Monday, October 26, 2015

T Stands For Halloween

It's nearly Halloween and I'm getting ready for the ghouls and witches that will knock on my door.  Behind the goblets that hold the "treats" which are glow sticks, is my cup of coffee.  Since you can barely see it,

I removed it so you would get a better view of the "real" drinks I'm offering today.  I have a ton of these glow sticks, and many more than in the photo.  That's why I decided to share them with the neighborhood kids.  I suspect their parents will be happy to see I've not handed out candy as I normally do, but something they can use for safety and fun on their trip around the neighborhood.  Before I could blow out the candle,

I noticed a visitor.  Since Bleubeard was sleeping,

Squiggles felt confident enough to join us for T.  Maybe now he'll find how much fun it is and how many unique T stories we share.

So please share your tale of T by linking below.  The rules are simple.  Any drink related post is welcome, even if it's a goblet holding a glow stick.  Of course, art, including hybrid, digital, or traditional in an AB, journal, scrapbook page, tag, moo, or whatever is acceptable.  A movie, postcard, or book relating to a drink is acceptable, too.  Of course, photos of a mug, cup, teapot, or just a trip out and about can be linked.  And since Bleubeard is sleeping, Squiggles will remind you that your photos can be taken anytime, not just on Tuesday, and not even this month, if you so choose.

Two final thoughts. Since Art Every Day Month begins next week, I'll still post at the same time each Tuesday (actually Monday at 4 pm my time), but the AEDM number will show the number for the following day. And I hope it's not too early to remind you to dig out that Second on the 2nd post.

20 thoughtful remarks:

Linda Kunsman said... 1

oh Elizabeth, what a clever, innovative and thoughtful item to be giving out for trick or treat instead of all the usual!! We don't participate any longer as there are very few children that have come around the last few years, not to mention our dear Annie who is 14 and MUCH less tolerant and capable of handling all the commotion. Happy T day and I hope you have a wonderful Trick Or Treat night!

TwinkleToes2day said... 2

OOPS! I clicked and loaded last weeks instead of this weeks, sorry, Elizabeth :(

I agree with Linda, your treat is much better than candy. Wee Man doesn't like halloween (Not keen myself), but there aren't many kiddos around here anyway, so we haven't had visitors for a number of years.
I'll away to post the correct link and hope the gorgeous Squiggles is still here when I return. :D

TwinkleToes2day said... 3

Well that was quicker than I thought, hehe.
Happy T Day Elizabeth and boys, and have a fun Halloween :D :D

Robin said... 4

What a cute post! I like the idea of glow sticks for the little goblins and ghouls! Squiggles looks like a nice visitor. How does Bleubeard feel about visiting cats? I am going to check out the Art Every Day and also joining T is for Tuesday. Now that I am back making art and blogging, I want to join more challenges and visit others more. Heading over to the link now. Have a GREAT week. Hugs, Rasz

Valerie-Jael said... 5

Fun post, and great idea to treat with glowsticks! Glad you have everything ready for the big day, and that the cats are joining in the fun. Have a happy T day, hugs, Valerie

johanna said... 6

the idea with the glow sticks is fabulous, the parents and the Kids will be delighted for sure!
and squiggles has grown up to be such a beautiful lad!!

froebelsternchen said... 7

A good idea with the glowsticks! You remind me to buy some treats. some years the kids came for treats - some years they came not.
Squiggles looks beautiful! I noticed your reminder for the second look as well - thank you !
Happy T-Day Elizabeth!

johanna said... 8

to answer you question on my blog:
one of our Group owns a Hotel (yeah, luxury pure!) and we can eat what the kitchen produces. normally we can choose between one or two Appetizers, three meals (meat, fish, vegetarian) and we can get Dessert, too. don´t ask my scales after These days...

Ariel said... 9

My boys would love these glow sticks -:) Happy Halloween
Have a wonderful Tuesday

~*~Patty S said... 10

What a really fun treat you have in store for your trick or treaters E!
The glow sticks will be a hit I'm sure.
Nice post full of light which is exactly what we'll be needing more of as we set the clocks back and go into the dark.
Squiggles sure looks cute in your photos...handsome fella he is.
Happy T Day to you and the boyz.

Darla said... 11

I bet both the kids and the parents will be delighted with the glow sticks. What a great idea. Happy to see Squiggles joined the tea party today.


Lisca said... 12

I must admit I'm not a lover of Halloween and shall be glad when it's the first of November.I try to ignore it as much as can but there's no escaping. It's nice of you to treat the local children. Glow sticks are a brilliant alternative to sweets. Good idea. Mums will be pleased!
The visiting cat looks regal. Nice to meet you Squiggles!
Thanks for visiting earlier,

Craftymoose Crafts said... 13

Glad for this rare look at Squiggles! He is sure a handsome boy.

Giving out glow sticks is a wonderful idea. There is a man in our neighborhood who has been giving out the glow necklaces for years--since our DD was young enough to go out for Halloween--and she turned 23 yesterday!

Thanks for sharing your Halloween post and cup of coffee!

Halle said... 14

Glow sticks are a great idea!! I have a ton too...well really they are bracelets. That would be fun though!
Squiggles has gotten so big! What a handsome fellow.

Divers and Sundry said... 15

We love Halloween but don't get trick-or-treaters here. I'd think glow sticks would make a big hit!

Dianne said... 16

Ha, good to see that Squiggles is not quite as camera shy as Bleubeard! Love the glow sticks idea...that should be a welcome treat and the kids will love them. I miss having little ones around for Halloween, but since the grandchildren moved out of state I have to be satisfied with periodic visits.Our daughter-in-law is good about posting photos of them on her Facebook account, which is the only reason I do FB! Love those beautiful blue goblets too...cobalt blue seems to be rather scarce in my area. Do you having matching dishes too? Happy Halloween dear friend! ♥

Linda Kunsman said... 17

Hi Elizabeth, back here to answer your ? regarding my cold wax and oil post as I don't have an email addy for you. I use the recommended Gamblin cold wax medium. I got a small container of it when ordering supplies from Dick Blick. Being so new to this I wasn't about to try making my own cold wax:) Thanks for leaving such thoughtful comments too. Don't know that I'll make another cold wax piece with so much texture anytime soon as it takes SO long to dry between layers and actually even though it's been some weeks it's still not completely dry. I'll save the heavy texture for acrylic painting!

Rita said... 18

Those glow sticks are a great idea!
I'm glad to be back this week and hope to make it around.
Happy T Day! :)

Krisha said... 19

Great idea for the "Trick or Treaters". We don't participate any longer, all the children that do come through our neighborhood are from the other side of town......and even that has dwindled over time. Most go to church or other organized partied....much safer that way.

But we do go in and see the GKs in their costumes and sometimes walk with them. Their neighborhoods are much safer and full of kids that belong there.

That all being said, I didn't post for T-day because of technical difficulties.......all due to trying to cut down on some bills by bundling some things. UGH!! Two service technicians and a husband in the house......all at the same time! Since I am the one that handles all the technicians I was kept quite busy.

pearshapedcrafting said... 20

What a good idea to give your little visitors glow sticks! Sadly we don't get anyone around the apartments - I used to love being in a road where we used to get neighbours children coming round! Maybe I should spend the evening with one of my boys!! Great to se Squiggles posing for you! Hugs, Chrisx