Monday, August 24, 2015

T Stands For Gifts, Gifts, and more Gifts

I feel rather bad that I haven't shown all the goodies that I've received over the past few weeks since our second anniversary.

Although I showed the lovely ATCs I received from Patty and Dianne, I failed to share the rest of the beautiful things I received from them.  So today I plan to rectify that.

First up is a lovely hand made and colored card from Dianne.  It is SO Dianne.  The colors, the drawings, the style.  Just beautiful and so personal.

Next up is the gift from Patty.  Her envelope was a true beauty, and the little package she sent the ATC in was adorable.  I actually told her it was BRILLIANT.   That's mica on the envelope that she sewed together.

The package opened to reveal the ATC and I was so impressed with how she made this gorgeous mixed media envelope from a colored paper bag.

Next up is this beauty sent all the way from the UK by Julia (of WOYWW fame).  I've had this for at least three weeks, and never showed it, because I was still admiring it.  It's a beauty, that's for sure.  I'm sure if and when Julia and I meet, we WILL have hundreds of things we could talk about.

Last, but not least, last week I received all these lovely goodies from Chris who also lives in the UK.  I couldn't believe all the beautiful gifts she sent me.  There were lovely incredible napkins, stamped images, two, count them TWO, sets of acrylic raised alphabet stick-ons, and a wonderful music stencil.

Of course, the most important part was the lovely hand colored and very dimensional birthday card she sent that included a bag of cappuccino tied to a teabag string and the beautiful ATC celebrating our second T anniversary.  Sending the birthday gift along with the unexpected ATC is what I call perfect (and thoughtful, too)!

Now it's your turn to share a drink related post.  It can be anything, as long as there is a drink of some sort in the photo(s).  Art, altered book pages, journal entries, ATCs, birthday cards, sketches, photographs of places you have been, a book, postcard, or movie that includes a drink, or simply a mug, cup, or teapot that you found when you were out and about, or one of your favorites from home.  Then link below and Bleubeard and I will be by, as will the rest of the T gang.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that your photos can be taken at any time, not just at T time.

25 thoughtful remarks:

TwinkleToes2day said... 1

Glorious, glorious gifts. What wonderful treasures you received Elizabeth! :D I bet you keep picking bits up and looking at them and then putting them down and tidying them up, then looking again. Well that's what I do, haha. Keep enjoying them all. And there are so many pieces that are perfect for T on Tuesday too! Happy Happy T Day :D :D

Craftymoose Crafts said... 2

I'm glad you shared these wonderful ATCs and other gifts with us! Like you, I would also be spending a lot of time admiring them--maybe over a cup of cappuccino!

Thank you for being such a wonderful hostess of this group--you truly keep it fun, interesting, and informative with your posts!

jinxxxygirl said... 3

Oh my Gosh Elizabeth i'am speechless with all the goodies your received. Some beautiful things there for sure! I look forward to seeing you use some of what you've received in your creations in the future...... By the third Anniversary may i please have all my 'stuff' unpacked and i'll be ready to participate in all the fun. I'm so glad you shared all this on Tday! Hugs! deb

Linda Kunsman said... 4

thank you for sharing all those truly special gifts Elizabeth!! It must have felt like Christmas had come very early this year:) Well deserved for being such a great hostess here! Happy T day!

Carol said... 5

A lovely group of gifts indeed! Thanks for sharing with us :)

Karla B said... 6

Isn't lovely to get gifts from good friends?I am glad you shared your beauties with us!

Valerie-Jael said... 7

Wow, you got lots of wonderful goodies, enjoy all those beautiful gifts, and have fun stroking and admiring and using them!Have a lovely T day, and enjoy your coffee! Hugs, Valerie

Dianne said... 8

This just makes me smile...a wonderful assortment of goodies for our dear Queen of Recycling and T Tuesday hostess! You deserve it all, and so glad you liked the ATC I sent. Just a small token of appreciation for your friendship and all of the things you share on your blog! A wonderful few weeks of mail! hugs...♥

Viktoria Berg said... 9

These are amazing - I am particularly enamoured with that little envelope. Before I attempt anything like this myself, however, I am going to have a go at making an altered book. I haven´t read through your entire course yet, but enough to know that it is an expression that will perfectly fit a project I have had in mind for some years. Hopefully, there will be some long, cold weekends this winter for me to sink my teeth into it!

Happy T-Day!

johanna said... 10

you were spoilt, and you deserve it!! wonderful gifts to enjoy!

Lisca said... 11

Wow! Where do I start? What wonderful gifts! I love them all! What a treasure!
I love the little bag and isn't it nice of Chris to send you all those goodies.
Have a great Tuesday,

froebelsternchen said... 12

Fantastic gifts from the girls Elizabeth - they spoiled you!
Well deserved!
Thank you for sharing!
Happy T-Day !

dawn said... 13

WOW!! Such wonderful, beautiful gifts you received, shows how loved you are by many!! Thank you for sharing them with us, was worth the wait to see them. Each one is special and just right for you.

Happy T Day, not linking today as I take a breather this week from blogging each day. I will be here next week to link up though, YAY!

I did make a mandala after reading your post too, it was too windy but I managed a quick little one before it blew away.

My Sunday' pictures are posted, YAY, a full week done! Have a good day!

~*~Patty S said... 14

Good Morning Elizabeth ~ what fun to see that fine array of goodies.
You are indeed the hostess with the mostess :-)
Thank you for all you do and Happy last T Day of August.

Julia Dunnit said... 15

I simply dont have my act sufficiently together to participate but I hope to make time todo a bit of hopping! You've had some lovely pressies, and rightly so. Christine's alphabet stamps are going to come in handy, huh! Pictures of your yard are amax=zing, I dont know how you go on managing it's a lot of work. Had no idea it was so hot and humid with you still. DOnt worry about the garden, it will keep, leave it till its cool.

Darla said... 16

What fun to see your gifts, all so different and all so interesting. You must have been excited to open the mail. I join the others in thanking you for keeping the tea party going. I look forward to Tuesdays every week.


Halle said... 17

What a generous group of people. Lovely gifts! It was great talking to you yesterday. Even if my phone was a little crazy.

Dianne said... 18

Thanks Dear E for linking me up! I think it was after midnight when I linked to your current post, and fully intended to add myself to Mister Linky...but apparently got side-tracked along the way and just forgot! lol. I am so easily distracted...usually by pretty colors! thanks again!

Divers and Sundry said... 19

ooooo, pretties! What a delightful trip to the mailbox!

Krisha said... 20

Happy T-day E!!
Chris sends such super GREAT gifts. Your package was a lot like mine, aren't those napkins wonderful? I've been having fun using the new goodies she sent, and I KNOW you will really enjoy all the new stash.

Second morning of walking DONE!! Yahoo!!

pearshapedcrafting said... 21

Oh Elizabeth, what lovely ATC's you received! As others have said - you are a great hostess and I am happy to see you enjoying everything!! Chrisx

Rita said... 22

Oh wow! A ton of pretty things from some sweet ladies!!
Very happy T-Day to you! :)

Ariel said... 23

Sorry for my late visit. You did get some beautiful anniversary gifts. These cards look gorgeous. I'm seeing a music stencil for the first time. Enjoy creating with these lovely goodies my friend
Thank you so much for visiting my posts. Last week was quite hectic but I loved doing WITL.
Have a wonderful week Elizabeth

Caterina Giglio said... 24

what beautiful presents and sweet generosity, and my my my your garden does grow! bella! x

Anonymous said... 25

Sweet, sweet. I recognized Patty's right away. Nice ATC's too. Great haul. xox