Monday, December 7, 2015

T Stands For Autumn Cookies

While at the grocery store, I bought some autumn sugar cookies. 

I thought this would be the last time I could enjoy autumn before winter became a priority.  I also have my Christmas plates and cups out.  I use them between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  They were originally my grandmother's and I carry on the tradition of using them at the same time she always did.

Even though I've shown the entire set before, I did so with my old camera that took photos you couldn't really see.  This is the saucer.  It's hard to see the small indentation the cup sits in, but it's there.  The set is called "Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe."

The cup holds my yellow tea, a rather rare tea I purchased at the Spice Merchant.  It is a loose leaf tea called Spring Bud, and I bought an 1/8th ounce.  They don't always have it, so I was happy I got to try it.  You definitely don't need sugar with this tea, because it is smooth, rich, and very sweet.

The cookies were very sweet, too.  I should say the icing was very sweet.  The cookies were rich with butter.   I can't believe I bought a dozen.  And to think I'm trying to watch my weight during this silly season!

Now that I've tempted you with my tea and cookies, it's your turn to share your tempting drink inspired post by linking below.  It can be anything drink related, including digital, hybrid, or traditional scrapbooking, altered art, collage, mixed media, sketches, or journaling.  It can be a postcard, book, movie, or photos of drinks or drink vessels.  When you link, Bleubeard, the T gang, and I will be by to visit. 

24 thoughtful remarks:

Halle said... 1

Holy smokes! I'm the first one! I just wanted to publicly thank you after privately thanking you for the wonderful b-day gift in conjunction with your lovely Christmas tip-in. :)

Nancy said... 2

Very festive! Love those vintage pieces of china. I have a weakness for those sugar cookies, too! I hope you can get the Permission to Play class set up. It's all things you love and are good at. said... 3

Pretty plates and cookies -- what's not to like? I am getting in a bit of the holiday spirit too.

Valerie-Jael said... 4

Your cup and saucers are very beautiful, and I love the idea that you are carrying on he traditions of your grandmother. The cookies and tea look good, too. Have a good week, and a happy T day, hugs, Valerie

johanna said... 5

oh yes, These Cookies do look very sweet!! i baked the first Cookies for this season on saturday - and they are all gone. goodness, where will that lead to? i think i will only bake some more short time before Christmas. they are too tempting to withstand...

froebelsternchen said... 6

Beautiful cup and saucer Elizabeth - and the tea looks as good as these cookies look. I baked very much until now .. the most of the Vanillekipferln are gone .. so I had a big baking day yesterday once more...
but I am a good girl and don't eat much from that .. because I am still trying to lose weight.
Happy T-Day my friend!

AiyanaKalyna said... 7

Your tea set is stunning. I love those cookies too. Sadly, my stores do not have Autumn cookies out. They have the Christmas ones out. When I buy them I give myself a treat of one a day. I love the angel on your tabletop tree.

pearshapedcrafting said... 8

I love your teaset, fortunately the tea and cookie will not tempt me so you can enjoy it all! I love that you are keeping up your grandmother's traditions! Hugs, Chrisx ps as I wrote this hubby brought in your beautiful Christmas surprise - Thank you! Will e-mail you later! X

Linda Kunsman said... 9

that is a gorgeous set of dishes and so special that they belonged to your grandmother too. Those cookies look so pretty but would be way too sweet for my taste. Happy T day!

Nan G said... 10

Gorgeous tea set, Elizabeth. Love the little Christmas tree and those very tall slender candles in the background. Hugs to Bleubeard from T and Baby says Hello to Squiggles. I'm in the midst of attempting to make Christmas cards. Hope to get them in the mail this weekend. Simple things aren't so simple with hands that won't cooperate. :/ Anyways, Hugs from me to all. Have a wonderful week.

Lisca said... 11

Your living room looks so lovely!
The cookies look scrummy. Never mind your weight! You deserve them!
I love your grandma's tea set. It has old farm implements on it: a yoke and a plow. Beautiful. (And you have kept it in pristine condition)
I have also spent quite a while reading your previous post about the Japanese wars. How interesting. I was telling my husband over coffee and he found it very interesting too. So thank you for that.
I must go now as we are travelling and there is only so much time you can spend in a cafe (with wifi) over a coffee.
Have a great week,

Craftymoose Crafts said... 12

I enjoy seeing your Grandmother's china and it is so nice that you carry on her tradition of using it between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now I feel like the season has really begun!

DD is a fan of what is called cupcake cookies--very similar to what you are sharing today--but the icing is a bit too sweet for my taste. The tea, however, looks and sounds interesting!

Happy T Day my lovely friend!

Darla said... 13

I like that china and how nice to remember your Grandmother by using it each year as she did. The tea sounds good. Always fun to discover a new tea you like isn't it?

Anonymous said... 14

What a sweet tabletop tree. Beautiful Angel sitting at the top. Nice china too. And of course cookies, no matter what kind. It is still Autumn after all. xox

Divers and Sundry said... 15

I love family traditions. It brings people back in clear sweet memory :)

Dianne said... 16

I enjoy your yearly tradition of bringing out the holiday dishes! So wonderful to remember your grandparents in that way, and they are truly lovely. Cookies look very tempting, and perfect with the tea. wonderful little Christmas tree to...happy T day dear friend!♥

Carol said... 17

I'm finally here... I started to post last night but Our internet went out again and didn't come back until sometime after midnight and before 8 am. :( I see that the phone company is out working on the line this morning so perhaps this won't keep happening. Love your Christmas dishes ♥ So much better that they came from your grandmother ♥

Krisha said... 18

Well, I finally made it too, like Carol I started last night by uploading all the photos, but his morning has taken forever......Blogger and I have been having a struggle..... I'm not sure I won.

I love your dishes and the story behind them. The frosting on the cookies are the same color as your tea.:))
I'm afraid the cookies don't appeal to me. I've been staying away from sugar and anything with white flour in it. Surprisingly I've started to loose some weight....LOL It has been three weeks, and I did take a bite of an oatmeal raisin cookie (My favorite) the other day and it tasted like raw that's it for me!

Have a great day!! I need to catch up on your other posts, I've been so sick I've just stayed off the PC.

Ariel said... 19

Your grandmother's Christmas tea cups and plates look lovely.My kids would have loved these sweet cookies.I'm more of a 'spice'person -:)
Have a wonderful Tuesday

Viktoria Berg said... 20

That´s a charming tea set. And the cookies look delicious. Happy T-Day! I will not join this week, but hope to later on. :-)

Dreaming of Vintage said... 21

I love that tableware, so pretty! Those cookies don't look to shabby either!

Meggymay said... 22

The cookies look delicious and your tablewear is beautiful, something to be treasured through many generations.
Yvonne xx

Rita said... 23

I think I love most of all that the cup has an inkwell and quill/feather pen. Ahhh! Love that.
Your cookies look delicious. This is not a time of year I can diet, that's for sure. I gained a pound just reading your blog. LOL! Happy T-Day! :)

My name is Erika. said... 24

Yummy looking cookies. And what a cute little tree. One of these days I am going to remember to take a photo of my evening tea so I can join...and I will. Hugs!