Monday, March 2, 2015

T Stands For El Mexico

Last week just before we got the first four inches of snow, Sally and I went to eat at a new restaurant.  Not a new one in Wichita, but new to both of us.  The place was so busy, we had to park in the back lot.

I froze my tush off getting this photo of the sign and the front of the restaurant.

This is my only photo of any decorations inside, because the place was so busy, I couldn't believe it.  Between restaurant help and customers, I had to wait to get this shot, which I'm sure you'll agree was not ideal.

At least I got photos of both sides of the menu.  I wanted Chile Rellenos, but decided they were more than I wanted to spend for them, especially since they want to put that nasty chile verde sauce on them.  Sally got the Single Combination, of one taco, one tostada, and one cheese enchilada covered with chili con carne.

This side didn't interest me, though.

It actually didn't take me as long to make up my mind as it did Sally's.  I decided on the Jalisco Dinner, which included two cheese enchiladas covered in chile con queso, along with rice and beans.

Sally took her time, while munching down on chips and dip.  Note we are both drinking water, as usual. 

I added a bit of dipping sauce to my Spanish rice before I remembered to take a photo of my plate.

I was surprised how much food Sally got.  Who knew?  But I much preferred my vegetarian meal.

It's time to share your T post.  It can be anything that holds a drink, the drink itself, a photo of a drink or drink holder, or even digital, hybrid, or conventional art.  Just link below and Bleubeard, Squiggles, the T gang, and I will be by to visit.

21 thoughtful remarks:

jinxxxygirl said... 1

Wow those plates were full! You didn't say was the food good?? :) The melted cheese on your plate almost looks like Velveeta

Hubs and i haven't had good Mexican food since we moved to CA.... Maybe we can find some on the way to Arkansas??... Thanks for freezing your tushkie for the pic! :) Happy Tday ! Hugs! deb

massofhair said... 2

Hope the food was good Elizabeth! Great pictures of your day out, sorry you had to freeze to get your picture but definitely worth it:-) xxx

Robyn said... 3

I like mexican style food, and i am soon picky, it has to be really good to be worth the calories. I always get avocado too! You didn't say much about how you enjoyed the food- or sally!!!!

TwinkleToes2day said... 4

I must admit, I have never had Mexican food. Never had the chance and don't believe the pre-packed enchilada type things are authentic in any case.
Your menu looks varied enough for most people I guess and it's good to see you had a nice vegetarian choice.
The exterior photo is deceiving, the sunshine makes it look warm and cosy. I hope it didn't take you too long to warm up again.
Wee Man is joining us again this week Elizabeth ((hugs)) :o)

Bridget Larsen said... 5

I t doesnt look like it is freezing there with all that sunshine but I believe you LOL. Please show us a snow photo, we are in heat here, so hot and humid. Wish we had a decent Mexican restaurant, yours are so different as in taste and variety

Linda Kunsman said... 6

Oh my-those are huge plates of food!!! Not a big fan of Mexican cuz sadly all that heavy stuff would be the death of my stomach. Freezing here too... and more on the way:(:( Stay warm and a happy T day!

The Country Witch said... 7

Yuuuummmm - Mexican restaurants are few and far between in my neck of the woods!

You are also the winner of my giveaway (Blog Party) so if you shoot me through an email, I'll get those to you!

Krisha said... 8

How funny, we had Mexican food last night, and didn't even think to take a picture. I must say what you had did look good.

Happy T-day

Dianne said... 9

Hey, maybe I won't be last this week! The Mexican food looks delicious...we didn't have any while in Florida with my folks. (they don't care for Mexican) so now that I've seen your great pics, I think I'll have to make a trip to our local Mexican place. Yum! Hope you are staying warm...I am wearing lots of layers! lol!

froebelsternchen said... 10

Seems to be a good restaurant!
What you had looks very interesing would like to taste the yellow sauce!
Happy T-Day Elizabeth!

Vicki Miller said... 11

THe meals look huge! I went out to lunch with some friends last week and I think it will be the last time as it is quite obvious I can't eat out since my illness last year, as I was very ill. I just have to eat simple fare I'm afraid. But it does look yummy!

Darla said... 12

Great that you and Sally try new places. I like Mexican food but I'm pretty picky about it. I read the menu and see many uses of chili verde. Confusing to me since it is used where salsa verde is often used. Chili verde is a different thing and has meat in it in my experience.


pearshapedcrafting said... 13

These do look delicious Elizabeth but I fear too spicy for me! Hope you enjoy my pics!!! Big Hugs, Chrisx

Halle said... 14

That reminds me of the Authentic Mexican restaurant in our town. So yummy and so much food.

~*~Patty S said... 15

Nice for you and Sally to get out even if it was in the cold...the sun can be deceiving.
We had Mexican for dinner last night but it was carry out. Not being a meat eater or a fan of real spicey food limits me sometimes, but I never go hungry and looks like you didn't either ;-) Enchiladas are yummy and I really enjoy a good tamale too!
Happy T Day E

Craftymoose Crafts said... 16

The first thing that caught my eye was color-coordinated Sally with her hat and blouse!Secondly, for a single combo, that was a lot of food!

Hope you enjoyed it!

Nancy said... 17

That's a robust menu! No wonder it took some time to decide. And the servings are very generous. looks like a take-home bag might be needed.

Divers and Sundry said... 18

I'm always up for a new Mexican place, and y'all's plates look like a good ad for the food.Yummm :)

pearshapedcrafting said... 19

Hi Elizabeth, blogger has been playing games with me - I think I have the correct link now - phew! Hugs, Chrisx

Anonymous said... 20

Well I hope the quality was as good as the quantity. Hard to go wrong with rice and beans. xox

Ariel said... 21

Mexicanfood is one of my favorites. This looks delicious.
Hope Spring will visit you soon.