Monday, October 5, 2015

T Stands For Party Hearty

I know several of you wanted photos of the time I spent with friends last Sunday, but I didn't take a single photo.  Sad, but true.  Others wanted to see the photos of my friends when we got together last Wednesday, so I made sure I had my camera in hand, at least through the meal.  I originally didn't intend for this to be a T post, but I really had nothing else to show that would have been interesting.

I started long before the others arrived by burning the very first fire in my chiminea this summer.  You can tell it's the first because the rocks are clean, since I always clean and wash them before I put the chiminea away each year.  And of course, I save the ash for other projects, like dyeing or adding to my compost pile.

I brought all the food I had purchased the day before that did not need refrigerating, to the side table on my really dirty deck.  It made me realize how little work I had done out back since the party I had over Independence Day (July 4).   I had already cleaned this area, so was ready to move on.

When I brought the cups, lids, and plastic utensils out, I realized I needed to rearrange the side table, because it made no sense to me the way it was.  And if it made no sense to me, it wouldn't make sense to my guests, either.

It was also time to check on the fire again.  What a mess I still had to clean up. 

Next, I hung little glowsticks that have long lasting light inside them.  I thought they would be great light sources when night came.

As I was creating guacamole, my guests arrived.  The oil is for the foil I'll use to place carrots, potatoes, and onions on that I have waiting in the fridge.  I plan to make soap soon, so that's why I bought the large container of oil.  I also use it in my water candles.  One winter I went through a 35 gallon container of that oil while burning the water candles.  The only thing that stopped me was I ran out of wicks.

It looks like I need to clean my camera lens, too.

My friend Scott brought his friends from work.

In fact, they had just gotten off work.  I was glad I had started early.

Scott checked the fire,

then had a cup of coffee.  By this time, we had dismantled the table and gotten rid of the piece of concrete that held the old umbrella stand in place.  I had a new umbrella stand that I was really anxious to try, too.

While I was finishing the guacamole, Scott put the veggie packets in the chiminea.

Rearranging the wood to accept the veggie packets created a LOT of smoke, and I was surprised it showed so well in my camera lens.

Things got rather hectic after that, when I got out the charcoal and started the fire in my really, really old smoker/grill.  It was also time to bring out the rest of the condiments and such that had been refrigerated.

I did manage a few minutes to take photos when Scott found a swallowtail.  I would NOT have known what it was had he not told me.

I couldn't believe how close it let me get,

and how still it stayed,

while I took a few photos (have I mentioned how much I LOVE my camera?).

Next it was time to eat.  I made lemonade, but Scott and I both drank coffee the entire time.

You can see the old cinder block that originally held the table's umbrella stand in place.  Bobby (shown in photo) called it "Thor's hammer."

After the meal of hot dogs, hamburgers, and veggie packets, came the sliders.

Ice cream sliders, that is! 

Seems everyone was grabbing for one, and apparently, Scott got in the way of treats.  These were made using vanilla wafers and ice cream.  They were wonderful.

After about an hour or so of music (there's apparently an app for that on some phones) and great story telling, it started to sprinkle, so we had to move the party to the kitchen.  Clean-up had been quick because I had plenty of help.  Of course, I moved my camera to my office so it didn't get wet, and forgot all about it.

Chris wanted to know if my back yard was as large as my front yard.   My Sunday friends never went out here, because I would have been ashamed of this.  As I've mentioned before, although I have central heating and air conditioning, I keep a small window unit in the office to keep it cool because of all the electronics.

I have only edged and trimmed twice this year out back,

and the entire back yard needs to be trimmed, edged, and mowed.  You can see I've moved the cinder block until I can figure out where to recycle it.

At least I had cleaned the area before the party and before it rained.

I even remembered to place the top on the chiminea so it didn't get wet inside.

And finally, this is where I often do my resist dyeing, fabric bleaching, and other art that requires either water or a clothes line.  Yes, this is a horrible table, but it serves my purpose at the moment.  Maybe in a year or two I'll buy a new one, but now that I have a new umbrella stand that I can remove when I want to place a tablecloth on the table, I won't mind it so much.

I promise to NOT be so long winded next week, as I'm sure most of you are ready to share your own adventures this T Tuesday.  Share any drink related post, link it below, and Bleubeard and I, along with the T gang will be by to visit.  Be sure the post is in some way, drink related, whether it's art, music, books, sketches, scrapbook pages, photography, or some place you visited while out and about.

23 thoughtful remarks:

Carol said... 1

Your party looks like lots of fun ♥

Linda Kunsman said... 2

Well, I may have missed last week's T party but here I am -and first to boot:):) What a wonderfully inviting gathering you hosted Elizabeth! I LOVE that chiminea-and may have to bribe hubby to have one for next year because I SO love the scent of burning wood-and we don't have a fireplace! And the food-veggie packets, guacamole-yum! I must say I would have stuck to good ole water tho because the coffee would've had me up with music and dancing off the caffeine ALL night long. What great friends to help with everything too. Happy T day!!

