Monday, July 11, 2016

T Stands For Hibiscus Tea

I needed a bit of diversion from my basement drama, so grabbed some hibiscus tea leaves I bought a few weeks ago.

Even before I got the tea off the front porch, it was beginning to steep.  It just proves what I've said in the past: you don't need sun to make sun tea.

But of course, with sun, it steeps better

and produces a deeper, richer color.   Please be aware this is NOT for drinking, but for dyeing.  And although this might look like something I would fix in my kitchen, I assure you this pot and tea strainer are dedicated to crafts only.  I will never mix the two because it just makes sense to use only items for the craft room in the craft room and items for my kitchen in my kitchen. 

After sitting the tea in the sunny part of my driveway,
I decided to share the last of my bags of books Scott and I pitched. 

I have two more shelves to go through, but the worst is over.  And I have a short term, low-cost plan.

1.  Divert the rain gutters so they don't drain into the patio area.
2.  Build up the patio 4 inches.
3.  Purchase a dehumidifier.

Long term and costly items include

1.  Install a sump pump.  In my area, it cannot drain into the main drain, but must drain elsewhere.
2.  Lift the foundation of the house above the basement and level everything.

But now it was time to bring in my hibiscus tea.

Instead of bothering to place the tea in anything else, I simply added the old muslin sheet to the hibiscus.  Since I love the mottled look, I think this will turn out swell.   And Dianne will wish I'd done this before I sent her PINK pages to her.  BTW, I hope to share those pages later this week.  Possibly Dianne will share them today.  Who knows!

But I've talked enough.  Now it's time for you to share your T related post.  Since I was so late visiting everyone last week, I want to reiterate: please link directly to your T post, not your blog in general.  
For example, this is my blog:

This is NOT what I would ask you to link to.  Instead, copy your T post, then paste it in the URL line.  Here is mine:

It takes very little time to copy your direct link, and others don't have to go searching for it.  Since my computer is so old and slow, when you link your entire blog, everything on the home page has to load.  PLEASE be kind and thoughtful of others and link directly to your T post.  PLEASE!  And for those of you who use direct links all the time, I apologize.  It's obvious I'm not talking to you.  But I ran into this problem last week with several people who linked their complete blog.  Sometimes being late shows the flaws in the system.

Also, please don't forget that next week is our 3rd annual anniversary party, so those who wish to exchange ATCs should have them ready before we go live.

27 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Glad you were able to create a diversion for yourself with the hibiscus tea, I am sure it will create a great colour. Sorry about all the damage, and all you will need to do to keep things high and dry at your house. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

~*~Patty S said... 2

Glad you have some plans to help keep the flooding from happening again.
Such a pain I can only imagine (we don't have a basement and are on a cement slab).
Nice that you could escape by playing with some pretty tea dye.
Hibiscus is the nicest pink.
It will be fun to see this finished batch.
Happy T Day E oxo

Let's Art Journal said... 3

Wow, you've done so much already and it looks like you have everything planned to get your basement back to normal - great work and I hope all is sorted very soon! I love hibiscus and have never heard of the tea or dying with it before, the colour looks fabulous! I like the idea of drinking the tea too, so will have to source some so I can try it, thanks for the inspiration and Happy T Day! J :-)

Lisca said... 4

I'm glad you are getting back to some sort of normality. I have been thinking of you a lot and the flooding and your basement. What a nightmare. But you have got plan A and plan B and I'm sure another one, resourceful as you are.
The hibiscus tea will make a lovely pink color. I'm looking forward to see how it has come out. It is also great to drink, cold with a slice of lemon. In Italy we used to call that Karkadé.
Thanks for reminding me that next week is anniversary week. I have an idea for my ATCs but I haven't actually made them yet as my materials are buried somewhere in the cave. But at some stage during the week I will unearth a few things and get cracking!
Happy T-day,

Jeanie said... 5

That looks awfully nice! All your curb bags remind me of when my basement was flooded years ago. I feel your pain. (That said, losing some of that stuff was a relief!)

My name is Erika. said... 6

That tea looks like it would taste delicious and I want a big mug of it. In fact I do have some with some ice in a mug. I guess you have to think of your basement as getting a good clean out, even if you really didn't want to get rid of some of those things. A dehumidifier would be a good start, especially to help stop mold growth which could be dangerous to you. Glad you are moving forward and have some plans though. Too bad some of it sounds expensive. But you can't keep getting flooded, that doesn't sound good either. What a dilemma. Anyhow, can't wait to see how the fabric dyes. It is a fun thing to take your mind off the mess. Happy T Day! Hugs-Erika

Linda Kunsman said... 7

good organization skills Elizabeth! That tea color is so rich and lovely. Happy T day!

