tree started life as a napkin holder, but I bought it to hold my cards I receive each year.

I purchased this one specifically for my main floor bath.

These trees live here all year long.

I was so ready for Christmas to be over, and as soon as I took the photos,

I packed everything up, including the tree on the front porch.

And to show I was prepared for the possible black out that didn't materialize,

I had candles in every room of my home, although I would never leave any burning if I'm not in the same room.   I had my lighter to light said candles, and I made THREE pots of coffee that were ready and waiting.  I don't care if the coffee is cold, but I can't live without my coffee caffeine.  I used my insulated mug which doesn't insulate well, but it's better than a cup and saucer when I was hiding huddled under a blanket. 

I also have this very useful portable OTT light, which runs off uses three AAA batteries.  Far safer using it instead of a candle when I needed to run to the "loo."  But thankfully, Bleubeard, Squiggles, and I didn't have to huddle in the cold or the candlelight.

Now it's your turn to share your drink related post.  It can be anything as long as it relates back to a drink in some way, like my bag of coffee beans and new cup and saucer, or my disgustingly ugly (wheat) Shocker mug.  Of course, it can be a postcard, a movie, a painting, a sketch in your sketchbook, an altered book page, a digital, hybrid, or traditional journal or scrapbook page, or photos of your time out and about.  Once you link (direct links only, please), Bleubeard, the T gang, and I will be around to visit.  And Bleubeard wants you to know that your photos can be taken any time, not just Tuesday, and not even this year.

29 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

What a lot of beautiful gifts you got,you are loved and cared for! That's good. I love the look of your Godiva chocolates and those dark roast beans- YUMMY! Happy T Day to you, hugs, Valerie

Krisha said... 2

WOW! what a wonderful stack of gifts!! And NEW art shashy stuff......POW! Can't wait to see those put into action.
Happy T-day

Meggymay said... 3

You have a wonderful collection of gifts from very thoughtful friends.
I wonder what you will be making with all those arty gifts.
The photos were fantastic, loved your tree collection and your new cup and saucer, with those rich looking coffee beans waiting to be ground and used.
You were well prepared for losing the power, with your lighter to hand, coffee to drink, good for you to be organised.

Happy T Day
Yvonne xx

Let's Art Journal said... 4

Wow, what wonderful friends you have to send you such amazing gifts - they are all so beautiful. I think you'll have so much fun with all the arty wonders your were gifted :-). Your candles and trees are so pretty too! Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

jinxxxygirl said... 5

So nice to see what you received for Christmas... I'd say you are well loved Elizabeth!! :) Love all the art supplies....I look like a ghost at the moment... I just spent some time sanding the ceiling in the craftroom.... still a long way to go... I'll nickel and dime it to death!! Hugs! deb

Lisca said... 6

What lovely gifts you got! I didn't get any gifts as our family live too far apart. In spite of that my daughter sent us presents, so we had something to open on Xmas day. Bless her.
I enjoyed having a peep into your lovely home. The rocking horses are so special. I love that glass one.
And now all the Christmas stuff is packed away, tll another year.
Happy T-Day,

pearshapedcrafting said... 7

What lovely gifts you received! I love seeing your trees and love that some stay all year round! I hope you enjoy your French Roast coffee! We are on Italian at the moment! Off to bed now - early start tomorrow! Hugs, Chrisx

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 8

Oh my, what a haul you recieved, Elizabeth! I enjoyed seeing (i.e., drooling over) all your goodies. You'll love the water soluble crayons! I have Gelatos and love their versatility and how they spread and blend.

I look forward to seeing what you do with them, as well as with the stencils and stamps. Have fun!

Glad you were prepared for Mother Nature and even more glad that she spared your area this time;-)

My name is Erika. said... 9

What a good Christmas you had. You got some awesome play things and other toys.:) I love seeing all your trees too. Glad you will enjoy the paper and other bits and bobs as I really need to make some space and if I won't use,them, someone else should. And happy T day. Hugs-Erika

Claudia W | ImagesByCW said... 10

That's amazing! You have a ton of wonderful friends sending you such awesome Christmas presents from around the world. That must make your Holidays...
I hope you won't ever need the candles or OTT light or such, but rather will keep the power and warmth all winter.
Happy T-Day!

Linda Kunsman said... 11

Oh my-what a super fabulous collection of gifts!!! Just goes to show how much YOU are appreciated Elizabeth. I was so happy to reconnect with Cindy after seeing a comment from her on your blog not long ago:) Beautiful Christmas decor too. Can't wait to see how you begin to use all those art goodies! Happy T day!

