Monday, April 13, 2015

T Stands For Welcoming Tulips

My taxes are finished and my friend Kathy and I will be sharing birthday joy together on Tuesday.  Her birthday was the 11th and you all know when mine is (grin).

I got a little carried away today

with my photos of this recycled tea pot filled with tulips from my back yard.

I just loved how they looked through my viewfinder,

and realized that many T visitors get to see the dining portion of my living/dining area,

but seldom get to see the view from this side of the room.  I've picked these tulips to welcome my friend Kathy who, as I previously mentioned, will be joining me for a drink of her choosing, food, shopping, and gift exchanging Tuesday morning in my world.

So, what does your T Tuesday look like this week?  Are you sharing something you've read or seen relating to a favorite drink?  Are you sharing drink related art, whether it's digital, hybrid, or traditional?  Are you sharing a scrapbook layout, or maybe a spread in an altered book?  Did you prefer, as I did this week, to let your photos do the talking?   Or were you out and about, sharing a drink along the way?  Regardless, please join us by linking below.  Bleubeard and I always welcome new, as well as long time visitors, and hope to make you feel at home.  Squiggles has not yet learned the fine art of entertaining, but I'm working on it (grin).

This is Day 14 of 22, and I recycled a broken tea pot and turned it into a welcoming vase of tulips that will greet my friend Kathy when she arrives.  BTW, if you could post early (those of you in the US because it's already Tuesday in other parts of the world), I will be able to visit.  Otherwise, it could be very late Tuesday my time before I'm able to join you for T this week.

26 thoughtful remarks:

Bridget Larsen said... 1

What a beautiful view of your lounge room, and that yellow is a bright view of contrast.
Bridget #1

TwinkleToes2day said... 2

Happy T Day Elizabeth. And what a bright and cheery post to greet us with those beautiful tulips and the stunning 'vase'. What a fine colour it is too.
Have a wonderful day with Kathy {{Hugs}}

Krisha said... 3

LOVE the new view this week and the tulips are just gorgeous!!

Happy T-day

Linda Kunsman said... 4

What a lovely warm and welcoming area Elizabeth! Love that sunshine yellow pot of colorful tulips. Have a great day with your friend-and a very happy, happy birthday to you both!

Ohhh Snap said... 5

Happy Birthday! Tulips are my favorite favorite flower ... ahh internet where were you in 1983 when I was off to the Netherlands to see what I could see about the Tulipmania lol. Your home is lovely! And I spy the rocking horse : ).

Ohhh Snap said... 6

Make that 1978. Time, is almost as tricksy at blogger lol

dawn said... 7

Happy almost T Day! What gorgeous tulips you have and the pitcher is perfect for them. Lovely view of your living/dining space too, lots to see and admire. Looks like some sunshine outside too, YAY! I'm linking up with my Easter pictures since I missed last week.
It was a gorgeous sunny day here today then about 5 the rain and wind came for a couple hours. Just having that day of 70's and sunshine made me happy though, I needed it so much.
Have a wonderful birthday get together tomorrow! I will be having a girl day with my mom/sisters on your birthday.
Hope all is well with you. Have a great week.

Rebeca Trevino said... 8

the tulips are spectacular.
happy birthday to you and friend Kathy. have fun tomorrow.
i have to work at the gallery tomorrow. but that can be fun too, i suppose.

Helen said... 9

the tulips are gorgeous and a nice view of the room we don't normally get to see. Have a great day.

froebelsternchen said... 10

Fab view today -loce your living room- as you know! And the tulips are just gorgeous in this tea-pot Elizabeth!

Happy T-Day!

Darla said... 11

The tulips look so pretty in that bright yellow tea pot. I enjoyed a peek at your room as well.


Ohhh Snap said... 12

I'm not sure how I missed all the other rocking horses lol.

Divers and Sundry said... 13

What pretty tulips. And that yellow teapot! We're having gray skies and rain today, so your photos say, "Happy Spring!" to me :) Thx!

Divers and Sundry said... 14

I'm getting a malware message on krishaskeepsakes and can't get through to post. Is that happening to anyone else?

johanna said... 15

enjoy a wonderful day, elizabeth! the teapot is perfect for the tulips, and so spring promising.
happy - xox

Halle said... 16

BAH! My other comment got deleted when I tried to log in thru wordpress. Grr. Anyway to summarize...Love the tulips. :)

~*~Patty S said... 17

Your tulips in that lovely tea pot are just perfect as they grace your pretty dining room.
All of that beautiful wood (oak I am guessing?)and special trimmings make for a lovely and inviting scene.
Happy T Day to ya...
I am still on my Turks & Caicos vacation for T today ;-)
p.s. my tulips are not out yet but we did make it downtown to visit the cherry blossoms at the Tidal Basin...ahhh Spring!

Sami said... 18

Happy birthday Elizabeth to you and your friend.
Love the tulips, they are such bright and happy flowers!

Dianne said... 19

oh, those tulips are gorgeous! and love all the candles and varied candlesticks in the room also...looks quite festive for your get-together! have a wonderful time and tell Kathy 'hello' from me. I believe we were in swaps together long ago...I think I have some of her art work. happy Spring, and T day! ♥

Anonymous said... 20

Happy Birthday. A perfect Spring day here after a shower. Hope your's is as lovely. Enjoy those tulips. xox

Ariel said... 21

Happy birthday dear Elizabeth Love how you have arranged your room. Your recycled yellow tea pot looks beautiful and of course the tulips are gorgeous. Everything speaks of Spring here.

pearshapedcrafting said... 22

Oh those gorgeous daffodils! Hope you have had a wonderful day! I'm guessing that lunch will just about be over by now! I must apologise for the 'double booking'! I had intended a separate post but got stuck in traffic jam on the way home from picking up GD from school so edited this morning's TIOT post! Hope you don't think me ill-mannered! Great to see your room from a different angle! I do love those burgundy candles! Hugs Chrisxx Oops! Have to go and further edit forgot to add my other pic!!!

Rita said... 23

Have fun, you two birthday gals!!
Happy T-Day!! Love the tulips in the yellow teapot. :)

Carol said... 24

Love your tulips and your home! I'm running late today. Our computer service was screwy last night and slow today . Of course on a day I am loading a ton of photos it's slow :(

massofhair said... 25

Oh dear looks like i missed your Birthday Elizabeth, belated greetings and i hope you enjoyed your day!

Love the upcycled vase and your tulips are wonderful, can see why you enjoyed taking pictures of them :-) xxx

Craftymoose Crafts said... 26

Pitcher perfect tulips! (sorry for the short comment, but I have a lot of catching up to do!--very trying week)