Monday, November 16, 2015

T Stands for Compassion

Today is a somber T Tuesday.  As I make my rounds in the art community I visit every day, I see many tributes to the people of Paris.  I asked myself how different would this (and their) post look had this heinous event not occurred.  So, it is with heavy heart, but uplifted spirit, I created today's T honoring compassion.  It's not in my nature to remain silent over these horrific events and I simply cannot stand by while others are still reeling from the horrendous events that took place last Friday in Paris. 

Back in January, I  created a spread in my altered book showing my support for the satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo located in Paris, after it sustained a brutal shooting that killed staff and police guarding the paper.  You can see the original post here.  Today I created a tag honoring Paris again.  This time it is for all the people of Paris: those who gave their lives, those who are injured and/or fighting for their lives, and those who welcomed strangers into their homes in the middle of the crisis. 

I don't really know any other way to show my support for those who have lost friends, neighbors, and loved ones, or to those who have opened their homes and hearts to injured strangers, other than to honor them with a tag in my empty tea cup.

My rubber stamp didn't exactly center on the white as I had hoped, but it just shows it's definitely hand made.

The polymer clay disks, celebrating Paris, are left over from a swap I was in years ago.

As I was putting the tag away, I realized I should show the disks were stamped on both sides.

I now raise my empty cup to the people of Paris and hope they understand how very much they are loved by the rest of the world.  If only the growing number of zealots could stop fighting in the name of religion, put down their arms weapons, and join the battle for peace.  After all, this ordeal has shown the power in the kindness of strangers helping strangers.  It's too bad that can't sway at least a few of the fanatics.

Now it's your turn to share your T post with us.  It can be anything from a photo of a glass, cup, or mug, to an actual drink, or even a sketch or a digital, hybrid, or traditional page in your scrapbook, art journal, or altered book.  Maybe you'd prefer to share a tag, postcard, or photography.  Or perhaps you will review a place you visited, a movie, or book.  It makes no difference as long as it's drink related.  Please tie it back here, and please share the link to your post, not your entire blog.  You are welcome to link to as many other sites as you choose, as long as you do the same to our T Stands For Tuesday party, too.  When you link, Bleubeard, the T gang, and I will be by to visit.

This is Day 17 of AEDM, and I created a link-up party, as well as a tag honoring and showing my compassion for the people of Paris, France.

32 thoughtful remarks:

Stacie said... 1

Beautiful. Beautiful art, words, and tribute. <3

Denise Price said... 2

You wrote a great tribute to Paris. It's so hard when tragedies like these terrorist attacks happen, and we feel so powerless.. It takes some time to work through all the emotions.

My post for today is not about Paris, but you can be sure that Paris has been in my thoughts and in my heart since I heard about the attacks. said... 3

My post mentioned Paris and the events there at the bottom. Like you, I could not remain silent. My heart is heavy.

Viktoria Berg said... 4

I had to join this week, after reading your post. Mine does not directly concern what happened Friday, but it is such a dark cloud over all of Europe - well, all the world - right now. Someone young asked me: is this the third world war? I didn´t know what to say.

My name is Erika. said... 5

This is a very fitting post to those horrible events. What a sad moment for everyone in the world who believes in freedom.

Carol said... 6

Your Tribute is very nice. Paris is in our thoughts today. It's a sad world we live in these days.

Valerie-Jael said... 7

Wonderful post, a great tribute to Paris and the people who have suffered in this awful event. Beautiful tag! Have a happy T day, hugs, Valerie

~*~Patty S said... 8

So much senseless violence and suffering leaves me at a loss for words.
Your heartfelt tribute is lovely E.
I will be away until December so I will miss everyone in the coming weeks.
Happy T Day with Peace and Light to all.

Helen said... 9

Great tribute, Elizabeth.

johanna said... 10

this massacre made me speechless... a very thoughtful Tribute, elizabeth, i can second all your words. the tag you made is Fitting perfectly, the two Little symbolic discs are awesome additions, so sad they had to find their way into this Piece and not in a cheerful one. will we ever think of paris not-wounded again? it was Kind of europe´s 9/11... oh, could love rule...

froebelsternchen said... 11

A wonderful post and a beautiful tag as a tribute to the people of Paris Elizabeth!

