Monday, January 26, 2015

T Stands for Tea with WOYWWendy

Today I'm sharing a pot of tea with WOYWWendy, my Wednesday pal.

This is definitely Wendy sized tea services.  I'm not sure the cups will hold enough tea for me.

But Wendy is ready for a tea party, and I don't want to let her down, especially since an unexpected commitment keeps me from playing in WOYWW this week, something Wendy always looks forward to.  BTW, that's gold glitter on the table I can't seem to get rid of, no matter how many dust rags I use.

Of course, Wendy wanted me to show that every piece from both sets has the "Made In Japan" stamp on it.

Perhaps you saw I have now added a watermark to my blog photos.   Dear sweet, code happy Halle talked me through it last week.   I still can't figure out how to change colors or size, but I'm sure she'll walk me through it the next time she calls.  Don't expect this all the time, because my posts are usually very photo heavy and this added step takes lots of time.

Did you notice that Halle also coded the Second on the 2nd button?  She's a whiz at that.  She even did all the lettering on the button, too.  She's amazing and I can't begin to thank her enough for all the time she spent doing this for me.  I am grateful beyond belief.  So, show her your gratitude, then tell everyone about this event and be sure to find your own second post for the 2nd of February.  There'll be a link, too.

But now it's time to link your T post.  Share your art, mixed media, digital goodies, or perhaps a real cup of tea, coffee, or even milk.  We'll be by to join you.  After all, it's a reciprocity thing.

And to tease you a bit, I have an interview that you will want to see on Wednesday.  It's even with a member of our T group.

17 thoughtful remarks:

TwinkleToes2day said... 1

Adorably cute miniature tea set. I remember I got my daughter one with Winnie The Pooh designs on it, when she was a wee girl. We enjoyed many a tea party with it.
Come to think of it, Wee Man has a yellow mini tea set...hmm...I wonder if he could be persuaded to bring it out for next Tuesday...I think he probably will, especially when I tell him Elizabeth will be here. He said it was nice that you asked me to say Hi to him for you :D
Happy T Day Elizabeth and Wendy. :o))

ps - I am envious of peeps like Halle who can do code type stuff :o))

Linda Kunsman said... 2

darling tea set and I LOVE your art doll posing with it! Great font for your watermark. Once you begin doing it, it will become very easy-if I can do it so can anyone:) How nice of Halle to help you through it-I envy those with such techy talents. Wishing you a happy T day!

Krisha said... 3

This brings back memories. I had a tiny tea set like this when I was a kid, imagine what it would be worth now??
Happy T-da

Carol said... 4

Love that tea set ♥ My computer is really being persnickery today and I was beginning to think I wasn't going to be able to to post tonight. It finally straightened out.

froebelsternchen said... 5

What a sweet artdoll and lovely tea set.

Bridget Larsen said... 6

I almost thought it was a normal sized teaset as there was nothing 'normal' sized in the photo to compare it to. I cant see the gold glitter but I believe you, scrub harder next time LOL

dawn said... 7

Hello and Happy T Day! How adorable these tea sets are, I love miniature sets.
How nice of Halle to help you, great job Halle!!
I still have glitter on my table too, it's like needles from the tree and they just stick around for months after. I didn't notice till you pointed it out, too busy admiring the cute tea sets.
I will try and think of something for the 2nd, maybe older PL pages of my first year doing it. Not as much fun as a crafty project but I haven't shared them here before.
Take care and stay warm.

Darla said... 8

Darling tea set, just Wendy sized. You are learning new tricks with the photo's I see. Always good to learn something new.


Craftymoose Crafts said... 9

Perfect Wendy-sized cup of tea, but I am with you...I need a much larger cup! I noticed the watermark right away--it is nice to have tech savvy friends (Go Halle!)

I'm glad you gave the subtle reminder about the second look so this time perhaps I will not forget to join in!

Happy Tea Day!

~*~Patty S said... 10

Wendy and her tea set are precious. Those little pieces from Japan are real treasures.
Halle is a doll helping you out with the HTML code which is so far beyond me. I add my watermark using Pixlr Express and wish I knew how to add widgets with photos.
Happy T Day E

Divers and Sundry said... 11

what a sweet little tea set, perfect for Wendy. I think I'll need several refills on my cuppa :)

I've never seen the need to add watermarks to my photos.

Halle said... 12

Happy Tuesday!!
That Tea set is darling!! I had a tea set as a girl...I wanted to keep it nice so I never took it out of the box. Crazy! I'm sure it got donated to Goodwill at some point. "use the good stuff" is the motto that I've adopted. It's no good just sitting there collecting dust.

I'll call you again and walk you through changing the colors...super easy...really. :)

Anonymous said... 13

cute tea set..cant find the link to share today but here is my link

Rita said... 14

Okay--Blogger has gone bonkers today. Until now--almost 1pm central time--there was no comments or linking on your blog post. Blank on the bottom. I'd refresh ans refresh. Well, now things look normal.

Love the tiny tea set. I had an itty bitty porcelain one with roses on when I was little. :)

Try using a dryer sheet on the glitter. ;) Happy T-Day! I can now make the rounds.

Robyn said... 15

I do my best to visit anyone who visits me- and having trouble matching name son emails with the links on T4. Maybe folks could use their # like on WOYWW, or identify with their link name.

Eliza said... 16

I cant join in due to work and personal stuff that is happening but I do think of you all of Tuesdays. Yes I know it can be any day of the week.

Love the little tea set, so dainty I wanted one as a little girl and got something completely different, maybe I will share it one day.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda

pearshapedcrafting said... 17

I love your little teaset and Wendy of course - sorry I couldn't join you - meetings, appointments and trips out….oh and bit of crafty time of course - apologies!! Hugs, Chrisx