Monday, January 23, 2017

T Stands for China Inn

I'm doing my part to celebrate Chinese New Year, by sharing a meal with my foodie friend Sally at China Inn.  You can see I'm drinking water with lemon.

This is a HUGE menu with probably eight pages, front and back.

Sally and I both decided to get the No. 2 combination plates.

While she played with her phone,

I took a few photos of the paintings on the walls.

I didn't want to get up, because there were so many people in the restaurant, so took only what I could get from my booth.

As we prepared to leave, I was mesmerized by the fish tank.

However, once I got closer,

I realized the only things alive were the fish.  Everything else was a prop.

Now it's your turn to share a drink related post.  It can be anything from a photo of a glass, cup, or mug, to an actual drink, or even a sketch or a digital, hybrid, or traditional page in your scrapbook, art journal, or altered book.  Maybe you'd prefer to share a tag, postcard, or photography.  Or perhaps you will review a place you visited, a movie, or book.  It makes no difference as long as it's drink related.  Please tie it back here, and please share the link to your post, not your entire blog.  You are welcome to link to as many other sites as you choose, as long as you do the same to our T Stands For Tuesday party, too.  When you link, Bleubeard, the T gang, and I will be by to visit.

26 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

What a shame that the aquarium contents were not real. The new Chinese restaurant here has a beautiful one, too, but everything is real. Hope you enjoyed your meal out with Sally, and you've reminded me that I could treat myself to a meal for the Chinese new year! Happy T Day to you, B & S, hugs, Valerie

johanna said... 2

well, maybe it is better for real jellyfish not to live in such a small Aquarium;) the chinese year will be one of the rooster this time, my chinese zodiak actually. hope your Food was fine!
happy t-day!

Meggymay said... 3

Sally does look engrossed in her phone today, still I'm sure the food you ordered would be worth the wait, the menu looked very tempting.
. I always think when I see your menu's how reasonably priced it is to eat out in the US compared to our prices.
It was a shame about the tanks being full of ornaments not fish, perhaps it would be hard for them to live safely side by side with jelly fish.
Happy T day.
Yvonne xx

Let's Art Journal said... 4

What a lovely way to celebrate Chinese New Year! I have just suggested to my hubby that we do the same so I think we'll be treating ourselves to a meal at our local Chinese restaurant to celebrate too :-). Thanks for the inspiration and wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

Krisha said... 5

Bob looks just like Sally, when we go out to eat....:(
Chinese food sounds really good about now. Your Chinese restaurant looks much nicer than the one that is here in Shafter..........props and all *grin*
Happy T-day

Linda Kunsman said... 6

That is some menu-and the prices seem very reasonable too. I like Chinese food but often it doesn't agree with me :(
Love the beautiful art, and as for the tank-it did look real to me at first but I'm kinda glad some of it wasn't:):) Hope you enjoyed your meal. Happy T day!

jinxxxygirl said... 7

Yum! Loves me some Chinese Food! We usually go to a buffet here...The last time i had Chinese Food brought to the table i was a preteen and we used to take trips to NY China town... Where i would then get an almond cookie larger than my hand!! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

pearshapedcrafting said... 8

Ooh! I love Chinese food - time we went out for one ourselves I think! Love the art on the walls button so sure about the fish tank! Hugs, Chrisx

Lisca said... 9

Oh yes, yummy! I love Chinese food. So much choice! Your menu had chicken in it and you are a vegetarian if I remember well. Sally probably had your chicken. Lol.
The fish tank is very colourful. I first wondered if the jellyfish were real...(I thought the colour was created by clever lighting), but I can see now that they are fake.
Looks like you had a good time,
Happy T-Day,

My name is Erika. said... 10

That is a cool fish tank alright. I love the sea dragon decoration. Going out for Chinese food is fun (as long as you don't have to wait for over 2 hour like I did on New years) and a good way to prepare for the new year. I also want to thank you for the link to Lindsborg. It looks like a fascinating place. Although we have people with Scandinavian heritage here in the northeast, it not like the Midwest. How cool to have such a huge population-the closest we get here is Irish or French Canadian. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

froebelsternchen said... 11

A fab way to celebrate the CHinese New Year Elizabeth! The meal looks very good. I can't eat Chinese food too often as I always feel bloatedness for at least 2 days after eating it.
Yes it was a corner of my new kitchen I took a photo from. Hubby managed tiling the backsplash recently and now it is finally finished.
Happy T-Day dear Elizabeth!

chrissie said... 12

Happy T Day Dear Elizabeth

What a wonderful way celebrate with wonderful food and the beautiful images and colours

Beautiful post.

Love Chrissie xx

ImagesByCW | OceanDreamIllustration said... 13

How come that Chinese restaurants always seem to have the looooongest menus?! Oh well, I hope you enjoyed the food, too :) Happy T-Day!

Darla said... 14

Chinese New Year is a big event here in the Bay Area, I'm sure we will be having Chinese food sometime during the week. I like those colorful fake jelly fish.

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 15

Happy T Day, Elizabeth. That's a weird aquarium - lol. I miss good Chinese food. Hope you enjoyed yours ;-)

Halle said... 16

I was totally prepared to be blown away by the jellyfish in the tank! Fooled me! I love Chinese fact I'll be having Chinese leftovers for lunch.
Happy T day!

Nancy said... 17

Hope you enjoyed your meal- that menu is massive. It looks like a nice place, but I agree- the aquarium is "fake news".

CJ Kennedy said... 18

I'd be there all day with that menu. Too many delicious choices :-D I love the sumi-e paintings on the wall. simply beautiful. And at first, I thought the jellyfish and seahorse were real! Very cool aquarium.

Guess my crochet and embroidery skills need work. It was supposed to be a little kitty :-D

CJ Kennedy said... 19

Was laughing too hard. Have a most wonderful T Day!

Sandra Cox said... 20

What a gorgeous tank and what fun. You and Sally find the best places to eat.

sheila 77 said... 21

I always enjoy your meals out. That is fascinating with the fish tank but I'm disappointed that the red version of the Loch Ness Monster was not real.

Dianne said... 22

I love Chinese food, and always enjoy the colorful art work that most of the restaurants exhibit! those jellyfish in the tank had me fooled too! quite cute...looks like fun and a great variety of dishes to choose from. Thanks for taking us along! ;)

Carol said... 23

We haven't had Chinese food in a while now. Our favorite restaurant burned down and they decided to retire instead of rebuilding and we haven't found a replacement yet. Certainly a bigger menu where you ate. Thanks for sharing ♥

Divers and Sundry said... 24

Wow! I'm #23 today!

I partial to Chinese food and would be a happy camper at this restaurant. The art and the aquarium are very nice :)

Anonymous said... 25

Glad you enjoyed your Chinese, haven't had it in years...too bad the aquarium was mostly fake...xox

~*~Patty S said... 26

Sorry I missed tea...just couldn't get myself together for lots of reasons.
My eyes immediately went to those amazing jellyfish and I thought WOW that is quite an aquarium to maintain!!! Your observation made me smile...they probably fool lots of people who don't stop to really look.
I am always amazed at how lengthy Chinese restaurant menus can be wondering HOW they can pull it off.
Happy Year of the Rooster.
Let's hope it's a good one ... sighhhhh