Monday, March 16, 2015

T Stands For Luck of the Irish ---oops British

I got the most wonderful surprise in the mail this morning.  Look at all those wonderful postage stamps!  I can truly say that love came in a square envelope!

Some of you may have recognized the name of the sender.  Yes, it's the ever thoughtful Julia "Dunnit" of WOYWW fame.  She's definitely # 1 in my book.

EDIT: I covered my address and that of the lovely Mrs. Dunnit with a gorgeous ceramic tea bag holder given me by Annette (Voodoo Vixen).

Inside was this gorgeous little tea bag card and holder.  I was super impressed because it also matched my St. Patrick's Day table runner.  It couldn't have arrived at a better, more appropriate time.

When I opened the card, I was blown away by this tea.

And although I have been better for nearly a week, this put me over the top when it came to feeling better!

Julia asked me to sit and have a cuppa with her, so that's what I'm doing. 

Or getting ready to do, as soon as the tea steeps awhile

This tea has very special meaning to me, because I often visit another British friend Helen's photo blog.  She takes her readers to Kew Gardens and shows us what is in bloom while she's there.

This tea is nearly ready to drink.  All I need to do is remove the tea bag and I'll be ready to enjoy it.

So, is it the Luck of the Irish with you today, or are you celebrating T in a different way?  Will you share a drink, a visit out and about, or maybe some drink time related art?  Whatever you chose, as long as it applies to a drink, something holding a drink, or something drink related, please link below and we'll be by to visit.  We would LOVE to have you join us, too.  I almost forgot.  Unlike me today (for a change), your photos can be taken at any time, not just Tuesday.  And for those of you who have not yet been affected by the dreaded time change, this post may seem a bit earlier than normal, but it's right on time in my part of the world.

31 thoughtful remarks:

Ohhh Snap said... 1

That's quite a treasure you've received : D. Is it one of the ones she was painting a week or so ago? The tea is very fancy too! I've been fighting off a bug AND been insanely crafting (I think at this stage it's like fangirling but with crafting, so fancrafting?).

Ohhh Snap said... 2

Argh, I forgot to say thank you for visiting my blog Wednesday : ).

pearshapedcrafting said... 3

Hi Elizabeth! I'll be joining you late tomorrow - big day for me!!! Is it Tuesday already where you are? Don't know why I had always thought you were on later time than UK - I know nothing about the way the Earth turns - just that it's Spring starting on the 21st March!! Chrisx

pearshapedcrafting said... 4

Oooh! Forgot to say - hope you enjoyed your special tea! Great card from Julia! xx

TwinkleToes2day said... 5

What an extremely kind and thoughtful gift. The tea looked delicious; I enjoy Taylors coffee, so I'm guessing their tea is equally delicious. A person can't go far wrong with Spiced Apple I reckon. The card Julia sent is beautiful. I'm sure it all added up to a real tonic for you. I do hope you are better now anyway.
I must add that I think your table runner is beautiful.
((Hugs)) :o)

~*~Patty S said... 6

What lovely gifts and you showcased them so beautifully in your special post E!
Happy St Paddy's Day ♣
Happy T Day too ♥

Nancy said... 7

A lovely gift- so thoughtful.

Krisha said... 8

What a wonderful gift from the Queen Desker, herself! I do hope it DOES make you feel better.

I really like your colorful shamrock table runner.

Happy T-day

Helen said... 9

Hope the spiced apple tea was enjoyable - I am having my first cup of (proper!!) tea, of the day, at the computer before I get ready for work.. no photos, I'm in my dressing gown.. Hope to go back to Kew soon (did you see the pics from a couple of weeks ago?) so get the next teabag ready... Helen

Bridget Larsen said... 10

That is a nice card and love the tea, I also love your table runner.
Wonder if I caught the sick from you hee hee, have been down and out for the last two days now and not feeling much better today.
Bridget #4

froebelsternchen said... 11

Lovely present from Julia! Great!
Happy St Paddy's Day and happy T-Day Elizabeth - really hope you feel well again!

johanna said... 12

awesome post, gives a cozy Feeling... have a good day, elizabeth!

dawn said... 13

Hello Elizabeth, what a pretty card this is. I can almost smell the apple from the tea, yummy! What a nice surprise for you and perfect timed to share today.

