Monday, September 21, 2015

T Stands For Safe Communities Event Photos

I know everyone wanted to see photos of the Safe Communities Event, so we will begin at Starbucks, where I got the coffee for the event.  Last year I created two mosaics, but they take time, time I didn't have this year!  So you'll have to scroll through the photos one by one this year.

This was taken just as the event was about to begin, and people were starting to show up.  Sadly, we didn't get the horse patrol this year, but the kids had fun, anyway.

I abhor static poses, especially where everyone thinks they are so cool. The firemen insisted I take this photo because I had my camera at the ready.  As much as I would have passed on this, I took the photo anyway.

Now this is my kind of photo.  I much prefer when people don't pose, or aren't even aware I'm around.

There were demonstrations

and I got so busy watching the demos, I forgot to take photos, including one of a new neighbor I got to meet, along with his son in the background.

More neighbors arrived and were also interested in the demos.

It's fascinating all the equipment the firefighters carry.

These are neighbors to the north who are trying to get closer for a better view.

Then it was time for proud parents to take photos.

while the kids got to see more fire equipment.

This unit helps blow the smoke out of a burned building.

Up to that point, Sally had managed to stay out of camera range.

But, as everyone headed back to the driveway to grab some coffee, I got her photo.

Not long after that, our patrol officer, Officer Jerroll, who arranged the horse patrol last year,

showed up, as did two more neighbors who are new to the neighborhood.  Everyone else was sitting around and sipping coffee (or in Sally's case, water), so I took a few photos from behind the table.

All in all, there weren't as many people as attended last year, but it was well attended, anyway. I felt lucky that I got to meet two new families I hadn't met before and talk with three families I knew well.

I took over 90 photos, but decided to use just a few.  I saved all of them, but I didn't feel like going through all the hassle of watermarking and naming them, so picked them based on who was and how many were in each photo.

Now it's your turn to share your drink related post.  As long as you can relate the post to something drink related (see the Starbucks carry out container?), please share it by linking below.  Be sure to link here and link only your post, not your entire blog.  When you link, Bleubeard, the T group, and I will be around to visit.  Squiggles still has attitude and won't leave the office.

18 thoughtful remarks:

Bridget Larsen said... 1

Wow how lucky are you to have a show on your street, lovely neighbourly photos. There is something about US neighbourhoods that I love. There seems to be a lot of trees and space and the homes are set back and it looks like what our country towns are.

dawn said... 2

Hello and Happy early T Day!! I ended up not feeling well today, a cold started and I didn't want to go out tonight. Doing a little better then I've been all day but still yucky. Thank you for linking me up, so nice and helpful of you!!!!! Glad I could start my round now and not wait till tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, my grandma who I help shower and do laundry every Tuesday for, she is being moved to a nursing home tomorrow. This is good and not good at same time, hard to make that decision and hope she will be ok there. It's close by which is nice and we can visit her easy enough. My Tuesday's might be different now that I don't have to go anymore.

I LOVE seeing these pictures and wish we had something like that on our street. So nice that they do that and share with the community. Great job on the pictures, my favorite are always the unposed ones too.

I read your comment on my blog, can't believe it's that hot there. I'm so sorry friend, so hard to do anything when it's that hot. You are still on a roll I see though, way to go and so nice of you to help.

Stay cool tonight and get some sleep I hope. Thanks again for linking me up and sharing your Tuesday's with us.

Valerie-Jael said... 3

Hi Elizabeth, loved seeing the photos of your community meeting and neighbours, this is such a good idea. Great to be able to talk to those living nearer to you and have some contact to the police and firemen. Thanks for sharing all the lovely photos. Hugs, Valerie

voodoo vixen said... 4

Hi E!! Love the photos and it is great that you all get out in the street together and meet up with each other, some times it is what is needed to get to know new folk. I am linking up this week.... yay, did some crafting at the weekend and now need to make it into a habit... the housework will wait!! ;)

Viktoria Berg said... 5

Such fun, a fire fighting vehicle demonstration on one´s own street! Wish they had something like that here, I´d line up to sit in the front seat for sure!

No time to join this week either, busy with report-writing, but perhaps next week. Enjoy yourselves and have a Happy T-Day!

TwinkleToes2day said... 6

I think that is a really cool even to have in any community; I think it's great that you help out; I remember last years one too. Wishing you a Happy T Day and for some cooler weather :D

froebelsternchen said... 7

Great photos of this super event Elizabeth!
Happy T-Day dear Elizabeth!

Divers and Sundry said... 8

Looks like great fun! Getting to meet new neighbors sounds like a good thing, and visiting with folks is always fun. :)

Dianne said... 9

Every kid wants to find out what it's like inside a fire truck! My son thought it was so cool when he was little...interesting to see the chainsaw in the same compartment with the fan...I bet the firemen have an amazing assortment of tools stashed in all the nooks and crannies of that truck! great photos of your event, and so nice that you were able to get better acquainted with some of your neighbors. I think it's really nice that you have families with children in the neighborhood! happy T day! ♥

Sami said... 10

It must have been an interesting visit for the kids with fire trucks, policeman, firefighters...

Carol said... 11

Thanks for sharing your event! It looks like those who came had a good time and it's always great o meet new neighbors.

Dreaming of Vintage said... 12

Hi Elizabeth! Looks like a fun event and that's great to meet the neighbors, especially the new ones! Like I said before, I'm going to bring this up at the next community meeting. Talk to you soon!


Blogoratti said... 13

Looks like a fine neighborhood filled with great people. Greetings and best wishes!

Krisha said... 14

What a great event. You did GOOD E! How did you get this started?
Always fun to meet new neighbors. We have some new ones, but it is hard to get to know them with everyone working......but me...I don't want to stalk them...LOL

AT&T gave me fits yesterday, so I'm later again this week, it really messes me up not to post Monday afternoon....hahaha!

Off to make the rounds have a great day.

Halle said... 15

I love what you do! You are an amazing woman. Having a fire truck is always a highlight for the little ones. Also having law enforcement out as as friendly presence is awesome.
I had a super busy day...Tuesdays are going to be that way for me for a while. I'm either going to need to pre-plan then visit later, just visit or skip the whole works. UGH! none of those ideas sound like as much fun. I hate trying to squish stuff in but that is my new reality.

pearshapedcrafting said... 16

This looks as though everyone there had fun! It's good that you got to meet new neighbours too! What a great way for kids to get to know everyone too! They are lucky to have you as their neighbour! Chrisx

Rita said... 17

Looks like it went well and the kids had fun! Nice day for it (at least it didn't rain) and you got to meet new and old neighbors. What could be better! :) Happy T-Day.

johanna said... 18

you are lucky to live in such a lively neighborhood. our street is short, but somehow the street Meetings we had when the Kids were small came to an end. the one or other dissonance some People had with each other made it impossible to Keep up with all of them. now all Kids are grown and contacts are low. well, taking the parcel for another or such, yes, but not much more... we´ve tried to revive the common activities a while ago, but the interest was not really there.