Monday, November 9, 2015

T Stands For Remembrance

Today I'm taking you to Europe, where Remembrance Day occurred on Sunday (November 8).  I am also looking ahead to Veterans Day (November 11).

But right now, we are heading to Europe to celebrate T today.  The water is hot, the tea is in the mesh ball infuser, which is sitting on the tea "bag" holder.  So let's get to it.

Both the French and the British, as well as Australians are recognized today, much of it 

thanks to my friend Annette (Voodoo Vixen) who sent both the holder and the tea.  Thank you Voodoo Vixen for making this post possible.

And since it's very early (or late depending on your time zone) here, what could be better than loose leaf English Breakfast Tea, taken from a lovely telephone box tin.  In the background is a portion of an altered book (AB) spread I created to celebrate Veterans Day in the U.S. on Wednesday.  Unfortunately, if I get the AB image in focus, the tea is not.

The French are represented in my mug from Taylor and Ng.   Although the original Taylor and Ng designs are no longer available, I understand a new online company bought them out in 1985 and are now making reissues.  You can see some of their new mugs here.  Mine and the others I collected, were manufactured and copyrighted in 1979, and they are one set of mugs I'll never get rid of.

Now I'm sure Linda, who speaks French, could tell you, but I had to make sure Le Cheval meant horse in English.  I wasn't about to ASS U ME anything.

Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't show this gorgeous beauty I received from our dear Dianne last week, although I got it too late to share it for T time.

Now it's your turn to share your favorite T tale of the week.  All you have to do is link below and Bleubeard, the tea gang, and I will be by to visit.  The rules are simple.  Any drink related post is welcome.  Art, including hybrid, digital, or traditional in an AB, journal, scrapbook page, tag, moo, or whatever is acceptable.  A movie, postcard, or book relating to a drink is acceptable, too.  Of course, photos of a mug, cup, teapot, or just a trip out and about can be linked. Bleubeard is standing by to tell you that your photos can be taken anytime, not just on Tuesday, or not even this month.  It's your choice.   And you are welcome to link to as many other sites as you choose, as long as you do the same to our T Stands For Tuesday party, too.

Today is Day 10 of Art Every Day Month, or AEDM, and I created a link up party to celebrate Remembrance and Veterans Days.  It's never too late to join AEDM or our little T party.

And speaking of parties, if you don't post your link before I go to bed tonight, you probably won't hear from me till late Tuesday evening.  I'll be at my friend Sally's all day cooking for her.  I promise, the only "cleaning" I'll do will be her stove top, her counter top, her table, and possibly her oven, in the event I decide to bake something.  This is only so I can properly fix her a few meals, not deep clean or organize anything.

26 thoughtful remarks:

Denise Price said... 1

Thank you for giving us a taste of Europe today! It's sad to remember soldiers who died, but it would be sadder still if we forgot them. The quote from your AB--"The greatest casualty is being forgotten"--really says it all.

Denise Price said... 2

PS That Halloween card is sooooo cute! Well done, Dianne. :)

Craftymoose Crafts said... 3

I did not miss that your table setting was color coordinated with your AB this week!
I gather from your post that your shoulder is still giving you trouble, so I was glad to hear that you won't do anything strenuous at Sally's. I'll have to go back through the posts I missed to catch up, but for now, Happy T Day!

Krisha said... 4

I'm so far behind in getting caught up with what has been happening in Blogland.........stupid AT&T and their internet service....just sucks!!

Very cute Halloween card!

Beautiful tribute to those who have given time and or lives to protect the countries that they love.

Happy T-day

Bridget Larsen said... 5

opps didnt mean to leave that "correct link" in there that was from WOYWW last week. Well VD was on my birthday this year. Glad to share it with such an important day. Love that tin, wonder why they put the telephone box picture on it

Valerie-Jael said... 6

Good to remember the past and the awful things that happened. Love your British tea caddy, so pretty. You have a lovely mug, too., so I'm sure the tea tastes good out of it. Lovely postcard from Dianne, too, she makes lovely things. Have a happy T day, hugs, Valerie

froebelsternchen said... 7

A wonderful T-Day post today - I love your british Tea Time and how well the AB page goes with it- how important to remember our veterans and all the people which gave their lifes for freedom and peace!
Happy T - Day dear Elizabeth!
Thanks for always hosting so perfect!♥
Hope your shoulder and wrist feel better meanwhile!

froebelsternchen said... 8

Forgot to mention that Dianne's card is a beauty!

johanna said... 9

we are fully in the days for remembering... well worth a spread in the AB. your tea box with the telephone booth is so cute, and your mug with the horse, too! i hope you care for yourself and take it slowly so your Body can heal.
have a beautiful week ahead, elizabeth!

