Monday, October 12, 2015

T Stands for Heros

A few months ago, mid July in fact, before I started cleaning Sally's garage, bath, and kitchen,

we were out and about and ended up at Heros.

Originally I was hoping to see some people eating outside for the Photography contest, but it was far too hot for anyone to be sitting on the sun drenched patio.

Inside, the lighting was horrible.  You might be able to tell I ordered the veggie pizza, about the only vegetarian dish on the menu.

Again, a horrible photo that even Photoshop couldn't correct shows we are drinking water, mine with lemon.

Sally chose the spot so she could watch TV.  I didn't have a TV screen anywhere in view, so

I spent the time taking horrible photos of the bar

and some of the items hanging on the ceiling.

Not sure how these last two photos came out much truer to the correct color, but I'm glad they did so I could show Sally's burger and fries

and my veggie pizza.   I admit it wasn't a very good pizza, and I took most of it home.

Now it's time for you to share a drink related post with us.  It can be anything from a photo of a glass, cup, or mug, to an actual drink.  You might prefer to share a sketch or a digital, hybrid, or traditional page in your scrapbook, art journal, or altered book.  Maybe you'd prefer to share a tag, postcard, or favorite photographs.  Or perhaps you will review a place you visited, or a movie, song, or book.  It makes no difference as long as it's drink related.  Please tie it back here, and please share the link to your post, not your entire blog.  When you do, Bleubeard, the T gang, and I will be by to visit.

I want to apologize in advance for not being a very good host this week.  I'll be around to see each of you who leaves a comment, but I'm spending a lot of time at Sally's.  I'm even cooking her meals and have discovered the "joy" of cooking in a crock pot.

20 thoughtful remarks:

Carol said... 1

Well your pizza looks good :) Bummer it wasn't though :( I hate eating somewhere that the lighting isn't good. Makes me feel like they don't want you to be able to see your food well and wonder what the reason would be for that ☺

Linda Kunsman said... 2

I have to commend you on always taking lots of interesting photos Elizabeth! I was at a Fall Fest in town and even had my camera with me but it was SO crowded I didn't take 1 pic. With you on the crockpot thing- I actually just began a meal in mine 15 min. ago:) Happy T day!

Krisha said... 3

Sorry to hear your pizza wasn't up to par.
The place is quite dark and empty, do they do much business?
Happy T-day

Karla B said... 4

Gorgeous photos Elizabeth. We don't have veggie pizzas here.Love your food.It made my mouth waters!It's good to be back!

~*~Patty S said... 5

You are getting a good list of places to eat AND places not to bother with in your travels with friends Elizabeth.
We had a pizza recently that was pitiful.
Hope you have better luck next outing.
Happy to join everyone for T again.
Happy T Day oxo

Valerie-Jael said... 6

Sorry your pizza wasn't as good as it looked. I'v e never tried a veggie pizza here. Sally doesn't look very happy though. You have really helped her a lot these past weeks. Have a happy T day and a good week, hugs, Valerie

johanna said... 7

actually i most of the time i Forget to photograph my Food and drink... except on Holidays. sorry your Pizza was not what you expected to be. good luck for the next trip!

Viktoria Berg said... 8

What a place! Looks like something out of a film, a place where the neighbourhood hangs out. Too bad the food wasn´t special, too. Happy T Day!

Lisca said... 9

Oh well, you learn.... Next time don't order the veggie pizza at Heroes. It looks like a nice place tough and not too expensive. (Haha your photos were so good i could see the price!)
Have a good day,

My name is Erika. said... 10

Wow- can't believe how hot your weather is still. We have cooled off-a lot. Love your photos today. Is Hero's a chain or a local restaurant?

froebelsternchen said... 11

Sorry for the not so fine Pizza! It's a shame!!! Happy T-Day my friend!

Darla said... 12

Guess you and Sally won't be going back there anytime soon. Sounds like you have a very busy week ahead.

Craftymoose Crafts said... 13

It sounds like the interior decor was more interesting than the food, although your pizza did look good. I guess the veggies are all hiding under the cheese!

I will have to read through your posts to see what you have been up to lately.

Divers and Sundry said... 14

That place looks interesting. It's such a shame the pizza isn't as good as it looks.

Happy T Tuesday! Thanks for continuing to host the gathering. I always look forward to it :)

Dianne said... 15

Sometimes I think the low lighting in the sports bars is not for the 'mood' but to hide a multitude of not great food, or just so people will watch the tv screens! Your pizza looks good even though it didn't turn out to taste that great...good luck with the continued 'Sally project!'

Denise Price said... 16

Hi Elizabeth, I'm sorry to hear that your pizza wasn't very good. It does look a little sad in the photo. I hope that your next lunch outing will have better food.

I'm happy that I'm finally getting a chance to share the end of the 2015 library saga with the Tea gang today. Happy Tea Day!

pearshapedcrafting said... 17

I'm sorry your pizza didn't taste so good! The decor looks interesting though! Chrisx

Ariel said... 18

The pizza looks yummy-:) I always love to see where you will take us each Tuesday Elizabeth. Thank you for sharing

Rita said... 19

OMG! You're even cooking her meals now!? Heavens to Betsy! I hope she at least takes you out to eat a few times for all this work and time spent. ;) Maybe some really good veggie pizza? LOL!

I've never seen a place with bowling pins hanging from the ceiling, but it's pretty cool. Seriously--be sure and get some rest and I hope you find a better pizza place. Happy T-Day! :)

jinxxxygirl said... 20

Sally does not look I'm sorry the food wasn't up to par... We ate somewhere like that yesterday... should have followed the couple seated next to us who looked at the menu then got up and left... but we didn't...

So sorry for the late flyby for tea..... uughh this construction stuff is for the birds... I'm SO ready for it to be over with... Hugs! deb