Monday, March 30, 2015

T Stands For not a sports bar!

A few days ago, my friend Sally and I went to lunch.  I needed more adhesive and the restaurant we decided on was on the way.

You can tell from the sign this is NOT a sports bar!

The parking lot was full, but I remembered to take a photo of the side of the building,

as well as the front.  It doesn't take a psychic to tell this is a restaurant that serves Mexican food.

Our drink of choice this T Tuesday was once again water, mine with lemon, Sally's plain.

I had Chiles Rellenos, while Sally had a combination plate with various items.  I was a bit disappointed that the egg batter mixture looked flat and greasy, rather than fluffy.  However, there were no seeds in the peppers, which I appreciated.

Needless to say, I ate every bit of the food on my plate, except for the chili pepper stems.  I admit the chilies were quite greasy, but the beans and rice more than made up for it.

For dessert, I had some ice.  In the form of hail, that is.  This is what happened a few minutes after returning home.  Bleubeard headed to the basement, where he goes when there's bad weather, but Squiggles had to look out the window to see what was happening.

So what's on your menu this last T in March?  Were you out and about, making digital, hybrid, or traditional art in your journal or altered book?  Or did you share a familiar drink, favorite cup or mug, or show something from years gone by?  Whatever the case, be sure to link below so Bleubeard, Squiggles, and I, along with the rest of the T Stands for Tuesday gang, can visit you.

I would also be remiss if I didn't mention that it's nearly time for you to choose your Second Look on the 2nd.  And please don't forget that I'll be by each day beginning April 1 (this year it will be at midnight CDT [see my right sidebar for time differences in your country]) with a post on recycling, reusing, or repurposing leading up to Earth Day, or bEARTHday in my world. 

22 thoughtful remarks:

Bridget Larsen said... 1

That looks like a yummy Mexican meal, we dont have nice Mexican restaurants here. I love Mexican food.

There is something about American suburbs that I love, not sure if its the foliage or the wid streets, I definitely love the stucco on the buildings.

Of course I adore your post boxes.

jinxxxygirl said... 2

Boy Bleubeard knows where to go huh?! Your meal looked delish this week Elizabeth! Hugs! deb

pearshapedcrafting said... 3

Oh no I haven't!!! This looks way better than last weeks m'dear! Don't think I'd cope with all that chilli though! Love the picture from your porch - I see the sun was trying to shine! What are the bulbs growing there - please do show when they flower! This will look so different! Off to bed now - nearly midnight! May join you tomorrow! Hugs, Chrisx

TwinkleToes2day said... 4

Your meal looks very tasty and most satisfying, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Your porch photo is lovely, the colours are quite bright and despite the hail I think it looks quite cheery and Spring like.
Happy T Day :o))

Linda Kunsman said... 5

Well dear Elizabeth I am so glad you had such a good meal this week as to clean your plate!:) I'm OK about Mexican food and hubby won't go near it so it's been quite a long time since I've had it. I am fascinated by hail-but only so long as it is fairly small and doesn't do damage. Looks like you were OK with the size that fell. Wishing you a great weather rest of week. Happy T day!

Carol said... 6

Your meal looked fantastic...Haven't had a good Mexican meal in a while. That's a a lot of hail and I can't blame Bleubeard for heading south :)

froebelsternchen said... 7

This meal looks great! We have almost the same stupid weather here... gosh!
Happy T-Day Elizabeth!

dawn said... 8

Hello and Happy T Day! YAY for a nice lunch out with Sally. Yuck for the weather that came, much like ours has done earlier and now again this morning. We will still be pulling out our boots and winter coats this first week of April, sigh.

Excited for your birthday month, always fun to see what you will be making.

johanna said... 9

i love to see plates emptied like here!! you are happy to have a friend who is so often out for lunch with you!

Darla said... 10

Another fun outing for you and Sally. Mexican food is readily available in our area and we both like it. That looks like a good bit of hail - and that isn't so common here.


Divers and Sundry said... 11

I also enjoy Mexican food. We had a day this past week when there were snow flurries all day long but the temps never got below mid-30sF. Today we're expecting highs in the lower 70sF, I think with a chance of rain. Such fickle weather lol

Craftymoose Crafts said... 12

I'm glad this lunch turned out better than the previous ones at the sports bars. The food looks fresh and really good. I haven't had good mexican food around here although I hear from DD that there is a good place she knows in NYC, so maybe the next time we go down to visit.

Despite the hail, your yard looks way better than ours which is still nearly covered by snow!

Ariel said... 13

The pepper on your plate reminded me of a similar dish that we have in India and it is a tea time snack here-:)
Sorry to hear about the bad weather.
Hope you have a lovely week

Lorraine said... 14

delicious I have just had home made soup and apple cake..lovely comfort food on a very windy rainy day

Krisha said... 15

Like most areas of CA, Mexican food is on nearly every corner, some out standing and authentic, and some that is wellllll, never to be eaten again.

I'm looking forward to your bEARTHday month and all your recycling, always interesting.

Happy T-day

Dianne said... 16

Hail!?! yikes...we had sleet on Sunday evening...but no hail. wish this weather would make up its mind. oh, and Lots of strong winds...the Mexican food looks pretty good to me, I think I could easily join you if I lived in your neighborhood! Happy Spring my dear... enjoy your beverage of choice!

Halle said... 17

I love Mexican food!! Makes me want to pick some up for lunch!!
Your current AB is really taking over your life!!!! It's looking really great though.
What a bummer about the hail...hopefully it didn't do too much damage.

Halle said... 18

oh and thanks for the second look reminder.

Rita said... 19

Bleubeard is one smart cat!
I had birthday dinner and cake and Pepsi come to me on Saturday! What a treat. I still have cake in the frig. :) Happy T-Day!

Robin said... 20

Looks like you and Sally had a nice lunch. I have to agree with you that the chili rellenos didn't look that great. What you didn't tell us is if you only bought adhesive at the store or a few other things that caught your eye?

As for me this Tuesday, I am catching up visiting all my blogging friends in my very own home and then will start making an art space.

Please pop by if you have time and see my new home! Pet Bleubeard and Squiggles and a big hug to you!

Ohhh Snap said... 21

Yum Mexican food! I went for a walk, paid my taxes and tried out a new sandwich shop on the way home. Now I am sooooooooooo full lol.

massofhair said... 22

Love spicy food so your meals look yummy, much better than your last outings. Hope you got your adhesive too :-) xxx