Hope you are doing well and had some spring over the weekend.

Happy T Day!

Julia Dunnit said... 14

My word, Kathy is going to be THRILLED! You can see a pattern of self interest and despite the subjugation, the strength of women in British history. At the Tower of London there's a wonderful panelled room and each panel describes the life marriage and House of English's fascinating. And I would imagine, incredibly confusing for some..divided into houses and such.
Anyway, I came by for tea...I love your clover runner, how pretty that is. I hope you enjoy the tea..and I'm very glad that it found you feeling better!

Darla said... 15

Gifts in the mail are so much fun aren't they? The tea looks great and I'll bet it smells wonderful too.


Ohhh Snap said... 16

I wasn't reading clearly when I first posted, and assumed the teapot was part of it.

I got up early today, so I'm joining in the fun : D

Linda Kunsman said... 17

I do love that table runner Elizabeth. And how really lovely to have a special cuppa with a far away friend! Such thoughtful gifts-and pretty card. Today I'm heading out with a friend to an Irish pub and gift shop for lunch and tea. Will post about it next week. Happy T day!

Halle said... 18

Such wonderful blogging friends! Happy T Day!!

Dianne said... 19

what a lovely surprise for a St. Patrick's Day morning! Love that colorful table runner with shamrocks and rainbows! so glad you are feeling better too...♥

Divers and Sundry said... 20

Sweet! I'll bet that tea was tasty. Your shamrocks are a nice touch today :)

Dreaming of Vintage said... 21

What a nice surprise Elizabeth. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Carol said... 22

What a beautiful card and little gift from your friend. The Tea probably hit the spot :) Love the little tea bag rest too. The weather is cooler today here so hot tea sounds real good about now :)

jinxxxygirl said... 23

Elizabeth i LOVE that card she sent you! What a great idea to send someone some tea who is under the weather or for any reason at all. Happy happy T day to Elizabeth. I have had such great fun joining your Tea Party. Thank you so much for hosting. Hugs! deb

Lynn Holland said... 24

How nice to sit and have a lovely cuppa and a nice card to go with it. Far better than a biscuit xx

Rita said... 25

What a thoughtful gift and cute card and teabag holder. So glad to hear you are feeling better. I just heard Leah and Ian have colds again and Dagan will be dropping off the fabric tonight after work. I hope the spring warmth is your way, too, and will roast away all these illnesses people have had all winter. :)

Linda Kunsman said... 26

Oh dear Elizabeth thank you for your lovely comment today-AND for letting me know I didn't link. I actually did before I left for lunch but I guess it didn't take. I have just rectified that:)

pearshapedcrafting said... 27

Whoo! made it!! It's been a great day - except for grey skies! Thanks for time explanation - what a wally I am!!
Hugs, Chrisx

Anonymous said... 28

Look at all those glittering shamrocks there. Great tea post. xox

Ariel said... 29

Lovely gifts you have received Elizabeth. That tea bag holder and card are so cute.Your table runner looks beautiful.
Wish you a great week

Craftymoose Crafts said... 30

Happy belated T (and St. Patrick's)Day.It is simply amazing how many times I have obligations on a Tuesday that keep me from participating. This week I was busy both Monday and Tuesday which precluded me from even doing a post ahead had I been that organized. Sigh.

I love the color of the tea--do I see dyeing in its future? I enjoyed some hibiscus apple tea recently that was really good..not sure about the "spiced" nature of this one.

Hoping to at least get my APCs done this week.

ionabunny said... 31

Oh I love this cute little card with the tea to share inside. Hugz