Monday, August 11, 2014

T Stands For Mulligans

Last Thursday my friend Sally and I went to lunch and we are taking you with us!  Of course, we had to get there first.  Sally kept insisting on going a certain way, when I thought we were really lost. 

We drove around this stretch Humvee limo three times and I finally captured a photo. As much as I like Sally, she proved the definition of insanity: where you do the same thing over and over, each time expecting a different outcome.

Granted, I'm the one who has NO cell phone, but I finally asked Sally if she had hers with her.  When she said yes, we found the phone number and she called Mulligans and got directions.  We were only about six blocks from the pub.

Obviously, it was our first time and the reason we went was because Sally had seen a good write up about the place.   Sadly, the write up didn't give any directions for how to get to the place.

Although we wasted nearly an hour looking for Mulligans, we were definitely there before closing time (a bit of humor to lighten the tale).

Although it was really dark inside, I still captured this sculpture of Marilyn Monroe.  I took several photos and every one of them had these circles.  I wasn't sure if it was my camera or the lighting in the pub.  Thankfully, those circles didn't appear again.

Sally was so frustrated after being lost for so long, she ordered a mixed drink.  I think it was a whiskey sour, but I could be wrong, since I'm not really a drinker.  She had it nearly gone by the time

I had photographed the menu.

Here she is on her second mixed drink.  She ordered it when we ordered our sandwiches.  I asked her if she thought she would be sober enough to drive, since she was downing these like she normally downs water.   Needless to say, my drink of choice was water.   I thought I might have to be the designated driver before the day was over.

Before our meals came, I got photos of the art over the table where we were seated,

as well as the murals

across the room.  I didn't get any photos of our sandwiches, though.  Sally had an Italian sub with potato chips and I had a veggie wrap with a side of spicy french fries that came with the most awesome basil pesto for dipping. 

Sally fell in love with her sandwich and even commented on how good her potato chips tasted.  I think a lot of that had to do with the two mixed drinks she had.  My wrap was tough, but the fries and pesto were out of this world.  Other than that, I wasn't terribly impressed with the place, except for the service, which was quite good.  Our meals were each $8.00 without tax and tip.  I have no idea how much Sally paid for her two drinks, but we each left a two dollar tip.

It's now time to share your T tale for the week.  It can be about anything drink related, from your best tea pot to your favorite plastic mug or fancy cup and saucer.  It could be art that is drink related, or photos that you have taken while out and about.  It might be of your garden, your favorite pet, a scrapbook page, or something you found on the internet.  The choice is yours, as long as you can relate it in some way to a drink.  And obviously, it doesn't have to be taken on Tuesday, but you must link it below, so Bleubeard, the loyal T crowd, and I can come visit.

23 thoughtful remarks:

pearshapedcrafting said... 1

Looks like great day out - you don't mention how you got home but I guess it was without incident!!! BTW a friend of mine would say that the circles are orbs - indicating a ghost's presence! Wishing I hadn't been so thirsty and hungry at the end of my walk and taken a photo at the cafe!!! Glad you enjoyed the pics, Hugs, Chrisx

dawn said... 2

Hello and Happy T Day!! I'm even the first to link up after weeks of not being able too, YAY!!

So nice that you two get these lunch outings, too bad it took so long getting there. Love all the pictures of art and Marilyn and the cool limo.

Sally's drinks gave me a chuckle, I'm not a drinker but that might make me want one too. I hate being lost.

Hope your weekend was good! Ours was perfect and beautiful and of course today the clouds and rain came and will stay for the 3 days, YUCK!!

Happy Tuesday!

Ohhh Snap said... 3

Looks like another grand day out : D. I've been reduced to coffee in the morning and water after that. No tea. Apparently it can contribute to kidney stones (stupid kidney stones!). I just haven't been ready to post about water yet lol.

Krisha said... 4

HOOOORAY for Sally, BY then she probably needed those adult beverages.......LOL

I was wondering it that Humvee was you ride......Grin.... I mean why not go to lunch in Redneck style???