Happy T-Day - thank you for hosting this ♥♥♥

Jennifer McLean said... 12

beautifully rendered Elizabeth. I couldn't have done better.

Lisca said... 13

What a lovely tribute to Paris and everyone who suffers there. I have not mentioned it in my blog but of course I am as horrified as everyone else. It's so senseless and needless. What are they trying to achieve?
I do not understand it. Sometimes I am glad we don't have television.....
Happy T day

Linda Kunsman said... 14

A lovely tribute and post regarding the Paris tragedies Elizabeth. So many around the world have been touched and are showing support and saying prayers and it's exactly what we need to prove these horrendous acts will not prevail. We will come together. Happy T day.

Darla said... 15

Like others commented, Paris is certainly on my mind. Your art and your tribute are wonderful and very fitting.

Halle said... 16

Beautiful post Elizabeth.

Divers and Sundry said... 17

Vive la France!

Krisha said... 18

Wonderful post Elizabeth!
Happy T-day

Lorraine said... 19

thoughtful post and I like your eco dyeing too

Ariel said... 20

A beautiful tribute to Paris and the people there.No religion supports such heinous crimes. I can never imagine people who claim to be spiritual can do such inhumane acts In the recent years not a single day passes without saying a special prayer for my loved oneswho are scattered all over the world.Wish this was not the case.Sadly we are forced to live in fear...
Love your tag Elizabeth
Have a lovely week

Julie Jordan Scott said... 21

Your work is a feast for the heart as well as for the eyes. Your compassion rings true. While the wish is always this wasn't so, at least you've spent time reminding us beautifully - and for me more meaningful than the photos I haven't had the strength to look at (yet) - prayers for the people directly impacted and our world....

Nigel said... 22

A beautiful post.

Meggymay said... 23

A beautiful, thoughtful post.
Paris is going to be on our minds for many weeks to come.
Yvonne xx said... 24

Hello again -- I was going to email you but I see you suggest leaving a comment. Could you explain the T links to me? I am not sure i did it right. Is there a special theme every Tuesday? I tried finding more about it on your blog but couldn't really find what exactly the whole idea is.....maybe you can point me in the right direction...thank you for the link idea -- a lot of very nice folks left me comments on my blog ad I also got to check out some new (to me) and interesting blogs.

Maron said... 25

A touching tribute. Very nice! The world is sometimes such a cruel and sad place....

pearshapedcrafting said... 26

A greater tribute Elizabeth- you know my feelings although I have not mentioned it in my post today! I think we all feel their pain! Hugs, Chrisx ps please excuse me for being so late!

Rita said... 27

I'm linking up really late and don't know if I will make it around or not, but I have missed everybody. So tired of being so sick. :(
What a wonderful tribute to Paris. So sad.

Sharon Madson said... 28

Lovely tribute to Paris. I would like to someday take part in your tea party.

Anonymous said... 29

Truly heart breaking indeed. But a beautiful tribute to the tragic event.

Dianne said... 30

Sorry I was unable to visit the T Gang yesterday... what a lovely tribute to Paris you've created. A sweet tag! Those little buttons are just the thing. Events this week have reminded us all how precious life is and how easily it can be taken away...peace to you dear friend.

I hope the weather change for you this week is not too severe. You certainly get it before Ohio does, and all too often it's a more violent version. Tornadoes and snow were on our news screens last night, so I was wondering if you experienced any high winds. The Colorado snow storm looked awful. I'm not ready for winter yet! Do take seeing you creating every day! ♥

NatureFootstep said... 31

a nice piece.

I have not specifically shared any post for France. Really for the reason it attacked the modern society many of us live in. If I should share a flag it would be the flag of the United Nations.

NatureFootstep said... 32

hm, did not know you had a meme, now I do. :)