Monday, August 18, 2014

T Stands For LeMonde

Last Friday I had lots of errands to run.  When I was finished, I stopped by and picked up my friend Sally.  By this time I was starving,

so we headed to LeMonde, a Mediterranean restaurant along what I call "restaurant row."   There are restaurants everywhere the eye can see along this stretch of road.

Sally graciously stopped for a photo while she held my purse, which is MUCH smaller than hers, I might add.

Not the best photo of their menu,

because the lighting was quite dark in the restaurant.

They are famous for their homemade biscuits, and they give one with each meal.   Unlike other places, if you want more than one, you must pay for it.  Sally has already downed hers and I'm in the process of doing the same.  At least I was before I remembered to take a photo.  I also managed to get photos of my water, and the ice left in Sally's glass.  She downed it as fast as she did her first mixed drink last week.  At least this time I wasn't worried I'd have to be the designated driver.

The meal we ordered still looks good.  It was a veggie plate with various salads and appetizers.  They were asking us to vote on their hummus being the best in town.  I asked Sally if she thought it was the best, and we both agreed we have had better.

The meal was good, despite not being the "best," and filled me up, but Sally was still hungry.  I asked if I could take her anywhere to get something to go, but she said she'd find something to eat at home.  Our meal was right at $7.00 each, without tip and tax.

On our way out the door, we saw a vignette that my friend Patty would call a shelfie.  She learned the word from one of her internet friends who takes photos of shelfies.  Of course, I was most impressed with the abstract painting.  I want to learn to paint like that.  That's the kind of art I think I could paint if I have enough practice.

Now it's your turn.  Show us your T post, regardless what it is.  Share your mug, cup, glass, teapot, art that looks like a mug, a scrapbook page, an altered book page, homemade tea, teabag art, time in your garden, a "shelfie," or whatever makes you happy, as long as you can relate it back to a drink.  Your photos don't have to be taken on Tuesday, but you must link below in order for Bleubeard, the T gang, and I to find and visit you.  And don't forget to wish Dawn a happy birthday, since her birthday is/was the 18th.

16 thoughtful remarks:

Divers and Sundry said... 1

I'll be back tomorrow to link up, but I just had to say how good that food looks! I enjoy trying out different types of food, and I would definitely try this place :)

TwinkleToes2day said... 2

I'm with D and S, that food does look good. I like a good veggie platter. I hope to be able to link up later and I also hope I'm not too tired in the morning after almost seven weeks of late mornings, hehe. It's a fine habit to get into, but a devil to get out of. I like to stay up late at night, so never to keen on early mornings ;)
You have been ever so busy whilst I've been away and doing various holiday activities with Wee Man. I love your herb garden and I never knew one could dry herbs in paper bags! Amazing. Do you keep them in there Elizabeth or do you put them in jars afterwards?
Ttfn ;)
Oh, ps - I love the coloured fabrics :D

froebelsternchen said... 3

The meal looks yummie ... and I like this painting too....
I love abstract art !

Have a great week Elizabeth!

Krisha said... 4

Yep, the food looks good, but I am not a hummus eater, don't like the texture of the stuff. Other than that I really enjoy Mediterranean foods. Sounds like Sally and I should have lunch together ......LOL

Of course you could do a painting like that!

Anonymous said... 5

I love that expression, shelfie! Go Sally. So great to have such a close friend to share your adventures in thr neighborhood. xox

Hettie said... 6

That food sure looks good, as I tuck into my home made salad that my Man fixed for me.
I love the term shelfie. I will have to try that!
I am sure you could paint any way you want to if you try! That from someone who is no good at painting! LOL!
Hugs and Happy Tuesday.

~*~Patty S said... 7

Nice picture of Sally and your meal looks really yummy to me. Biscuits are a treat...long long ago I used to be really good at making baking powder biscuits...TALL ones.

Nice shelfie ;-) and I think you should give that style of painting a whirl E!

Happy T Day...

Linda Kunsman said... 8

Now you REALLY have me wishing I could have that lunch in front of me to enjoy too-a perfect meal! I love taking pics of nice shelf displays-didn't know there was a name for them:) Like you, I also am drawn to and fascinated by abstract art. Happy T day!

Ariel said... 9

Elizabeth, all that food looks yummy. But I love the shelfie picture the best. I too love such abstract paintings. The color choice is so beautiful.
Have a lovely week

Darla said... 10

I really like the vignette. I am drawn to collections on shelves like that and of course find the abstract interesting. The red swinging door just sets it off.


Rita said... 11

That was a lot of variety on those plates! You guys really do make your way up and down restaurant row! Nice of you to take us with you. Happy T-Day! :)

Deborah Weber said... 12

Oh yum - what a delish-looking lunch. And now you've got me laughing at the term "shelfie" - I find that hilarious. Happy T-Day!

Dianne said... 13

I always enjoy your outings...and seeing the yummy food and the restaurant decor. Sorry I won't be able to join in the link party today, but hope to be back next week! have a great day! ♥

pearshapedcrafting said... 14

Now this does look good and seems a good price too! Love hummus - it's a special treat though as hubby hates it! Chrisx

dawn said... 15

Hello Elizabeth, happy day after T Day! What a crazy week again with the computer, drives me nuts! Rich actually picked up the monitor and turned it upside down and now it works a little bit better. Thought I would take advantage and say hello before it shuts down again.
Wish we lived closer so we could go out for lunch. I never go out and if I do it's just Subway.
I see your garden is doing well, I love seeing your pots all in group.
Rich and I did have wonderful birthdays and kids are off to school good too. Didn't know how many pictures would work or show up on my post from my phone so couldn't share the back to school pictures yet.
Not sure what I will do about linking up since it is hard to get back to everyone now.
Might just do regular posting and hope that you and anyone else will just visit me when they want.
I'm still doing the mug a day challenge on my phone, yesterday was polka-dots and I don't have any. Got creative and spread out my dotted cardstock and put my tea cup on it, lol. Today's prompt is "famous" not sure what I will do for that one.
It was nice to chat with you, hope to again SOON. HUGS!

Denise Price said... 16

That food looks great! I used to be a vegetarian, and I still love vegetarian food.

I don't have a T-Day post this week, but I thought I'd just pop by to say hi.