Monday, May 30, 2016

T Stands For Todd Brian's

I hope everyone who is coming back from a three day holiday are relaxed and full of great stories.  I know both the U.S. and the U.K. are celebrating a three day weekend, so let's extend the party one more day.  Several months back

my friend Sally and I (note the water we were both drinking)

went  to Todd Brian's Brick Street Cafe and Tavern.  We both had shrimp pasta, mine being spinach fettuccine.

The restaurant was quite busy when we first entered.   It's quite popular with the downtown lunch crowd.

While we waited on our order,

I shot a few of the walls

and even a mirror.

By the time we had finished our lunch, we were the only people there.

That meant I was able to take photos without having to crop people out of the photos.

Now it's your turn to share a drink related post, whether you have or haven't been on holiday.  Your post can include photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Please share your direct link below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.

Don't forget to dig up your Second on the 2nd post. If this is your first visit, it's a blog post you are proud of, or have shown in the past before anyone knew about your blog. Hope to see you here on the 2nd of June. Of course, it barely seems possible we are going into the sixth month of the year.

22 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Glad you and Sally were able to have a nice meal, I liked the sound of your menu choice! Hope the rain has let up and that you will be able to dry out a bit. Thnks for sharing the photos! Have a happy T Day, I'm off to bed here! Hugs, Valerie

jinxxxygirl said... 2

Girlfriend you never did say...... was it any good???? LOL! :) Looks like a nice place. We did not celebrate but instead stayed away from all the crowds and hubbub.... Instead we spent the weekend working on the house and in the yard and right now 'in the rain' i might add hubby is out with his fishing buddy fishing in a boat on the lake... Jinx and i are nice and dry Happy Tday my dear! Hugs! deb

Linda Kunsman said... 3

What a menu! I always have a hard time with so many choices, especially when there are generous vegetarian options:) Hope you enjoyed your choices! Happy T day!

My name is Erika. said... 4

Sounds like you had a really yummy lunch. But the problem with a big menu is picking what to have. At least for me. And I wish I could extend the weekend another day. But alas, it is only 3 more weeks until I get a break. Hope you are drying out a bit. Hugs-Erika

Cazzy said... 5

Hi Elizabeth, I love the walls in the cafe. I would have had the grilled salmon I think!

Happy T day! said... 6

Happy T day -- looks like fun. I did a new post today but didn't have a beverage to put in it......

froebelsternchen said... 7

Seems you both enjoyed that meal! I hope the weather is more better now for you - reain arrived here now.
Happy T-Day Elizabeth!

johanna said... 8

"having to crop people out of the photos" haha, i had to laugh about this. don´t ask how much time i spend WAITING for a photo of something... in copenhagen last week i was trying to take a photo of a big poster of danish Cookies. an asian woman and her friend were posing (pretending to hold the Cookies of the poster in their Hand), alternating... and i waited patiently and friendly. maybe too friendly, because they thought it was my desire to photograph them (with my camera), finding them more interesting than the poster itself. it was funny.
have a nice week, elizabeth!

Lisca said... 9

I'd forgotten about the bank holiday. I don't think there was a three day weekend in Spain this time. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Does Sally enjoy it? She always seems to look very glum when I see her in a photo...
The restaurant looks like fun and the menu very extensive. What a treat!
Thank you for reminding me about the Second on the 2nd. I will try and remember this time.
Happy T-Day,

Darla said... 10

Happy Tea Day and please forgive my recent absence. You and Sally find some interesting places to have a meal. I particularly like that tree/art you show - and like it reflected in the mirror as well.

~*~Patty S said... 11

Lots of menu choices you had there E.
Looks like someone had fun making that colorful HAPPY HOUR sign too.
It's always fun to see how different establishments decorate.
Thanks for sharing the photos.
Long time ago a friend told me that cropping photos was one of the most important things to help make a good photo.
I hear you about having to crop out people. ;-)
Happy T Day oxo

Halle said... 12

Another great looking place. So cool that you visit non-chain restaurants. We need more of those out here in the 'burbs.
Sorry I haven't stopped by for a while...actually I occasionally have but on my iPad and commenting from that device just sucks.
Happy T day!!

Karla B said... 13

Todd Bryan is such a lovelu place and the menu is superb. I love your photos Elizabeth!I am glad you and Sally had a good time despite the rain.
Much Love


Divers and Sundry said... 14

Looks like a varied menu. I'd have fun trying to choose :)

Sami said... 15

Hope you enjoyed your long weekend Elizabeth. Nice to be able to enjoy a lovely meal with a friend once in a while.
I'm back from my holidays and will go back to work on Thursday...

Dianne said... 16

I finally made it to today's your restaurant outings and that you take us along. Shrimp pasta sounds wonderful! always fun to see the places you go. kind of wonder if we 'artistic types' are the only ones who pay as much attention to the décor as the food!? ;)
A place can't go wrong with a little vintage photography and a little 'bling!' happy T day dear friend!

Krisha said... 17

That is quite a menu to choose from, but the shrimp pasta sounded really good. Was it as good as it sounded?

Happy T-day as I'm off to visit the rest of the T-gang.

Meggymay said... 18

A quick visit to sat hello, thanks for adding my post, It seems like you have had a lovely meal out, seeing your super photos. I will catch up properly when I get home at the weekend.
Yvonne xx

Jeanie said... 19

How fun is this! Looks terrific! And for the first time, I'm joining the T folk! Happy week! (I have more than a few posts to catch up on!)

pearshapedcrafting said... 20

This looks like my kinda place! Sorry to be so late - been helping son no 2 out for most of the day - I started this at 10 this morning it is now nearly 9.30 in the evening! Hugs, Chrisx

Bridget Larsen said... 21

wow whats in that water, looks like a few healthy minerals lol

Anonymous said... 22

Cute spot, this one looks like a winner. xox