Monday, May 23, 2016

T Stands for Tea and Scones

Today we've landed on the British Isles.  That happened when I decided to buy a couple of blueberry scones.

I have made scones in the past, but the ones I made

tasted more like a sweet biscuit, while these had the texture of cornmeal.   I thought they were not really heavy enough (or maybe too gritty) to be a scone, but I bought them at a local bakery, which I won't purchase scones from again.

My water is heating so I can steep this bag of tea which came from Kew Gardens.  Not to be confused with the various cities named Kew Gardens found in the U.S., Kew is the Royal Botanical Gardens situated in London, England, although technically it is located outside of London in Richmond, Surrey.

I received this beautiful card late last Monday afternoon, but it was too late to share it, because I already had my post scheduled, which I try to do with all my T posts.  I was outside when the mail carrier brought this and we both agreed it looked like it had been through a war zone.  On later contemplation, I think it got caught in the automated stamp cancelling machine.

This gorgeous card was hand made (and in perfect shape, I might add)

by our own dear Susan Ariel.  This is definitely frame worthy!  Isn't it wonderful?  Thank you so much Susan.  I am very grateful, even if it did take a long time to reach me.

Now it's your turn to share a drink related post.  It can be anything as long as there is a drink involved in some way.  That means it could be a movie, a photo, a postcard, a painting, a page in a book, traditional, hybrid, or digital art, or simply a cup of any drink, including hot tea as I've enjoyed today.

23 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Glad you decided to make yourself an English meal with tea and scones, although I have never seen scones looking like that in England. I love my home made ones best, with cream and home-made jam! Nice card from Susan! Have a lovely T Day, hugs, Valerie

pearshapedcrafting said... 2

Aah! Elizabeth! I agree with Valerie - your scone does not look like the ones we have here - if only you could come around for tea and scones here I would make you some - oh yes - Valerie style too! I am coming for tea in around nine hours time. I love your card from Susan - so beautiful! Hugs, Chrisx said... 3

Charming! Great card your friend sent you. The tea and scones sound fun. Do you have the (fabulous) Trader Joe's chain near you? They have some really good scone mixes. I whip them up and put what I don't eat in the freezer and re-crisp in the oven when I want more. I'm just sayin'.........

Carol said... 4

Sorry your scones were a disappointment :( I love making scones and of course eating them too. The card from Susan is fantastic. I love her watercolors!

~*~Patty S said... 5

It is interesting how many different kinds and shapes of scones there seem to be. Too bad you were disappointed with this one. Your table setting looks very pretty and red white and blue and British too ♥ Happy T Day to you oxo

~*~Patty S said... 6

Oh and Susan's card is oh so lovely!
She is very talented and generous too.

Helen said... 7

Never seen a scone that shape before! scones are round and don't look like pasties (this could get complicated!) -what a shame it didn't taste good. Don't often look at the tea in the gift shop at Kew so haven't seen the spiced apple before either (but then I don't like flavoured/fruit teas)

jinxxxygirl said... 8

How lovely of Susan to send you tea bag and handmade card. Its quite beautiful and extra special for being handmade specially for you! Happy Tday Elizabeth!! Hugs! deb

kaybee said... 9

I agree with my English friends, never seen a scone that shape! There is nothing like a cream tea with friends in the summer, scones with lashings of clotted cream and jam, a cup of tea, sitting outside in the sunshine! We always argue about cream first or jam first! Love that card from your friend too, fabulous painting.

Lisca said... 10

Having lived in England for 22 years, I have never seen a scone that shape. But it's all about the taste! If the taste is good, it doesn't really matter.
What a shame about the card (envelope) It probably arrived late because it had been stuck somewhere. But the card itself is gorgeous! Beautiful! Hand made with love.
Happy T-Day,

My name is Erika. said... 11

The scone looks yummy. Too bad it didn't taste as good. But I love the very British setting. An what a gorgeous card you received. Its always fun to get good things (not bills or flyers) in the mail. Happy T Day Elizabeth!

Linda Kunsman said... 12

Well, I'm just now having my coffee and even though it may not be an "authentic" scone it still looks good to me:) You're right in that it really is hard to find a well made scone which is why I only get mine (on occasion) at the Irish place I love to eat at. You have created a lovely atmosphere for yourself at the table-I love it. And that card from Susan - isn't her watercolor art just exquisite? I have mine in a frame :) Happy T day!

Halle said... 13

Lovely place setting for a very proper tea...oh heck what do I know about proper. ;) That is a beautiful card from Susan!
Happy T day!

Divers and Sundry said... 14

My husband makes scones using a recipe he found in one of our cookbooks, and they look nothing like this. These look good, though. I'd eat them whatever they were called ;)

Nan G said... 15

The scones looks yummy, to bad it didn't taste yummy. Lovely hand painted card. Say, E...did your bEARTHday card from me ever arrive? Hugs from me and the Girls

Meggymay said... 16

Its a shame you weren't happy with the scones, its interesting how these pasties can differ in different countries. Fop me it has to be cheese scones, hot out of the oven and dribbling with butter.
Happy Tuesday.
Yvonne xx

Dianne said... 17

What a gorgeous card from Susan! so well done, and makes the perfect addition to your post. Love your colorful tea accoutrements. The scone looks yummy, even though the texture must have been looks great in your photo though! ;) happy T day dear friend! ♥

Dianne said... 18

After reading the other comments, I must admit the shape of this scone is different... but I think I actually have a recipe in one of my cookbooks that makes one large 'biscuit' and then you cut it in triangles-like a pie. seems that would be more like a coffee cake?! so interesting to see/hear the differences in recipes...

Scrapmate said... 19

Sorry you were disappointed with the scone. I used to live in Kew Gardens ( the place not the actual gardens!) and used to walk through it sometimes in the summer on my way home from school. There is a lovely tea shop nearby where you will get a scone as it should be (plain or fruit) and a delicious pastry called 'Maid of Honour' named by Henry VIII to flatter Anne Boleyn when she was still a maid of honour to the Queen. You will have to come and visit sometime.

froebelsternchen said... 20

Sorry that the scones didn't taste yummy.
Susan's card is so beautiful!

Sorry Elizabeth for me being so late today... I forgot to write in the morning here..shame on me..
I get old and forget often important things....
Hope you don't mind!
oxo Susi

Ariel said... 21

Elizabeth, I'm so happy that the card reached you and that too in good condition :-)
I've not had a scone, we don't visit the bakery that often, maybe once I should try it.
Have a lovely week

Krisha said... 22

First...thank you for linking me up for T-day and for the visit.

Susan's card is fantastic.....LUCKY YOU!

I love a good scone, but yours didn't sound to tasty to me (something about the gritty texture)..BUT it LOOKED good.....LOL! I did buy a lemon blueberry scone, while on our mini vacay........didn't like IT either!

Jeanie said... 23

These look awfully good! Maybe I'll wait till Tuesday to post my make-and-take tea luncheon photos and join you!