Today I'm joining Rinda Ontiveros at
Gallo Origanico during her annual summer scavenger hunt. Last year was my first, because I'd never had a camera good enough to take photos before. But I simply love this challenge, especially now that I have a camera where the images are actually visible and legible.
For my first entry, I have the easy ones: the ones I could get without too much trouble.
1. A bouquet of flowers:

I found these while grocery shopping.
3. Person walking a dog (or other animal):

I watched this guy walk past my house, then had forethought to grab my camera and get a picture of him and his little dog.
5. Architectural columns:

I took this photo from the side of the building because the street in front was very, very busy. The columns are even more impressive from the front, but I wasn't about to risk life and limb for a photo. After all, I thought this view was pretty spectacular.
6. A metal bridge:

My friend and I drove by our new airport and I shot this thinking it looked like a bridge that went nowhere.

Then I found this metal bridge, which actually DID go somewhere.
7. A turtle:

Originally I turned these three photos into a mosaic, but the mosaic was so low-res, I decided to show all three photos of the turtle as s/he began to hide right in front of my camera.
11. A cell tower or a TV satellite dish:

At one of the local TV stations, I got both satellite dishes and towers.
12. A public restroom, bath room, or toilet:

While at a restaurant, I took this photo. Not the prettiest restroom in town, but convenient.
14. A traffic signal:

This was probably the easiest of all the photos. Note I got not ONE set of traffic lights, but an entire bank of them down a busy street.
15. A flag pole with at least three flags on it:

I completely misread this prompt. I thought it was to find at least three flag poles, which is what I found. I even looked far and wide for this one, too.
16. A panoramic view while taken someplace high in the air.

First of all, I live in Kansas, where you can actually see the declination of the earth if standing on a mound. So to say Kansas is flat is like saying a bear hibernates. Second, I'm deathly afraid of heights, and don't like to be anywhere high. This was as high as I was willing to get, which is on a bridge overlooking this koi pond. And it looks rather panoramic to me, at least when I use my imagination and hold onto the rail.
17. At least two people wearing matching uniforms:

While at a local restaurant, I noticed all the wait staff were dressed alike. So I took a photo where two were dressed the same.
19. A ticket booth:

While at the zoo, I took two photos of the ticket booths. However, when I put them together,

the photos were cut off and were quite low-res.

I decided to show them as I thought they should be shown.
20. A natural body of water:

One of the rivers near my house was high when I visited and took these two photos.

I headed toward the bank and shot photos of the wildlife around the river. I was quite pleased and decided to use two photos for this prompt.
These were the easy photos. Now for the ones I may or may not be able to find! Thanks for joining me on this summertime photographic adventure.
25 thoughtful remarks:
Wow.. great photos! Thank you for sharing E.! It's super to be with you on this summertime photographic adventure!
WOW, Elizabeth! These photos are amazing! I love the idea of a scavenger hunt for photos!!! I would have a lot of trouble even with the "easy" ones! We have no metal bridges in our area and I would have to go to a zoo to photograph a turtle! I love all of your photos but I think my favorite is the one with the reflection(#16)! So clever and creative, and very beautiful!
What fun your photos are!
That turtle!
And your columns pic is brilliant.
I am falling down on the job with the scavenger hunt so far this year.
You are doing great E!!!
This sounds like a fun challenge! I got a kick out of your Kansas-is-flat description. Here in Memphis, we'd be taking an elevator to the top of a building and looking out a window. Not as flat as Kansas, but still lol
such a clever idea to do a scavenger hunt with your camera! they're all fun, and keeping you busy and out of 'trouble!' at least let's hope so...(grin!)
Wow, that's one labour intensive challenge you've joined! But photos are fabulous and I like your choices. My favourites are the bouquet and the bridge going nowhere :D
Many thanks for your recent comments on Wee Man's blog post. He is very happy that you enjoyed them. I explained vicarious to him and he thinks it's a fancy word, lol. Have a great weekend Elizabeth :D
Well that looked easy. Enormous turtle, they are so ancient I love seeng them. I do like your airport's glass like light box look. Wonderful row of architectural columns. Xox
These are really great Elizabeth! I love the angle you took the column photo. Very cool! This is such a fun challenge!!
Super photos Elizabeth, mighty huge turtles there! Love your second bridge and your thoughts on being up high, great pond. BJ
Hi Elizabeth, just have to say that I Googled "Merry-Go-Round" as we do call the park ones merry-go-rounds here in the UK as well as roundabouts and sure enough amongst all the images of the traditional carousels Google does include one or two like my first photo. Just thought I ought to clear that up - LOL BJ
Great pictures. I like the one of the turtle.
Massive tortoise - and lucky to get a mast and satellite dishes both in the one snap! Brilliant!
Great photos; I especially love the one of the architectural columns. I was born in Kansas, and can certainly appreciate the difficulty of finding someplace high up to take a panorama.
That is one big turtle! Great shots.
You've done very well!!! Wow! Have a wonderful weekend!
I'm struggling with the flags too! Great photos, good luck finding the rest.
Just LOVE your photo of the columns!
Great job on the hunt - love the river and ducks!
Well done on making such a brilliant start - I saw the list and took it with me to France - still to link with the ones I took -and still a few to search for! Love the zoo pics! Chrisx
Great job capturing these "easy" ones. I didn't get anyone walking a day or other animal this month because it's just too hot here in Texas right now. Everyone's walking them so early in the morning or so late in the evening that I'm not out & about! LOL I agree that the koi pond looks very panoramic!
You're doing great! I love that perspective on the columns and I appreciate your fear of heights. LOL.
Thanks for joining the link up.
Wow: that's quite a collection. I love the columns picture too: I'm pretty sure I haven't seen another one with that kind of an angle. Very clever!
You are doing well I too like the columns. It's not nice being afraid of heights so I don't blame you on that one
Great title - the easy ones! I think we all think that when Rinda reveals the list each year, which ones are easy, difficult or will need some luck. You've taken some lovely photos, I especially like the columns, it's a more interesting perspective than taking the picture from in front. Well done with the turtle, I think that will be one of my hardest finds this year.
This is super!! Love the panoramic view and the bridges...but tortoise size is GIGANTIC.
I joined in this time around and posted my finds. If you'd care to stop by for a visit, I'd love your company!!
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