Monday, November 30, 2015

T Stands For Eggnog

This is a quickie post because by the time this goes live, I'll be gone.  I'll be out of town until tomorrow morning, because I'm visiting dear friends and attending their Ugly Sweater Party tonight.

I poured a half glass of eggnog (a full glass is too much) and was in the process of cutting a bagel when I realized the allspice was sitting on top of the eggnog like an unpleasant decoration.

I had a cinnamon stick in the glass for decoration, but it didn't stand up as planned, and fell into the eggnog.  I stirred the allspice with the cinnamon stick, then laid it on the plate, completely forgetting the bagel I planned to eat.

A friend sent me the small tree decoration that reads "Hope," so I added it to my little tree I made years ago.  I didn't realize how out of proportion it was to the tree until I saw it in this photo.  I'll have to find a new home for Hope.

Another peek at some of the trees I've used to decorate my house this year are shown from this angle of my living/dining area.  When I have more time, I'll take and show more photos.

Now it's your turn to share a drink, any drink.  Yes, even eggnog is acceptable, even though some people don't like it.  That drink could be made from art, sketched, digital, hybrid, or traditional.  It could be in the form of a book you read, a postcard you received, or a movie you watched.  It doesn't matter as long as you can, in some way, tie it back to a drink.  Please link your post below, then Bleubeard, the T gang, and I will be by (I'll be a bit later than most, I fear) to visit and enjoy whatever you choose to share.  And remember, as Bleubeard would say, your photos may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday.

Thanks for visiting, joining, and sharing for T this Tuesday.

25 thoughtful remarks:

Carol said... 1

Your little tree is adorable and I love your Christmas dishes ♥ I haven't started decorating yet but plan on it tomorrow. I'm going to have to stay very busy so as not to get too down over the loss of my old friend.

Linda Kunsman said... 2

Well my dear Elizabeth , how I admire you for being so full of the Christmas spirit and decorated too! Enjoy, enjoy your day with your friends and your fun ugly sweater party (I hope you'll have some pics to share):) You have me thinking that I need to pull out my eggnog bread recipe as it was always a gift favorite. Most had no idea there was eggnog in it. Love your sweet table top tree of hope. Linked early because I need to go to bed. Will be back tomorrow sometime to catch up with everyone else. Happy T day!

Valerie-Jael said... 3

Your Christmas plate is lovely, and eggnog is a drink, too. I usually use it in sauces or with waffles and ice-cream, but must try it like yours someday. Your place is nicely decorated, have fun! Hugs, Valerie

johanna said... 4

your dishes really look wonderful for getting into Advent Spirit.
i never tried eggnogg as a drink, i only know (and like) it in a cake.
have a calm and peaceful time! xox

Ariel said... 5

Wow! Elizabeth you have started putting all the Christmas decorations. I'm yet to do it.The little tree looks lovely. The tree plate and the cup are so apt for this season.
Have a wonderful week

Lisca said... 6

I don't think I've ever had eggnog. I must look it up. Has it got raw egg in it? Then I think I'll give it a miss....
Your room looks lovely with all the decorations. We've seen so many interior photos that I feel quite at home in your living room. It's so cozy. Your Christmas tree looks great. The angel is huge. Is that what you mean by 'hope'?
I haven't put any decorations up. We are leaving later this month to celebrate Christmas in Holland. On top of that, we live in a building site and are walking on uneven concrete, surrounded by dust and plaster. My shelves with my craft stuff on them are made of loose bricks and we sleep on a sofabed. All in the 'office'. I have an improvised kitchen down stairs. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. It's just not the right environment for pretty decorations....
Have a wonderful time at your friends. And I will be looking forward to seeing an ugly sweater or two in the near future!

froebelsternchen said... 7

I like eggnog as well ...and your dishes looks fantastic - Enjoy being with the friends Elizabeth!
Happy T-Day!

pearshapedcrafting said... 8

Definitely looking a lot like Christmas! I love your plate! I think I will have to start using my Christmas mug soon! Hope you enjoyed your party and that you found a suitably 'ugly' sweater! Hugs, Chrisx

voodoo vixen said... 9

I love eggnog! I found cartons of it when we lived in Calgary and it was delish. You are all Crimbo-ed all ready? Gosh... my decs are still in the attic... I may venture up there some time this week and fetch them down to begin Christmasfying the house.... Hope you had a lovely time at your ugly sweater party, sounds like a fun thing to do!

