Monday, July 25, 2016

T Stands for Tuesday at the Art Museum

Late last month

my friend Sally and I
shown here

visited the Wichita Art Museum

for lunch.   We got there about 40 minutes before the cafe closed, because they are only open from 11 am to 2 pm.

We started with water, and after we ordered (see PDF menu here), I took many photos from our vantage point in the upper level of the museum cafe. 

I ordered a turkey, brie, and pear sandwich on rye with soup of the day, which was corn chowder.

while Sally opted for crepes and house salad.

I took half my sandwich home, but stopped to take a photo of the tempting desserts the server offered us.

I was glad that I had taken this photo or I would not have known the date we were there, or remembered that the soup of the day was corn chowder.  I had wanted to go on the weekend for the brunch menu, but we had to postpone our visit due to other commitments.

I will share the photos from the museum on Wednesday.  As much as I would like to join Julia at WOYWW,  I believe in reciprocity, and frankly don't have time to spend on my very slow computer joining in on that large party that often takes two days of nearly constant computer time.

Now it's your turn to share your direct link to your drink related post.  Remember, as long as there is some mention (and hopefully a photo/sketch/postcard/drawing/movie/painting, etc) of a drink, any post is acceptable.  And I want to thank each and every participant last week for making our third birthday/anniversary such a wonderful success.

25 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

You must have had a great day out, Sally was smiling and looked very contented. Love the look of your food, it's bed time here but now I'm feeling peckish....Have a happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

Linda Kunsman said... 2

Both your lunch choices sound really good!! Looking forward to seeing your museum photos. Happy T day!

Sandra Cox said... 3

Oh what fun! I want a piece of that pineapple coconut custard cake!

Halle said... 4

That's a great photo of Sally. Thanks for taking us along for the ride once again! said... 5

Looks like a very nice museum and a fun afternoon! But someone should tell them it is feta not

~*~Patty S said... 6

Both of your lunches look and sound really yummy!
Such a nice and tempting menu.
Something tells me visiting on a Tuesday instead of on a weekend you had a nice peaceful lunch with fewer people in the way for snapping photos.
It is soooo hot here today in Virginia (heat index of 108F)... your lemon water sure does look inviting even though I most often order my drinks without ice.
Happy T Day E.
p.s. curious about the museum now too ;-)

Rita said... 7

Both looked and sounded delicious!
Happy T-Day!

Krisha said... 8

WOW! your lunch looks so yummy, and what a pretty place to have lunch.
I finally got a little break from the GDs, so I'll have time to go around and visit........I've missed the T-Gang!

Carol said... 9

That's a great looking lunch ans I can't wait to see the photos of the Museum. We finally got a break in the heat here, hope you did too ♥

Dianne said... 10

Looks like a great lunch, and I would love to visit the museum! for some reason, I am not seeing the Linky tool to add my link for the blog hop...wondering if it's me and my computer? will look again in the morning...will be out of town again Tuesday, so will be late visiting everyone again. but I'll get there! have a terrific week!

Dianne said... 11

ok. that's weird. apparently if you use the bookmarked page shown on your google home page, the Mr. Linky doesn't show up. But after using the link on my own blog...right there it is! sheesh... at least I'm linked up now. Will visit everyone a bit late, but I will visit! ♥

johanna said... 12

Museums mostly have good Cafés or Restaurants, always something Special and different from other Locations. i love to eat there, but normally they are off my normal ways and i only go there when i go to an exhibition. your meal Looks really interesting.
have a great week and happy t-day!

Meggymay said... 13

Your lunches both sound delicious and look yummy.
It seems a huge museum and I look forward to seeing your photos, mind you I wonder how all the glass frontage is kept clean. the window washers must have a never ending task.
Happy Tea Day
Yvonne xx

Lisca said... 14

What a lovely building. Modern can be nice too. Your lunch made my mouth water! Looks really yummy. I love rye (can't get it here). I had a look at the menu via the link. It all sounds delicious. The smoked ham and swiss puzzled me. Swiss what? Swiss cheese? Swiss ham? Swiss bread? Is it a typo or do you have a product called swiss?
I also went to the museum's websiote to see what collections they were showing. I would love to have been there. I would probably go see the Printmaking collection and the Storytelling exhibition looks interesting. I always like to know the story behind a work of art. The glass is fascinating, and the Steuben glass in the Burnstein would definitely interest me. What did you see? It looks like you had a really good day out. Did you go in the gardens?
Happy T-Day,

Darla said... 15

It is always a pleasure to visit an art museum and if you can have lunch while there then so much the better. Your sandwich sounds delicious.

jinxxxygirl said... 16

Gosh i have not been to an Art Museum in ages and from what i hear we have a great one here in Rogers , AR ... So nice to see a smiling picture of Sally. The food looked yummy!! I never would have thought of putting pear on a sandwich.... still not sure if i would have liked that... Happy happy T day Elizabeth!! Hugs! deb

Divers and Sundry said... 17

I think a restaurant is a great addition to an art museum. This food looks wonderful, and I can see me there with my daughter having trouble picking from the tempting treats on that menu. Such fun!

I look forward to seeing the museum. Thx!

Happy T Tuesday :)

Sami said... 18

Looks like an interesting museum Elizabeth. Looking forward to seeing some photos of the exhibitions.

Anonymous said... 19

Museum cafe's always seem so light and elegant. Sometimes the food is great, sometimes not, but in that case it looked quite nice. Looking forward to photos from inside. xox

froebelsternchen said... 20

both your lunch choices sound yummie!! I am looking forward to seeing your museum photos Elizabeth. Happy T - day!
oxo Susi

pearshapedcrafting said... 21

What great place that looks - I think I would have chosen the same as you although there were some tasty looking things on the menu! Brunch looks like a must!! We like to go to the Manchester Art Gallery for lunch sometimes(hmm!…maybe soon!) looking forward to seeing photos of the museum. Hugs, Chrisx

sheila 77 said... 22

Hello Elizabeth, lovely to have a virtual trip with you. Art Galleries here have wonderful cafes too. Nice to see Sally.
Sorry I don't join in with the T for Tuesday for the reasons you gave here, I don't really have the time (at the moment) to visit everyone and I think this is part of the deal.
Hope Squiggles has recovered from all the publicity he got and is enjoying his birthday year.

My name is Erika. said... 23

Looks like a yummy lunch. Glad you had a fun day out. I sme housing a glass of wine with travel companions right now. Hard to go to bed. Though it is after 10 and we are tired when it isn't dark yet. Can't wait to see your museum photos. Stay cool. Hugs erika

Let's Art Journal said... 24

Looks like you had a fun day out and I love your lunch choice - turkey, brie, and pear sandwich on rye with corn chowder definately works for me, perfect! Yummy! So sorry that my post was late and I didn't get to visit everyone yesterday, it was just one of those days where nothing goes to plan! I'm getting back on track today seems I have a lot of catching up to do. Wishing you a Happy belated T Day! J :-)

Jeanie said... 25

Well, you can tell I'm reading backwards, can't you! Inside we are! And your lunch looked very good. Sounds like a fun day of art, beauty and lots of good things for you!