Rita said... 12

Such wonderful gifts and decorations!! The Lyra watercolor crayons are my favorite. They are rich in color and creamy--just delightful! Enjoy all your delightful gifts!! :)

Helen said... 13

what wonderful gifts you received! things don't look dusty to me - if you want dust I've got some.... happy T on Tuesday-day.

froebelsternchen said... 14

An amazing stack of gifts dear Elizabeth! You deserve it and I am pleased for you!
Happy T-Day my friend!

johanna said... 15

what an impressive heap of gifts you were spoilt with! it all went to the right Person, you deserve it!
happy t-day, elizabeth!

chrissie said... 16

Wonderful to see your gifts and beautiful little trees here and there in your house. I am sure you will enjoy the gifts as you did the trees and great that you leave some up all year. Must be terrific to have so much space

Happy T Day Elizabeth and thank you for linking my page

Love Chrissie xx

Anonymous said... 17

Great post Christmas post. Cool gifts too...I saw a cool smart plug yesterday on tiny house livng that you can use to turn appliances on and off with an app on your phne and it has an energy sensor to tuen them off if you forget. A little Big Brother but not as bad as all these talking machones from Amazon, etc...

Rag wreaths, I use 8" long strips to make it look fuller. Easy peasy but lots of hand knottng, takes about 5 hours to make one I find varied fabrics give it its nice look. Try a dollar tree type store for the wire frame, spmetimes only $1. Guessing about a yard total of fabric for a 12" wreath.


Darla said... 18

Enjoyed seeing your gifts and some of your decorations. I'm certainly happy to find out you didn't suffer any electrical outage due to the weather. Always best to be prepared though. We have a couple of those battery operated lantern type things - just in case.

~*~Patty S said... 19

So many lovely and thoughtful AND useful gifts!
You deserve the best E.
The chocolates and rich coffee beans are calling me ;-)
Christmas seemed to come and go so quickly it is nice to get to visit your pretty decorated spaces even in January. AND having things out to enjoy all year long is a great plan as well.
Happy T Day to you oxo

Divers and Sundry said... 20

Great gifts! You'll have to let us know how you like that French roast. The cup is perfect!

I'm glad you weren't having to huddle in the cold. Candles and cold coffee just aren't a good substitute for electricity.

CJ Kennedy said... 21

What glorious and thoughtful gifts! Mmmm, Godiva chocolates. The rocking horse is adorable. I love how you decorated and color coordinated your powder room. I might have to make more of an effort in the bathroom next year. I just put up a small tree and call it good. :-D I like the candle stand as a hat stand. My dad wore a hat like that, too. Hope you didn't lose electricity. Your ice storm is winging its way here for Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. With Ink around, I got rid of candles as he was fond of pushing things off tables and counters. I picked up battery operated camping lanterns. I think I got them at Walmart. This year, Himself ordered 4 Atomic Beam lanterns. As advertised on TV :-D We can now function as a lighthouse should any of the lighthouses along the Boston coastline fail. Happy T Day!

Caterina Giglio said... 22

Happy T day and just loved seeing all your presents, you got some fab arty presents and wondering how you liked your coffee.. ? Happy New Year and T day, dear, E!

~*~Patty S said... 23

Me again E.
Thank you for your visit for T today along with your nice comment.
I clicked on each photo and the first one is the only one that will not enlarge and I have no idea WHY!
Perhaps because I was moving between the iPad and the PC?
You can tell I am not a neatnik ;-)
p.s. I did "think" about cutting up the can but knives and sharp edges made me think better of it AND corrugated cardboard is such a wonderful ingredient isn't it!

Jeanie said... 24

Not dust. Just lighting! And it all looks terrific. I really love that wee tree you got for your bathroom. It's so cheerful! And all the wonderful touches. Beautiful gifts, too -- it's clear your friends know you well!

Glad the computer is back in gear! Fingers crossed it stays that way!

Carol said... 25

You really did get a nice selection of gifts and things that you will really enjoy using too. Happy T Day!

Cazzy said... 26

Hi Elizabeth and Bleubeard,
I love your gifts especially the rocking horse, you are so lucky to have friends who buy gifts like that!
Glad you didn't get blacked out.
Happy T day.


Sandra Cox said... 27

I love that you had 3 pots of coffee ready to go (my kind of woman:) but glad the black out didn't materialize.
Sounds like you have wonderful friends that think the world of you.
All the gifts were great, I especially liked the rocking horse.
You have a great one.

Cindy McMath said... 28

This was a lovely post Elizabeth - I'm so glad you liked what I sent you, and I can't wait to see how you use the crayons (and all these other things you received) - enjoy! Great to see your decorations too - I didn't decorate this year since I'm in such a state over this endless move. Next year! said... 29

You got some good stuff, girl! And art supplies -- alway a favorite of mine. Have fun creating. And eat a chocolate for me.