Monday, September 28, 2015

T Stands For Sunflowers and Cleanup

This final Tuesday in September has me showing what I did on Saturday.

First, I realized how I had neglected edging my yard, so that was the first thing I did.

It was good to see the bricks again.   Of course, I had an ulterior reason for this.

I had completely forgotten that I had invited two friends to lunch on Sunday, and when I actually looked at the calender, realized I needed to make a plan.  First, I cut some sunflowers,

then auditioned various place mats, napkins, cups, and plates I would use.  At first, this is what I chose to go with my centerpiece, then, after removing the photos from my camera, I decided I didn't like the white, which was too stark, so I decided to dig out some green china and goblets hidden in my china cabinet.

While I'm doing that, why don't you share a drink related post with us.  It can be anything from a photo of a glass, cup, or mug, to an actual drink, or even a sketch or a digital, hybrid, or traditional page in your scrapbook, art journal, or altered book.  Maybe you'd prefer to share a tag, or photography.  Or perhaps you will review a place you visited, or a movie or book.  It makes no difference as long as it's drink related.  Please tie it back here, and please share the link to your post, not your entire blog.  When you do, Bleubeard, the T gang, and I will be by to visit.

And please don't forget to dig up your Second on the 2nd post, because it will be here sooner than you think!

19 thoughtful remarks:

Craftymoose Crafts said... 1

This is one of my favorite place mats that you have showed--I just love sunflowers!

You did a nice job of edging the bricks. Our yard has gone a little wild, but I was determined not to touch it (other than DH mowing the lawn) because I did not want to get poison ivy before we went away.

I hope you had a nice day with your friends and look forward to catching up with you when I get home.

pearshapedcrafting said... 2

Ooh! Love the sunflowers! Hope you enjoyed your day! I will be joining you late on Tuesday afternoon probably! Chrisx

Krisha said... 3

Your yard looks great, and your table is set so pretty.....I like the white.
Enjoy your company
Happy T-day

Linda Kunsman said... 4

your home and yard area look wonderful, and just as inviting as your table Elizabeth. I can see that you always make everyone feel welcome, and warmed by your kind spirit. Happy T day!

Valerie-Jael said... 5

This is so beautiful, I love sunflowers. You made everything look lovely for your visitors. Glad you found time to do something for yourself and not just clearing up for others, you mustn't forget yourself. Have a happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

jinxxxygirl said... 6

Elizabeth your yard is lovely and the sunflowers breathtaking! I'm afraid i will be absent again this week but all is well on the homefront just extremely busy. This was bound to happen sooner or later as we work on the house... Hope to visit with everyone next week! Hugs! deb

Viktoria Berg said... 7

I can´t get enough photos of your house and garden, they look like my idea of a perfect and ultimate home! You seem to have a longer summer than we do, at the moment we are amazed that we still haven´t had frost. Usually, the first snow comes at the end of October, but with this warm autumn, who knows?

I managed to figure out how to post the T Tuesday logo on the blog, am very proud of that. Have a very Happy T-Tuesday!

froebelsternchen said... 8

Wonderful house and garden ... I am so in love with it! Always lovely when you show pictures! I love sunflowers as well!
Have a great T-Day !


Bridget Larsen said... 9

I didnt even notice the weeds covering the bricks LOL, at least from my chair. Love all your older style furniture, it always makes me feel so cosy when I see it

TwinkleToes2day said... 10

Your grden is looking lovely Elizabeth and I really love that your place mat and napkin match. Did you make them? Happy T Day :D

Lisca said... 11

Your house and yard look so idyllic! Yes, the bricks really finish it off.
I love the inside too. Your furniture is beautiful. Love the sunflower place mats! Must admit the sunflowers in the vase don't look at all like our sun flowers. Very nice. I prefer them like that. (Ours are just too big to put on the table).
I'm sure you had a lovely time with your friends on Sunday.
Thanks for sharing your home with us too.
Have a great Tuesday!

Halle said... 12

I love cheery. The yard looks nice. Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Divers and Sundry said... 13

Your yard always looks perfect to me, and I love the sunflower-themed table. I know you had fun :)

Sami said... 14

Sunflowers brighten anything! Love them.

Dianne said... 15

Your yard gets more care than mine. If I could let ours become a 'meadow' without it being full of poison ivy, I would do it!! My husband mows not quite an acre...and now the task of chopping up the brown leaves that are falling has begun. Even though our trees drop a lot of twigs, sticky pods, and crisped brown leaves I still enjoy them. I really like your white china...but I totally understand. Decisions, decisions. Maybe you can share a pic of your green dishes later on? ;) oh! I just realized, I think I have that same green vase! love the sunflowers...a last hurrah for summer! ♥ happy T day!

pearshapedcrafting said... 16

Finally made the link - forgot when I went out with hubby to do some financial stuff that I wouldn't be able to link even though I could schedule the post!! Just a(nother) senior moment!! Also forgot to say before how much I love your garden - being a nosy parker again - you don't have to answer - is there as much space at that back of your house as there is at the front? You certainly must have worked hard to clear the edging bricks - I know how fast our edges get overgrown at the caravan! We had GD with us at the weekend so apart from the decking being painted - almost - we didn't do much else! Oops! rambling again! So long for now dear Elizabeth - off to see what the T gang are up to!! Hugs, Chrisx

Rita said... 17

I hope you friends had a nice lunch! Both the yard and the table took great.
Happy T-Day! :)

Carol said... 18

Your yard looks great and I love the sunflowers :) Sunflowers anything always gets my vote. I'm not posting this week... the contractors are back ..working on replacing the the living room & office floors so all the furniture is packed into other parts of the house and we just have walkways :( I'll be back nest week when I can access my computer again :)

Anonymous said... 19

Your place is too cute for words with the winding stone path and the wonderful porch. A good porch or deck is everything. xox