I do so enjoy your T-day pictures... oh yes, adult beverages can make you feel better about being lost, among other things......

Happy T-day, give Bluebeard a squeeze for me!!!

froebelsternchen said... 5

What a great day you had there..fabulous!
Happy T-Day dear Elzabeth!

~*~Patty S said... 6

Looked like prom for a minute seeing your first "limo" photo LOL)
Driving around lost certainly can be frustrating...
Sally needed to unwind a bit!
Nice painted murals...
I bet that place is jumpin after dark.
You can tick off another new spot on your eating out list now :-)
Happy T Day

Jo Murray said... 7

You two are always eating out. I feel like I've had a tour of most of the restaurants in your area....thanks.

Darla said... 8

I enjoyed looking at the murals, looks like you and Sally found another interesting spot to have a meal.


Craftymoose Crafts said... 9

Another fun lunch even if the food did not quite live up to expectations. That's the fun of trying new places.

I don't think I've ever seen a stretch humvee, but I liked your definition of insanity!

I hope you made it home safely especially after Sally had two drinks before lunch even arrived!

Divers and Sundry said... 10

I think the circles are spotlights for Marilyn! The wall art is cute.

I'm glad you found the place. It's frustrating to be so close and not be able to find it. We usually map things out on the computer before we head out. Otherwise we'd wander so long we'd miss too many chances. lol

Linda Kunsman said... 11

glad to be back visiting again-I love going on your dining adventures with you and Sally! This looks like a fun pub with the murals and Marilyn statue and the prices of the food are really good. Glad you were able to find this place, photograph it, and enjoy. Happy T day!

Hettie said... 12

Shame you were disappointed with that place. It looks great.
I thought it was only men who didn't like to ask directions! I brought along a special mug for Bleubeard today.

Dianne said... 13

You find the coolest restaurants to go to eat! And I can totally identify with the being 'lost' part...except in my situation the streets weren't marked well with signs, and the on-line directions were incorrect. then when I stopped for directions, the person gave me wrong instructions...finally found my destination totally by accident (and not without many muttered complaints about not marking crossroads in little towns!)glad you found this place and took us along 'cause the decor is fun!

Halle said... 14

I think it's really funny that they felt the need to announce that "this is a drinking establishment" on the doors. Too funny.
Happy Tuesday!

jinxxxygirl said... 15

I might get in a vehicle with someone driving who has had one drink but never with someone driving who had two drinks.... Sounds like you two had a fabulous time even if the restaurant rating was a little mediocre... :) Hugs! deb

fairy thoughts said... 16

Hi elizabeth sounds like a fun lunch ..... And that is some car you spotted too

Ariel said... 17

I always love reading your 'restaurant' posts. That limo looks awesome.
Have a lovely week dear Elizabeth

Rita said... 18

Dagan and Leah tease me because whenever I am going to a new place I do google maps and make a printout. They use GPS on their phones. ;)

Seems like you guys did have a decent time in the end. Always enjoy your photos. :)

Nancy said... 19

great post, love Marilyn :) I've heard of the orb thing too, maybe it was Marilyn :)
You find the most interesting places :) Sally did look a little stressed--hope she enjoyed her drinks.

Nan G said... 20

I'd get lost too in that stretch hummvee. ;) You two find the most interesting places to have lunch. Have a good week E. Hugs to you and Bleubeard from all of us!

Carol said... 21

I'm very very late ...but I did show up :)

Cindy McMath said... 22

I always enjoy your road trips Elizabeth! I can't explain that effect on the Marilyn statue - I'm not much of a photographer - but I enjoyed seeing your pictures and reading about your day!

Julia Dunnit said... 23

I love this story! and I have to say that Sally isn't the only one to make the same mistake repeatedly.....I've been on several journies where the driver is utterly convinced that the location MUST be within sight of the original route! love the big old hummer in yellow...I thought for a minute that you we're going to end up telling us it was a hot dog stand or something!