Julia Dunnit said... 10

Do the trees go in the same spot each year? Do you feel wild and reckless if you break tradition? I rather like the disproportion going on with the is somehow entirely right! It is however, entirely wrong to show me eggnog at this time of day..I don't like it. But this morning, I especially don't like it! Love the plate and the mug though..we are in similar territory today!

Sami said... 11

Lovely Christmas dishes Elizabeth.
I have never had eggnog although it's something I would love to try, but usually having Christmas in summer a hot drink is not something you feel like drinking...

Darla said... 12

Pretty dishes. I've never been to an Ugly Sweater party but it sounds like it might be fun. You should show us what you wore.

Craftymoose Crafts said... 13

I bet you had lots of fun at the ugly sweater party--hope you show us some photos!

Your plate is very festive--we enjoy using "special" plates during the Christmas season, too. I try to stay away from the eggnog as a drink--too many calories and cholesterol for me, however, french toast made with eggnog is irresistible!

TwinkleToes2day said... 14

Your cup and plate are very beautiful and covetable ;) Your room looks so pretty and I look forward to seeing more. Happy T Day Elizabeth; I hope you have had a really nice day with your friends. :D
ps - I hope we get to see your 'ugly sweater' lol :D

Krisha said... 15

The ugly sweater party sounds like a fun time to be had.

I haven't even begun to decorate, hopefully I'll get started today. I'm not putting everything out this year, as our celebrating will be done elsewhere, no GKs here for unwrapping presents.

I do LOVE Christmas dishes, and have a full set too. I adore all your little trees about the festive.

Happy T-day

Denise Price said... 16

Yum, I love eggnog! Thanks for sharing. :)

I hope that your trip went well. Was the Christmas Sweater Party fun?

Divers and Sundry said... 17

Eggnog's not my thing, but I like your holiday dishes. And I think that angel looks just fine :)

Lorraine said... 18

love the vintage angel have a nice trip

Dianne said... 19

Linking up very late today, due to a slow computer and various other distractions! Love your Christmas dishes every year...and eggnog sounds wonderful. Hope you have a great time at the party!!

Rita said... 20

Your place looks quite festive! Very pretty plate and cup. Funny that the cinnamon sunk into the eggnog. I like eggnog in small amounts, too. But I don't miss it if I don't have any all season. ;) Happy T-Day! I am going to finally try to make it around this week!!

Halle said... 21

Yum...eggnog. You inspired me to buy some today. I ended up out and about after all today. Wasn't the plan but oh happens. Hope you had a good trip!

My name is Erika. said... 22

One of these days I am going to remember to join the T stand for Tuesday. Hope your ugly sweater party was a lot of fun. Hope you take pictures of some of the sweaters too.

Viktoria Berg said... 23

I learned to love the eggnog when I was in the States. I sometimes make my own (you can´t buy it here), but I have to drink it myself, no one else finds it palatable, which is a mystery to me. I think your small-tree decoration is fine - Christmas decorations are supposed to be out of proportion - that´s the whole point of it! :-D Hope you have/had a good party (an ugly-sweater theme, that´s right up the out-of-proportion alley, isn´t it? ;-) ) Happy T-Day! I´ll join next week, I think.

Anonymous said... 24

LOVE eggnog! That reminds me, I need to get the carton I bought into the fridge so it can start getting chilled and yummy! I enjoy decorating for Christmas and the parties with close friends. I hope your ugly sweater party was great and that you wore an appropriately hideous Christmas sweater. :-)

dawn said... 25

Hello and Happy T Day late!! So sorry for the trouble of my linking up, I was away from home and tied up with phone calls and visits yesterday that weren't planned. Thank you SO MUCH for linking me when you could, no worries if you ever can't do it, only when it's ok for you please.

Ok, now onto your festive and lovely post! The dish and trees are all so nice, the more the merrier for me too. So glad you like decorating so much and have many pretty decorations. So fun for this time of year that goes by way to fast sadly. Enjoy them and this season.

LOVE LOVE the collage below, WAY TO GO on another AEDM!!! So awesome!!!

How fun the ugly sweater party must have been, hope you will share more about that with us. Have a wonderful week!! Thanks again :)