Carol said... 8

You are so fast at getting things back under control and you have a plan already. I would still be at loose ends wondering what I was going to do. Can't wait to see the dye project. While waiting I'll go drink my Hibiscus tea.

Rita said... 9

Most places have sump pumps up here.
As soon as I read hibiscus tea I knew you were dying fabric--LOL! ;)
Have a great week, Elizabeth. :)

froebelsternchen said... 10

I feel with you dear Elizabeth! It is so sad and annoying with the flooding! Two weeks ago one of our neighbours also needed the firemen to pump out her flooded basement, my father had it two years ago in his new house as well - he made also some technical precautions to prevent further floodings.It always costs--- we know --- hope it will not be too expensive to make this all ! I am thinking of you! This hibiscus tea has such a beautiful color. I am sure it will make a wonderful fabric!
Happy T-Day dear Elizabeth!
oxo Susi

Helen said... 11

I've missed a post obviously as i don't know what drama you're referring to; so off to check. love the colour of that hibiscus tea! almost (very almost, I am not a fan of flavoured teas) looks good enough to drink... lol!

johanna said... 12

first my apologies for needing three attempts to get a correct link... (actually i don´t know why the second one is not working). too early in the morning, i suppose...
the Color of the tea Looks lush, and i know you will get good results. it is the time of the year for dyeing. good luck!!
have a great week, elizabeth!

johanna said... 13

oh, i totally forgot to write about that annoying flooding... we have those severe weathers here for quite some weeks now with many cellars under water. i´m really afraid of this. climate Change is coming our way...
hope you Need not deal with such a fuss any time again!

kaybee said... 14

So pleased you have come up with a plan for the flooding problem. I've never tried hibiscus tea, but it does look good! Congratulations for winning the latest Craft Barn random number thingy - some good news!

chrissie said... 15

Never heard of this tea for craft work but it does look like a wonderful colour.

Love Chrissie xx

Meggymay said... 16

The tea is a gorgeous colour and the materials will be a lovely shade when dyed and dried. Pleased to read you had some plans, I hope those less expensive ones will be successful for you.
. Flooding is not something I have had to cope with at home. Although our caravan awning [a tent like structure added to the side rail of the caravan to give extra space.] has been awash many times in the wet.
You seem to be doing this so well and staying positive. I wouldn't know where to begin to sort out the things you are coping with.
Happy Tuesday.
Yvonne xx

Halle said... 17

The tea gave a beautiful color. Sorry about the basement....again....UGH.

Darla said... 18

Your fabric is going to be a luscious color I think. I like hibiscus tea but haven't used it for dye.

So sorry to hear about the flood. Since I am another who was without internet for awhile I didn't know about the basement flood so I had to read back a couple of posts. That way I got to enjoy your recent art work as well.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said... 19

Linking with you for the first time. Love that tea color!

Nancy said... 20

What a lovely pink color the Hibiscus tea produces. Your lower-cost plan for preventing water damage sounds like it will help. Good luck.

Divers and Sundry said... 21

Wow! I'm stunned by what you may have to go through with your basement! Maybe your short-term actions will fix things. I certainly hope so.

Dianne said... 22

oh...that IS going to be a Gorgeous color tea-dyed fabric! ;) I am so sorry to hear about the flooding! I had to go back and check your previous post to see what is going on...thank goodness Scott has helped out. Wet books are so Heavy!! it is sad to lose things to a flood, and I feel sometimes that old books are like old friends...but it does force us to clear up! I hated throwing out fabric that had been my grandmother's scraps...and you know how I love fabric! Good luck with your plans...sounds like they are good ideas to control the situation! Do take care dear E! ♥
(sorry I didn't post your pages today...will try to do that next week!)

pearshapedcrafting said... 23

Oooh! Yummy colours! What an awful flood that must have been! I hope you can come to a solution soon and get moving on it before it rains again! Hugs, Chrisx

Anonymous said... 24

Good luck getting your basement squared away, what a mess and to lose all those books, such a shame. Water issues are so bad because of the chances of mold. Nice color for your muslin. xox

kaybee said... 25

Hi Elizabeth - re your CB win, if you chose something that doesn't weigh too much (e.g. stencils) and get them sent to me, I would be quite happy to send them to you. The postage would be my cheer-you-up gift to you! :D

Sami said... 26

Very clever, never thought you could use tea to dye cloth.
Can you also drink hibiscus tea?
Sorry about the damage to your basement. Hopefully you will be able to
repair things, although at a cost!

Jeanie said... 27

With your flooding, that brought back memories. How I hated to say goodbye to books. Love the color of the tea!