Lisca said... 10

Thank you for sharing something about veterans. It's so important. I must inquire if they do something similar in Spain... to my shame I must admit I know very little about Spain's recent history after the Civil War.
In England Remembrance Sunday was celebrated in the Church of England with much pomp and everybody would wear a poppy (symbol of fallen soldiers since WWI). There would be wreath laying at monuments throughout the country and on TV local veterans would be interviewed. Nowadays there aren't many WWII veterans left...

Your Halloween card is gorgeous!

Happy Tday,

Julia Dunnit said... 11

Ass make me chuckle!! That's a great page for your AB... We have Remembrance Sunday which is always the parades and ceremonies around alll the war memorials, that's always the nearest Sunday to the eleventh. Then on the eleventh, we mark the eleventh hour with a national two minutes silence in the midst of whatever we're doing. I'd like to say that it means that we have not forgotten, as a nation. Every year there are more stories. I would love to honour and remember in a year when we aren't seeing conflict somewhere. That would most honour the veterans, in mys mind.

Meggymay said... 12

A wonderful tribute and way to remember the veterans, all over our world. They did and still do so much, to bring peace to our world. Loved the journal pages and your European table, set ready to brew a very English beverage, where would be be without a cup of tea.
Yvonne xx

Darla said... 13

Enjoyed how you pulled your AB and your Tuesday Tea together. Yes, remembering veterans the world over is important. I've been reading a book set in the WWI period, so much I didn't know about that era.

~*~Patty S said... 14

Your red white and blue remembrance post is lovely along with that very handsome cuppa tea E!
Thank you for introducing me to that company.
Reading about your planned activities of cooking and baking and helping out..
the quote I put in some pages for you way back when came to mind.
You really seem to live by "if you rest you rust" ;-)
Happy T Day
p.s. Dianne’s card is oh so special too.

Linda Kunsman said... 15

I love everything about this post Elizabeth-from your tribute and AB pages to the tea tin, to the mug, and the delightful Halloween card!
Eh oui, cheval is horse in English. Well done! My grandmother had a game called Chevals-very much like the US board game Trouble, and everytime I would visit her in France we'd spend hours playing it. Wishing you well and a happy T day!

Halle said... 16

Lovely pages and great photos! Love your new camera!

SCarol said... 17

Lovely pages and a lovely thoughtful post. English breakfast tea is the best!

jinxxxygirl said... 18

What a lovely international setting for Remembrance Day. Love your postcard from Dianne too. Happy happy T day! And don't work too hard at Sally's today. Hugs! deb

Dianne said... 19

A touching post for remembrance and all the tea things and the bright colors! so sweet of you to share the card, glad you like it...that quote in your altered book is stunning. "The greatest casualty is being forgotten." I am pleased to say that the schools in our area still have Veteran's Day assemblies and programs. If only the wisdom of our veterans could be truly assimilated by our youth! happy T day dear friend, and I do hope you don't sprain anything more at Sally's today!

Divers and Sundry said... 20

We used to have a ball infuser like that. I'd forgotten all about it. I wonder what happened to it. It was easy to use and to store.

I like the Halloween card. Cute jack o' lantern :)

Julie Jordan Scott said... 21

Thank you for remembering veteran's. Love the quote about being forgotten as it reminds me to remember. I don't have a T post, though I need to remember that as well. Big hugs to you!

Rita said... 22

Sorry, didn't link up today. Sick as a dog.
Hopefully be better by next week. :)

pearshapedcrafting said... 23

A wonderful post Elizabeth - we must never forget our war veterans as well as those brave souls still in places of conflict! Britain is mainly silent at 11 am on the 11th, cars pull to the side of the road and shops stop their trading etc… Hugs, Chrisx

Viktoria Berg said... 24

Thanks for this reminder - we don´t have that kind of day here in Sweden, since we haven´t really been in a war since 1814, when we forced the Norwegians into union with us. We sent troops to Afghanistan 2010 - 2014, but I guess it doesn´t count as being in war with anyone. It doesn´t hurt us to reflect now and then on the sad state much of the world is in and how easily we could be drawn in again. Europe is having something of a crisis right now, with thousands of refugees coming in from the Middle-East and countries beyond. At times, I fear for the future.

Ariel said... 25

Thank you Elizabeth for posting about Rememberance Day. This is new to me. I love your telephone box tin. It's wonderful how you always add some informative write ups in your journal. I think I should try that too.
Have a great week

NatureFootstep said... 26

well, you might come to Europe, but not to Sweden. We don´t have that celebration :)