Linda Kunsman said... 3

well, I thought I was first until it refreshed:):) forgot to say-great shots of that gorgeous swallowtail too!

jinxxxygirl said... 4

Whew! I made it this week! Things have been getting wild around the house with the construction... I have so much to share! i love seeing your space Elizabeth and meeting your friends... Sounds like a great time.... Love your shots of the swallowtail. It looks a little tattered ... perhaps it was nearing the end of its lifespan and thats why it sat so still for you. Happy happy T day my friend! Hugs! deb

Valerie-Jael said... 5

Looks like you had a fun time with your friends, and I love your chiminea, never seen one of those before. Looks like you all had plenty to eat and drink, and even ice-cream - yummy! And lemonade and coffee. AND a wonderful butterfly that fluttered by, never seen one like hat before. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

Viktoria Berg said... 6

I am envious of your chimnea - almost bought one once, even though I have nowhere to put it, I just love the look of them. Nothing better than a garden party!

I have never seen a butterfly like that before. It is very beautiful, and such great photos!

Happy T-Day!

froebelsternchen said... 7

Wow... a super party ! So much to eat and that chiminea looks very good!
I love your photos of the swallowtail and I am thrilled how big your backyard is
Thank you for sharing this all Elizabeth!
Hugs to the boys!
Happy T-Day!

Darla said... 8

Looks like a great party, it is nice when everyone joins in with the prep and cleanup. Ice cream sliders? Might have to try those.


Krisha said... 9

Had to smile at the comment you left me. I left out the info on the tri tip on purpose, just to see how far that cut of meat has traveled. It is a tough piece of meat that has to be cooked hot and fast or low and slow.....nothing in between! It is one of my favorite cuts of beef.

What a great party YOU had, never thought of hanging glow sticks around the BBQ area......I don't know why not, the GDs and I have hung them nearly everywhere else....LOL

I LOVE veggies cooked the way you cooked them. My Mom always did that for our BBQs......they taste the best that way.

Happy T-day

TwinkleToes2day said... 10

What a fabulous post. It looks like you all had fine eats to enjoy too. I love your chimenea and it's lid is very cute. How awesome are the swallowtail photos! Shame the rain came on, but I bet the fun continued indoors.
So sorry I haven't been around much Elizabeth; life is surely getting in the way just now.
Happy T Day to everyone :D

Dianne said... 11

A party is made of good food and good friends...and looks like you had plenty of both! I so enjoy seeing your adventures, and it does my heart good to see people laughing. Never heard of 'sliders' from vanilla wafers and ice cream, but they do sound wonderful! ;) Your little chiminea is fabulous, and the lid you put on it is wonderful too! Any chance of a close-up shot of the lid at another time? Looks like Mayan-type figures... That was a gorgeous swallowtail butterfly! amazing how it looked so much like the dried leaf nearby...I suppose that's the 'natural camouflage' in action! Enjoyed your party, and glad I made it to the Tuesday party, even tho I'm usually a bit late. Hugs dear friend! ♥

Dianne said... 12

Would it be too weird to have some corn chips with my morning coffee? They look mighty good in your's corn could be cereal, right?! ;)

pearshapedcrafting said... 13

What a brilliant party this looks! Your chiminea does look great and I can imagine how good your veggies must have tasted! I have never heard of sliders but these look yummy! I love the photos of the swallowtail - used to see them on holidays - we are too far North here! I love those long grasses at the back of your garden and I think your garden looks lovely and quite big enough for my GS to kick a ball around on (don't worry, I won't be popping round with him later to try!!) Hugs, Chrisx

Divers and Sundry said... 14

I've never tried cooking in my chiminea, but that veggie plan would suit me :) Fun!

Caterina Giglio said... 15

Happy tea day, and that butterfly is simply stunning.. just love it, might have to start drawing some.. x

Lorraine said... 16

love that chimera looks like a great get together

sheila 77 said... 17

What a nice party, and I enjoyed all the preparations too (as I didn't have to do them, haha!). Is that you in the photographs I wonder?
Great photos of the swallowtail, quite a large butterfly it seems.

Lisca said... 18

I'm late, but here I am!
Thanks for inviting us to your party. I wish I could have been there. It looked like a lovely relaxed party with friends and good food. The ice cream thingies look yummy!
I have never used a chiminea, although I have seen them of course.
What a large yard you have!Plenty of space for entertaining and easy to maintain with just some mowing and trimming to so.
The photos of the butterfly are amazing! It's good to have a friend like Scott who knows about these things.
Have a good week,

dawn said... 19

Hello and Happy T Day! YAY for a cookout and friends, love the pictures. So nice to see these mixed in with all the art pictures you show us. Great way to enjoy the last of the summer days too. Your backyard looks great to me, lots of space. The dessert you had sounds yummy too.

Thanks for linking me up, I appreciate it!! We had a family dinner out tonight too so I'm just now making my rounds. It's been nice here again after about 4 days of COLD weather last week. I had to turn on the heat it got so cold for me. So glad it's just right again now.

Have a good week and thanks for your comment too. HUGS!

johanna said... 20

i followed your post thoroughly and now i almost feel i was there, too. we should celebrate as often as possible!

Halle said... 21

You are definitely the hostess with the mostess. You know how to throw a party.

Anonymous said... 22

I've always wanted a chiminea!! Looks like a great time was had by all--and some of my favorite foods. I should have come over! :-)

Craftymoose Crafts said... 23

Looks like everyone had such a fun time! I don't have a chiminea and so never thought of cooking in one. I've only seen them used for a little heat and ambiance on a cool evening.

Cool swallowtail photos!