Monday, March 23, 2015

T Stands for Side Pockets (and a bit of Wichita State pride)

Recently Sally and I visited Side Pockets, another restaurant and sports bar.  This one is in a strip mall and features pool and billiards. 

Somehow I knew it was a sports bar

without even seeing the sign.

This photo is deceiving (and Sally is out of focus) because it was very, very dark in the place.  Sally wanted to sit at one of the tables with the high chairs, but I don't like height, and went looking for a better spot.

I picked the tables with the cozy chairs, but they were hard to move once you sat in them.

We ended up sitting in the chairs and pulling the table toward us after we had sat down.  The table was much lighter than the chairs!

Although this place was nearly empty the day we visited, I bet it was jumping Sunday afternoon when the Wichita State Shockers (WSU WuShocks) played Kansas University (KU Jayhawks) in an NCAA match that was not even close.  WSU was in the spotlight when they played KU in a game televised on CBS Sunday afternoon.  Seventh ranked WSU won over number two ranked KU 78-65.  For those of you who are NOT basketball fans, it was the first time these two Kansas teams have played in the playoffs since 1982.   For those of you who live in countries other than the US, I apologize, but my (final) alma mater pride is definitely showing.  Although I don't normally watch college basketball, this game made me extremely happy to be a Wichita State alumnus.

But now it's time to get back to T.

You don't need to ask, because our drink of choice was water.  Sally even gave me her lemon, so I had a double lemon water (grin).

I looked far and wide, and if I wanted to only get a basket of french fries, that was about the ONLY vegetarian offering on the menu, except a few appetizers.  

Sally got a hamburger and fries of some kind, and I got the chicken fried chicken.  It was either that, or go hungry.

While we waited, I showed Sally that we were entitled to a free game of pool with our lunch, but she was not interested in playing a game of pool while we waited on our food.

Instead, we waited and talked for what seemed like forever for our food to arrive.  Needless to say, she was far happier with her meal than I was with mine.  In fact, I brought most of mine home (minus the mashed potatoes, veggies, and toast, where the chicken fried chicken languished in the fridge for several days.  Sad, but true.

Now it's time to tell your tale for this T on Tuesday.  Were you out and about, or did you stay in and enjoy something hot (in the northern hemisphere) or cold (in the southern hemisphere)?  Maybe you chose to share some drink related art, or photos.  Maybe you created a scrapbook page, or worked in a journal or altered book, and are sharing either a traditional, hybrid, or digital piece with us.  Maybe you just grabbed a cup of water and shared your day with us, or found a video that involved tea or coffee or some other drink of choice.  Whatever the case, please link below, so we can visit.  Bleubeard wants to remind you that photos do not have to be taken on Tuesday, or even this month, if you choose.

20 thoughtful remarks:

Craftymoose Crafts said... 1

From the sound of it, you won't be visiting this place again anytime soon! Maybe that is why it was so empty.

Local rivalries are always exciting games--especially when your team wins!

jinxxxygirl said... 2

That's 'Poor Man's Lemonade' Elizabeth. :) and i have it quite often..even ask for extra lemons AND i'am not beyond adding a little equal to sweeten it up... Yum... Sports bars may not be a good place for you and Sally to eat if you don't plan on eating meat... :) I so would have played that free game of pool with you and i haven't played in YEARS but it would have been fun and it was FREE!!! Happy Tday Elizabeth!! Hugs! deb

Bridget Larsen said... 3

Well that is a dump of a place if you ask me. Vegetarians dont get catered for much i notice
Bridget #3

Linda Kunsman said... 4

I'm thinking you need to ditch any sports bars for awhile at least:) Since I'm picky and expect to have good food if I'm eating out I usually go to places where it is known to be good and have a variety of foods-including vegetarian. Hopefully next week has a great meal in store for you! Happy T day!

AiyanaKalyna said... 5

I am sorry you didn't get a good meal. Sports Bars are the worst for vegetarians. I don't go to them either. I was a Kansas girl. I saw that Wichita won. I was excited too. I am a KU fan all the way even though I live in the next state and KU's biggest rival. I am like who cares KU all the way. I don't even watch basketball. March Madness all I am screaming is KU! :)

froebelsternchen said... 6

You should definitly make no more visits at!
Happy T-DAy Elizabeth!
hugs to the boys!

TwinkleToes2day said... 7

Oh dear, what a shame your meal was so disappointing. I wouldn't go there again if I were you. I find it quite strange that there are still laces without at least a few vegetarian dishes on offer. Even Mac and cheeses is easy enough to prepare.
I haven't played pool in......oh so many years, (not available round here), so I sure would have played with you, it's a good fun game.
I may not be able to join you for tea today, but regardless, have a Happy T Day {{Hugs}} :o))

Darla said... 8

Disappointing. Just a look at the outside would have been enough for me to go elsewhere. You and Sally are very adventuresome!


Halle said... 9

You know me...not a basketball fan. It is fun to watch a hometown team win though. :)
Too bad about the food at that place. I guess they expect that the people will be having adult beverages and won't notice the food. ;)

Krisha said... 10

Yep, you and Sally should avoid the sports bars for meals, you'd be better off going to McDonalds (yuck) I'm not vegan, but I am very picky about which ones I eat in.

Now, I would have played pool while waiting, even if I had to just practice by myself......LOL Never skip the "free" stuff.....grin!
Happy T-day

Ariel said... 11

I am not a sports fan and would never choose such a place to dine but I know my husband would love to go here-:)
Have a wonderful week

Dianne said... 12

Hey, it's ok to be a fan of your school!! Maybe everybody else gets sick of hearing about Ohio State, but I don't--though they certainly didn't do all that well in basketball! Always fun to see your latest lunch outing. I'm really surprised they didn't have a veggie burger available. I had one recently and it was delicious. Sounds like you made the best of things though...happy T day dear. today I'm a bit late getting to the party. :)

Divers and Sundry said... 13

I see quesadillas on that menu! I know what I'd have.

University of Memphis didn't get to go this year, but Kentucky did, so I'm filled with apathy about the event. I'd watch people play pool, though :)

Carol said... 14

Running really late today with my visit. Just one of those chilly slow moving days here :) My youngest loves to go to Side Pockets all of the time.

Anonymous said... 15

Nothing more refreshing than lemon water and it feels elegant somehow. Can't kitties have chicken? My dogs would have gladly taken it right off your plate. xox

Lorraine said... 16

love the diner..who is the nice looking man under the music that inspires me to the right here..always intrigued

Rita said... 17

I like lemon water. If it ever warms up up here again... lol!
Those tables and chairs look nice, but they sure sounded hard to move! Must have to be a football player or something, eh?
Happy T-Day!! :)

pearshapedcrafting said... 18

Sorry I'm too late for tea! I don't think I would have found anything on the menu - I agree with others here - don't visit any more Sports bars for a while! In England we can usually find a good lunch at some Garden Centres - I will have to remember, when we go, to photograph the menus! Glad you enjoyed the basketball! Hope the History project is moving on a pace!! Hugs, Chrisx

Caterina Giglio said... 19

I would have chosen the cushy chairs too... but sadly I couldn't find anything on the menu to eat being a celiac... :( but it looks alike a wonderful tea day..x

Dreaming of Vintage said... 20

Sports bars or so iffy. That's probably why sports bars are always on that show "Bar Rescue" on Spike TV. I'm not a big basketball fan, BUT I just so happen to catch that game, because the sports fan husband was watching it. Congratulations on that win!